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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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3.5 million people protested Trump yestersay. More than the amount he lost the popular vote by.

I believe this is appropriate becsuse I kbow Adam and his family were protesting, also, so....

Trying to find another source, but...

Israel News Feed

BREAKING: President of the United States Donald Trump will announce tomorrow move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem - (Channel 2).


Trying to find another source, but...


Channel 2 cited an anonymous source as saying a member of the Trump administration would announce the highly controversial move on the President’s first full working day in office.

The news channel said it had received no confirmation of the claim and there has been no public statement on the move since Friday's inauguration of the new US President.
Does it actually matter?

Two state solution becomes (even) more difficult.

Becomes a recruiting tool for terrorists. Plus finding a way to fuck up the Iran deal and the Middle East becomes a mess.

I would say yes.

If Trump and Bibi are to have a phone call in an hour, it would make sense to announce it tomorrow.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't know if Americans actually support a two state solution. I think this is one of the Internet left issues. Clinton was super israelophilus and no one cares there either except for here when people were so mad during one of the primary debates.

Also, good luck, Chuck. I look forward to all the newfound appreciation for my no-constitutional-duty-to-confirm argument from last year.

I see a consistent drop in trust of the media for the past 20 years. Not sure why you want to give Trump credit for something that has been happening for a long time.

They even mention the biggest drop was among Republicans, who never really had that much trust to begin with other than Fox News or whatever right wing source they get information from. So if Trump's goal was to make his base not trust anyone but him, I guess he "won?" But I don't really think that would be that hard to accomplish nor do I think it's particularly useful for him going forward.
I don't know if Americans actually support a two state solution. I think this is one of the Internet left issues. Clinton was super israelophilus and no one cares there either except for here when people were so mad during one of the primary debates.

Two-state solution is what Israelis and Palestinians prefer, who cares what Americans think?
I don't know if Americans actually support a two state solution. I think this is one of the Internet left issues. Clinton was super israelophilus and no one cares there either except for here when people were so mad during one of the primary debates.

Americans will care when people die due to more terrorism around the world.


If it gives you any consolation, now that McCain and Graham have declared their voting intentions, the easiest way for Rubio to not look like a cuck would be to vote against Tillerson in the committee. And while he would still have the necessary votes in the senate, there will have to be a one week delay before it can vote.

Nope, he already "grilled" Tillerson. That's as much as he needs to not look like a weakling. He's not going to vote against who the rest of the party is voting for.

edit: I suspect Israel will tell the US not to move the embassy to Jerusalem now but that they think it's a great idea, to stall the move because they don't want to deal with the shitstorm that would follow and not have Trump lose face.


This is semantics, and nothing more
I see a consistent drop in trust of the media for the past 20 years.

Maybe that's what you see, but that's not what Gallup's poll results show. They show an average change from 1997 to 2015 of less than -1. 2015 to 2016 is -8.

Not sure why you want to give Trump credit for something that has been happening for a long time.

I'm not sure why you think I do, but I'd guess it's for the same reason you thought you saw a consistent drop in trust.
Maybe that's what you see, but that's not what Gallup's poll results show. They show an average change from 1997 to 2015 of less than -1. 2015 to 2016 is -8.

I'm not sure why you think I do, but I'd guess it's for the same reason you thought you saw a consistent drop in trust.

Maybe not 20 years, but the article itself clearly states that there is a clear drop in trust over the past 10 years.

You said "I'm left wondering who played whom," implying that Trump "played" the media with his "masterful ability to lead the media with little stories like this." Sure sounds like that's what you were saying!


This is semantics, and nothing more
Maybe not 20 years, but the article itself clearly states that there is a clear drop in trust over the past 10 years.

The average change between 2007 and 2015 was -0.75, which is still not consistent with a one-year -8 drop.

You said "I'm left wondering who played whom," implying that Trump "played" the media with his "masterful ability to lead the media with little stories like this." Sure sounds like that's what you were saying!

Yes, but you could be more forceful. It doesn't just "sound" like I said that. Those are direct quotes. I did say that.

But more to the point, you're the one who suggested we determine who played whom with a glorified dick-measuring competition. Trump's approval is in the low 40s. Trust in the media is in the low 30s. So by your proposed metric, Trump wins.
Meta, you voted for a manbaby and your party has fallen in line with a manbaby.

This is just pathetic wishcasting.

If Manchin votes no on Tillerson, then it is truly the case the worst Democrat now is better than the best Republican.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

Good... and let's hope they keep using that word and stick to using it long after Trump is gone when the need arises (assuming we are alive to see it).
Trump yesterday and every day in the last 18 months: "I want to commit war crimes and the biggest problem in Iraq is that we didn't commit enough war crimes."

Meta: Masterful


This article is a good explanation of the current predicament of our country.


This onus falls more on the Democrats than the Republican on this issue. If they can't figure a way to reconcile the urban states versus the rural states during the presidential primries, a Sanderseque candidate will again divide the Democratic party against itself.


After last year, it was silly to think that any Republican would fall out of step. The whole party is despicable.

The way Collins has acted at some of these hearings should show everyone that a "moderate" Republican is just as shitfaced as a conservative one.

