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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Half of it will be about how terrible everything is, and the other half will be about how great everything is.

At some point, he's going to need to transition away from talking about how terrible everything is.

Because it stops being Obama's fault in like a month. At that point, everything bad is on his hands.


At some point, he's going to need to transition away from talking about how terrible everything is.

Because it stops being Obama's fault in like a month. At that point, everything bad is on his hands.

Nah, remember how the 2008 collapse was due to Jimmy Carter and 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault? Democrats will always be at fault for everything.


Nah, remember how the 2008 collapse was due to Jimmy Carter and 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault? Democrats will always be at fault for everything.

Well the financial crisis was partly caused by the repeal of Glass-Steagall which happened under Bill Clinton. But reasons for great events such as those you mentioned are rarely clear-cut and are often far more nuanced than what any one party mentions. I think our duty as citizens is to not fall into partisan finger-pointing and to hold all accountable for their mistakes.
Blaming the previous President never works, even when it's true. It sorta worked with regard to the 2008 recession because the financial underpinnings of the entire world became visibly unmoored during Bush's term. Obama still ate shit for the slow recovery.


Blaming the previous President never works, even when it's true. It sorta worked with regard to the 2008 recession because the financial underpinnings of the entire world became visibly unmoored during Bush's term. Obama still ate shit for the slow recovery.

The people who believe Obama caused problems were never going to support him or believe anything he said, anyway. When you still have people saying wages are stagnant, our economy is in the shitter, etc, and that it is Obama's fault they are so divorced from reality that trying to get them out of the bubble of stupid is impossible.


Everything about the Patient Freedom Act sounds like a worse Obamacare. A health savings account? Are they dead ass?
Yeah, I've said this before, but most Americans think that with control over the White House and Congress, the GOP should be able to do literally everything they want in the next 2 months. People don't give a shit about committees and all that.

Bill 1: Repeal ACA with replacement
Bill 2: Build fence
Bill 3: Bomb ISIS
Bill 4: Repeal NAFTA
Bill 5: Drop bank on bribing factories to open in rural areas
Bill 6: Lower taxes

Most people think the GOP is able to do all of that within an afternoon.


Thank god president trump didn't side with TPP. Not like


*vincent price laugh*

That's definitely what the internet has sounded like for a minute now.

Also, because we can't just be assholes to women in the US.
We have to make sure we're assholes to women across the globe.

Trump revives funding ban to groups promoting abortion overseas

The Mexico City policy has been instituted by every Republican president since Ronald Reagan and rescinded by Democratic presidents. It prohibits NGOs that receive federal funding — including health care providers or organizations — from providing or promoting abortion or from advocating for abortion laws abroad.

The policy was issued by executive order, just as it has been done by past Republican presidents, often within days of taking office. It comes on the heels of a sweeping order Trump signed Friday evening encouraging federal agencies to dismantle large parts of Obamacare.


California congressman:

Ted Lieu‏ @tedlieu

Was charged $2.99 for coffee listed at $2.59. That's why I have trust issues. Oh, and the fact that @seanspicer at #WhiteHouse makes shit up


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Everything about the Patient Freedom Act sounds like a worse Obamacare. A health savings account? Are they dead ass?

They have been pushing HSAs for years. It's a scam for rich people to avoid taxes. It screws over every lower- and middle-income person. Have kids? Good luck if two of them get sick at once.

I guess I'm happy they want to get this out of the way so the public will finally see what a disaster it is and will never support it again.


The Associated Press ‏@AP 17m17 minutes ago
BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry says its warplanes have flown first combat mission in Syria with U.S.-led coalition aircraft.

HSAs are such a scam. My parents have been dealing with them for a decade now, through several different companies.

First they took his great insurance away and said "oh, don't worry, we'll dump money into your HSA and cover any additional costs, you won't even notice the difference!"

And then the next year "Oh, we can't do that, but don't worry, we'll match you up to 10k!"

And then the next year "Oh, we can't do that anymore. Um... uhh... hey, HSAs are sweet! Choice! Freedom!"

And that's how my parents ended up paying for insurance they couldn't ever use.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm freaking out over the ambiguity of this stupid border tax stuff. Like practically all CPG companies we don't own factories we just use CMs in China. Is he going to slap us with another 30 fucking percent in import tariffs? That won't make us able to manufacture in the US dumbfuck it will just make us unable to go into retail and force us to keep doing direct sales


I'm freaking out over the ambiguity of this stupid border tax stuff. Like practically all CPG companies we don't own factories we just use CMs in China. Is he going to slap us with another 30 fucking percent in import tariffs? That won't make us able to manufacture in the US dumbfuck it will just make us unable to go into retail and force us to keep doing direct sales

The cost of Trump Suits just got higher.
Dems want to take out their frustration again and are requesting another hearing of DeVos.

lol, they hate this woman so much and want her to be humiliated again.

