Why would I lick a wound.
Without audio, Trump calling Comey over: https://twitter.com/richardhine/status/823275097909817344
I heard some channels I subscribed to on Youtube talking about a liberal/libertarian alliance recently. I've heard it a lot on TYT and Secular Talk for example.
I wanted to know what you guys opinions are on that.
I personally think its a really, really dangerous idea.
The only issues liberals and libertarian overlap is social issues.
Liberal believe in marriage equality, LGBTQ rights and a right to choose.
Libertarians, in my experience, don't. They just don't give a fuck and think that government should fuck off and as a result everyone can do whatever they want.
But thats not really the problem, the problem is that other than for social issues, liberal and libertarian goal are quite the opposite.
As a liberal I believe in fairness, meaning that the government should make sure that we all have equal opportunities. This make free universal healthcare, free quality education until University, a tight social net preventing homelessness and many more things necessary.
As a liberal I believe in big government. A big government for and by the people. Social democracy.
These things are the polar opposites of what libertarians believe.
I am sure many of you have seen this picture:
Its simplified but I think it illustrates the basic problem pretty good.
Whenever I encountered libertarians I heard insanely crude view about government and how evil it is. Weird concepts of freedom and equality.
Especially as a European, I just don't get this philosophy. It seems so misguided and misinformed and fearful and I think that very dangerous and I hope democrats don't make the mistake to try to cater to that crowd one bit.
Less government is exactly the wrong way to go for the US. Even if that sounds weird now with Trump and his autocratic antics at the top.
Why would I lick a wound.
Exactly. And the government benefits being apprenticeships flanks the anti-entitlement rhetoric. I know because during my campaign canvassing I found that whenever I found a voter who said they didn't like the government giving "handouts" I found lots of success responding with suggestion of apprenticeship programs.
I doubt that all of those Rust Belt voters are that stubborn that they would refuse a training program if it was literally brought to their local area.
Reaching across the aisle surely backstabbed us badly this election cycle.
This is why you don't appoint Republicans to important government positions. If Obama put a hardcore Dem in charge, we would not have a Trump presidency.
Lindsay Graham flushing away his political ideology because he's scared of Trump's Twitter account means that there are no good Republicans left.
I needed one last Republican to let me down before I called it, but yep, the party is diseased.
I believed in the basic goodness of his fellow man. That was his fundamental mistake.Obama's Pollyanna attitude in regard to bipartisanship is what led us to the abyss we're staring down today.
Obama's Pollyanna attitude in regard to bipartisanship is what led us to the abyss we're staring down today.
Trump sent Spicer out to give statement yesterday, a longtime Trump adviser says, but afterwards Trump said "he was terrible."
We need to trot out the patented NeoGAF "will save the" chalkboard graphic to track the sacrifical lamb press secretaries that get chewed up by the Trump machine and summarily replaced.I have no doubt that Spicer went out there and did exactly what Trump wanted him to do, exactly how Trump wanted him to do it.
Trump is throwing him under the bus now to stay "above the fray," but that was always the plan.
This is exactly what he does to every dumbass stupid enough to make the trip up Trump Tower, only to be made a clown by the time they make it back down. Trump looks magnanimous; you look like a damn fool.
I have no doubt that Spicer went out there and did exactly what Trump wanted him to do, exactly how Trump wanted him to do it.
Trump is throwing him under the bus now to stay "above the fray," but that was always the plan.
This is exactly what he does to every dumbass stupid enough to make the trip up Trump Tower, only to be made a clown by the time they make it back down. Trump looks magnanimous; you look like a damn fool.
No it isn't. They're the ones whining about a lack of class solidarity and lack of class focus while ignoring that white racism is the reason it's never existed over the course of the US's entire existence.This is ridiculous.
You know what areas are doing well economically in rust belt states?I doubt that all of those Rust Belt voters are that stubborn that they would refuse a training program if it was literally brought to their local area.
Sure, if they're there. The problem is that they vote against those programs (or candidates backing them) in favor of the old "I'll bring back your grandpa's job just for you!"
If we get the ability to do these things, do them (and then run later on their almost-certain success). But getting back in charge is hard when you won't sell fairy tales.
You know what areas are doing well economically in rust belt states?
College Towns.
The training itself can help prop up an economy was more my point.Doesn't this prove my point though that if you literally bring the training and jobs to them, they won't reject them?
I'm pretty disappointed Ellison did this. Surprised, really.
Again, not an ideological position. It's operational.
this chair position is becoming waaaay too visible.Again, not an ideological position. It's operational.
Treating this like running for a political position is an enormous mistake.
The Chair should be visible....this chair position is becoming waaaay too visible.
This is why you don't appoint Republicans to important government positions. If Obama put a hardcore Dem in charge, we would not have a Trump presidency.
Reaching across the aisle surely backstabbed us badly this election cycle.
I wonder what Dems are going to counter Trump's pro-america trade/economic policies with in 4 years. Or even 2.
It's going to be hard to argue that companies aren't moving jobs back here/he failed to do what he said/etc. if things keep moving the way they're moving with the auto/electronics manufacturers signalling that they'll be investing in the US, specifically in a lot of rust belt areas. Just from staying up to date on how companies are investing and positioning themselves, there seems to be a changing tide.
I guess they could always just not give Trump any credit. But that's not going to win anyone over.
Strange place to be in.
Linda is awesome (she's one of the co-chairs of the Women's March)
"How are Dems going to be able to do to counter Trump's anti-trade policies when they will probably lead to a meltdown of the international order when Trump will be willing to take credit for every random company that decides to make things in America."
Yep. Here's the closest details I could findTrump couldn't let this old man announce?
GREENE: President to president to president for six decades actually. A Nixon inaugural was especially memorable. At one point, the president waded on to Pennsylvania Avenue and word got out that he was signing autographs.
BROTMAN: And we're talking about thousands and thousands of people, and they would have crushed the president.
GREENE: The announcer quickly ad libbed.
BROTMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, the parade is over.
MARTIN: (Laughter) Brotman has memories of president after president, Republicans and Democrats, but this year, Brotman, now 89 years old, got an email informing him his services would no longer be needed.
BROTMAN: I wish I could tell you why.
GREENE: Well, Steve Ray, a broadcaster and Trump supporter will replace him. When Brotman first got this news, he was hurt. He says he's now over it. The Trump team offered him a new title - announcer chairman emeritus - and also a prime seat at the event. He turned down that seat and will instead join Washington's local NBC station as their special inaugural commentator. And don't forget that NPR and reporters from stations around the country will be live on Friday reporting on that inauguration. Listen live and watch a live fact-check on the inaugural address at npr.org. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.