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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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The last sentence here has a little hypothesis that is generally understood without statement, but this assumes the dumb bill isn't the Speaker's in the first place.


Ryan's job was to write an Obamacare repeal bill that the GOP actually likes. He's been saying he's working on it for eight years.

In reality, no such bill could possibly exist. Which is why you're not supposed to just lie about all the stuff you want to do. If you accidentally win you might have to do the stuff you've been lying about.


Kills Photobucket


No Scrubs

Ryan's job was to write an Obamacare repeal bill that the GOP actually likes. He's been saying he's working on it for eight years.

In reality, no such bill could possibly exist. Which is why you're not supposed to just lie about all the stuff you want to do. If you accidentally win you might have to do the stuff you've been lying about.

It's hilarious how winning has exposed the deep divide between the tea party and the rest of the GOP in a way that losing never could.
This is all well and good.

But the next time a Democratic candidate running for some seat in some state gets a bit of national spotlight, and he doesn't use the attention to scream "FREE COLLEGE AND SINGLE PAYER!!!!!!", a certain someone needs to keep his fucking mouth closed. Because constantly seeing these kinds of statements levied against social issues and minority rights, but not at the Berniegenda is getting really fucking tired.

Yeah this.


Not-that-bold prediction: Democrats are hesitant to release their 2016 post-mortem because it points at racists turning out in large numbers to support their dream candidate and they know it'll cause a massive shitstorm.
I'm actually surprised by how mild the tweets are considering the content of Hilary's interview today. She outright trolled him on the popular vote loss. I thought he'd break out with the three million illegal votes nonsense again...


No Scrubs
Not-that-bold prediction: Democrats are hesitant to release their 2016 post-mortem because it points at racists turning out in large numbers to support their dream candidate and they know it'll cause a massive shitstorm.

That's 1000% what happened in Florida. There's literally nothing else they could possibly write in that section of the report.

I'm actually surprised by how mild the tweets are considering the content of Hilary's interview today. She outright trolled him on the popular vote loss. I thought he'd break out with the three million illegal votes nonsense again...

That'll be tonight at 3am
"Tulsi Gabbard: Future President of the United Staes"


The highlight:
After proposing the ”Stop Arming Terrorists Act" (H.R. 608), Tulsi took an unexpected trip to war-torn Syria where she met with citizens from around the country to get first hand accounts on what was happening, and her findings directly conflict with what the Western Media is portraying. She shared her findings on how the ”moderate rebels", such as the White Helmets Group that the U.S. funds and praises, are actually radical terrorists affiliated with or directly linked to Al Nusra, an extension of Al Qaeda. Knowing that she would receive criticism, Tulsi met with demonized Syrian President Bashar Al Assad to talk about achieving peace and stability in Syria once again. She showed that she is not afraid to take risks and to expose the truth, something very few members of congress have ever had the courage to do. Her experience in Syria motivated her to rightfully question the Idlib gas attacks, which were used to justify Trump's illegal missile strikes. Through her opposition to the war in Syria and other interventionist wars, Tulsi has solidified herself as one of the best foreign policy experts in the country.

*Vomits profusely*
I did notice his credentials in the header consist of "Amateur Journalist."

A girl I went to HS with posted it saying "pretty amazing woman" so I'm gonna have to comment on that.

Ryan's job was to write an Obamacare repeal bill that the GOP actually likes. He's been saying he's working on it for eight years.

In reality, no such bill could possibly exist. Which is why you're not supposed to just lie about all the stuff you want to do. If you accidentally win you might have to do the stuff you've been lying about.
Hence why Trump winning will be such a Pyrrhic victory for the Republicans.

For all that can be said about the strengths of Trump's campaign versus Hillary's or whatever, the bottom line is he got to where he is by fucking lying his ass off and promising impossible shit. Like this is the equivalent of a high schooler running for class president and promising no more homework and free beer in the vending machines. Sanders also promised things that would have no chance in hell at getting through Congress so it's no surprise that Clinton was seen as boring, the things she ran on actually had a fucking chance at happening.

So all you have now is Trump promising universal coverage for less money, an idiotic wall that Mexico might pay for (yeah right), unconstitutional religious bans, "terrific" budget-destroying tax cuts. And he's blown through whatever political capital he started out with, so there's no incentive for Democrats to work with him here. If he was smart he would have started out with like some infrastructure or education bill to puff himself up early on, but no. He's flailing around and he'll drag every Republican down with him.
GOP making changes to the AHCA again in an effort drum up support for a Thursday vote..