Then again, it's probably a bad signal for Trump that DeVos speaking in public is one of the best ways to humiliate Trump. Maybe he should pick someone else?


No Scrubs
Dems want to take out their frustration again and are requesting another hearing of DeVos.

lol, they hate this woman so much and want her to be humiliated again.

Then again, it's probably a bad signal for Trump that DeVos speaking in public is one of the best ways to humiliate Trump. Maybe he should pick someone else?

That's probably the goal. If they can't stop Tillerson they can at least humiliate DeVos until Trump is forced to pull her.
That's probably the goal. If they can't stop Tillerson they can at least humiliate DeVos until Trump is forced to pull her.

Trump ramming through these obvious scrub picks is soooo dumb. His cabinet is going to be humiliating him for years by failing over and over again and lowering his approval rating. Just pick someone conservative who actually knows what they're talking about and won't humiliate Trump on the national or international stage.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NYT Politics Verified account

Donald Trump to order defense chiefs to draft an ISIS plan, despite a promised secret plan


He didn't tell the truth about one thing.


Trump ramming through these obvious scrub picks is soooo dumb. They're going to be humiliating him for years and lowing his approval rating. Just pick someone conservative who actually knows what they're talking about and won't humiliate Trump on the national or international stage.

She bought admission to the show. Trump is all about screwing over the little people not those that can hurt him.
HSAs are a great example of the quintessential Republican approach to solving problems. Just assume everyone has an excess of money and that everything would be better if we paid less taxes.

The whole fucking point of Obamacare was to figure out how to provide health insurance coverage to everyone who didn't have enough money to pay for insurance. If the poor had money for healthcare we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.

HSAs should absolutely exist, but the idea was always for them to be a tertiary/supplemental support mechanism; the idea that they can or should serve as the core mechanism for healthcare delivery in this country is beyond laughable. The exact same goddamn thing happened with 401ks, they were supposed to supplement pensions, not replace them.


Can't wait to be on the hook for bombing some hospitals.
Those hospitals will be as legitimate as the huge crowds that showed up for Trump's inauguration.
In other words, an alternative fact will be presented that a hospital was a missile silo or an Al Qaeda training camp or some women trying to get abortions or something.

In other words, you can bomb indiscriminately. Go nuts. What's the worst that could happen?
Those hospitals will be as legitimate as the huge crowds that showed up for Trump's inauguration.
In other words, an alternative fact will be presented that a hospital was a missile silo or an Al Qaeda training camp or some women trying to get abortions or something.

To be fair, this is what Russia has said about all of the dozens of hospitals they've bombed. They're all Al-Qaeda training grounds and are being liberated by the bombs.

Flynn's phone was fucking tapped by the federal government and on the phone he was committing major crimes, how fucking stupid is this guy? If you're going to commit a crime in a conversation, have the fucking conversation in person.

The calls were captured by routine US eavesdropping targeting the Russian diplomats, according to the intelligence and law enforcement officials. But the officials said some of the content of the conversation raised enough potential concerns that investigators are still looking into the discussions, amid a broader concern about Russian intelligence-gathering activities in the United States.


Michael Flynn feels like that guy in The Wire season 4 who was part of the dog-fighting ring "what do I mean? Cocaine motherfucker!"
Trump starts at 45/45 JOB approval rating in Gallup.

This is different than this favorables, and also different from Obama where his favorables always usually outpaced his job approval.

Trump opens at 45-45 approve/disapprove split in Gallup. Better than some numbers on his transition, but they also are different questions

ya, I've argued here before that his approval could consistently outpace his favorability. "The LePage Effect"

45% approval in Gallup to start for Trump is weak historically but also not as gloomy as some pre-inaug polls suggested last week


FGC Waterboy
I see everyone's blind hate of TPP has them actually praising pulling out without thinking of the consequences

I didn't like TPP but Obama wasn't an idiot for going for it - it was probably one of our best plans to deal with China's looming economic threat.


Maybe China would be happy with Trump regarding the TPP.

Obama was right on the ball. Not happy with Bernie agreeing with Trump regarding trade. The left needs to learn.
We really need some discussion about how fucking stupid Michael Flynn is.

Who commits treason in a phone call to an obviously tapped phone? How stupid is this guy?
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