None of them will go out of lockstep.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Meta, you voted for a manbaby

Here's your problem, duder: You don't listen to what people say when you're pretty sure you disagree with them politically. Instead, you filter them through an evil-supervillian construct in your brain, and then reply to the output from that construct. It's your coping mechanism for dealing with a real world that features an uncomfortable amount of nuance. Thus, abortion opponents don't care about unborn children, but just really hate sex. And that's also how you just know, deep down inside, that I am a Republican and voted for Trump, despite, you know, me openly stating that I didn't vote for many Republicans in 2014 and indicating that I would not be voting for Trump, since I don't like him, not to mention my numerous other criticisms of the man since at least last April.


This is just pathetic wishcasting.


Trump yesterday and every day in the last 18 months: "I want to commit war crimes and the biggest problem in Iraq is that we didn't commit enough war crimes."

Meta: Masterful


Remind me again: Who won the election?
After last year, it was silly to think that any Republican would fall out of step. The whole party is despicable.

THis is what I was saying. Barring massive public outcry (and probably a fair bit of violence), nothing is going to move the Republicans to do a single thing against Trump. You could see Trump's approval ratings drop below 20%, but that 20% is the most hardcore of the hardcore Republicans. They won't lift a finger against him. He controls their radicalized base, the only reason they have any power at all. He's their god for at least the next 4 years.


THis is what I was saying. Barring massive public outcry (and probably a fair bit of violence), nothing is going to move the Republicans to do a single thing against Trump. You could see Trump's approval ratings drop below 20%, but that 20% is the most hardcore of the hardcore Republicans. They won't lift a finger against him. He controls their radicalized base, the only reason they have any power at all. He's their god for at least the next 4 years.

A God Emperor even.
Here's your problem, duder: You don't listen to what people say when you're pretty sure you disagree with them politically. Instead, you filter them through an evil-supervillian construct in your brain, and then reply to the output from that construct. It's your coping mechanism for dealing with a real world that features an uncomfortable amount of nuance. Thus, abortion opponents don't care about unborn children, but just really hate sex. And that's also how you just know, deep down inside, that I am a Republican and voted for Trump, despite, you know, me openly stating that I didn't vote for many Republicans in 2014 and indicating that I would not be voting for Trump, since I don't like him, not to mention my numerous other criticisms of the man since at least last April.



Remind me again: Who won the election?

Richard Nixon's goons breaking into Watergate and Nixon recording all of his conversations was masterful because Nixon won the election by 20 points.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
LOL @ people thinking any Republicans were going to vote against any of Trump's nominees.They are the masters of pretending to act serious and outraged only to vote like standard Republicans every single time.
Okay two things.

1. You have to be a Republican to like Clarence Thomas because Clarence Thomas is a total piece of shit.

2. 90% of Republicans voted for Trump.

So, I put the probability you voted for Trump at 90%, Meta.
I feel like this has happened before wherein McCain said he was standing against X and then later caved and voted for it. I remember being all pissed off thinking he had a backbone at the time only to go against it.
I had some faith Tillerson might be the one to not get confirmed but all Republicans are evil pieces of shit and it's time to never expect anything from them.

There is literally nothing democrats can do. The only positive is that getting new legislation passed is 10x more difficult
Why wouldn't a party fall in line behind 99% of the cabinet appointees of their president? Only a drastic controversy would stop a cabinet appointee, or a vendetta (Rubio?). McCain and Graham do this all the time. Admittedly I kinda fell for it here. I'm not sure what Rubio is doing either.

I've got a lot of gripes with republicans, but then voting for a republican president's cabinet isn't one of them.
I had some faith Tillerson might be the one to not get confirmed but all Republicans are evil pieces of shit and it's time to never expect anything from them.

There is literally nothing democrats can do. The only positive is that getting new legislation passed is 10x more difficult

Tillerson goes through, they all go through
Why wouldn't a party fall in line behind 99% of the cabinet appointees of their president? Only a drastic controversy would stop a cabinet appointee, or a vendetta (Rubio?). McCain and Graham do this all the time. Admittedly I kinda fell for it here. I'm not sure what Rubio is doing either.

I've got a lot of gripes with republicans, but then voting for a republican president's cabinet isn't one of them.

McCain and Graham are single issue politicians and that single issue is neoconservativism.

Tillerson might be a stooge and is completely incompetent.

This is like is President Cory Booker decided to nominate an anti public schools dude (who was also really just not intelligent) for Secretary of Education and then Warren voted yes.

Or if President Booker decided to nominate a pro guns-in-school Secretary of Education and Chris Murphy voted to confirm that guy.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Okay two things.

1. You have to be a Republican to like Clarence Thomas because Clarence Thomas is a total piece of shit.

2. 90% of Republicans voted for Trump.

So, I put the probability you voted for Trump at 90%, Meta.

You silly thing. You're proving my point. I mean, just look at that last sentence. Rather than, you know, asking me if I voted for Trump (spoiler:
I didn't, and never would
), you come up with some fake probability based, ultimately, on your own hatred for people who don't think like you.
If the crowds reached the Washington Monument during Trump's speech, shouldn't it be relatively easy for Trump's people to find a photo of it and blast it everywhere? Regardless of the approval ratings of Trump and the media (and whether this strategy is "brilliant" by Trump), are we assuming that people's critical thinking skills are low enough to not recognize that Trump is clearly the one lying here if his people can't produce photographic proof of his claim?
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