Senior Capitol Hill and White House officials said the changes being discussed would address concerns from moderates about how the legislation would treat individuals with pre-existing conditions. Earlier in the day, multiple sources said House leadership floated the idea of adding more money to high-risk pools aimed at subsidizing more expensive premiums for people with such medical conditions.

More amendments are possible in the next 24 hours, two senior officials said, but the changes "can't be that significant, or we will lose the support from the Freedom Caucus," one of these officials said.

Trump made at least a dozen phone calls seeking support for the bill Tuesday. Capitol Hill and administration officials said he will host lawmakers at the White House on Wednesday. The White House is hoping for an endorsement from some lawmakers after the visit.
GOP making changes to the AHCA again in an effort drum up support for a Thursday vote..


Whether the changes will win over enough moderates is unclear. Rep. Fred Upton, an influential Republican, said on Tuesday he could not support the bill, a significant defection. And Upton later said he wouldn't back the bill even with more high-risk pools money.


It's dead, Jim.


No Scrubs
I'm actually scared that we might have a sizeable wing of Tulsi supporters inside the democratic party. Calling White Helmets terrorists...what an utterly despicable human garbage.

This is actually a sentiment that's been going around.


SYRIA CIVIL DEFENCE is a volunteer corps of 3,300 first responders, fighting a losing battle in a devastated nation. You’ve likely seen its members—known as White Helmets—in photos on social media, carrying dusty, injured children out of bombsites. They’ve saved nearly 100,000 Syrians who otherwise would have been fatalities of the country’s ongoing civil war. They were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last year.

And simply by listing those facts, this story has become “fake news.”

While the White Helmets might seem like the poster children for feel-bad humanitarianism, they’ve in fact become the target of a internet smear campaign, one designed to bolster the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and undermine its opponents, including the United States. Various White Helmet “truthers”—who range from Assad and his supporters to Russian embassies, and even to Alex Jones—accuse the group of staging rescue photos, belonging to al Qaeda, and being pawns of liberal bogeyman George Soros. The story of how that conspiracy grew is a perfect distillation of how disinformation can spread unchecked, supplanting fact with frenzy where no support exists.
Just accept Gillary as your leader.
The truth shall set you free.

Also how come we get a thread on trash Politico rather than failing NYT. Are you all too poor for subscriptions.

And it doesn't talk about anything in the interview except for the bits about Comey.
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday sharply questioned President Trump’s conduct in office, criticizing his foreign policy pronouncements and penchant for posting on Twitter, and described herself as “part of the resistance.”
Clinton, Denouncing Trump, Calls Herself ‘Part of the Resistance’ https://nyti.ms/2ptyGhF

Not headline grabbing enough for hateboners?


Hence why Trump winning will be such a Pyrrhic victory for the Republicans.

For all that can be said about the strengths of Trump's campaign versus Hillary's or whatever, the bottom line is he got to where he is by fucking lying his ass off and promising impossible shit. Like this is the equivalent of a high schooler running for class president and promising no more homework and free beer in the vending machines. Sanders also promised things that would have no chance in hell at getting through Congress so it's no surprise that Clinton was seen as boring, the things she ran on actually had a fucking chance at happening.

So all you have now is Trump promising universal coverage for less money, an idiotic wall that Mexico might pay for (yeah right), unconstitutional religious bans, "terrific" budget-destroying tax cuts. And he's blown through whatever political capital he started out with, so there's no incentive for Democrats to work with him here. If he was smart he would have started out with like some infrastructure or education bill to puff himself up early on, but no. He's flailing around and he'll drag every Republican down with him.

One really amazing thing that's happening today is that House Republicans are now on the record contradicting their Speaker and their President about preexisting conditions. Ryan and Trump are still saying this plan will be better for preexisting conditions. Rank-and-file Republicans are pretty explicitly saying it's not. So that's fun.


No Scrubs
One really amazing thing that's happening today is that House Republicans are now on the record contradicting their Speaker and their President about preexisting conditions. Ryan and Trump are still saying this plan will be better for preexisting conditions. Rank-and-file Republicans are pretty explicitly saying it's not. So that's fun.

It's incredible how incompetent both Ryan and Trump are.
I'm curious what the Democrat primary is going to be like in 2020. It would feel like the last few Republican primaries, but more polite. Speaking of Tulsi I bet she'll be nationalistic in the primary. I doubt she'll make it very far though if she decides to run.
I'm actually scared that we might have a sizeable wing of Tulsi supporters inside the democratic party. Calling White Helmets terrorists...what an utterly despicable human garbage.
If she does run whoever runs the debate needs to say to her "Is Assad a war criminal. Yes or no".

From what I can tell she'll refuse to answer and everyone needs to eat her alive for it. Hopefully her likely run won't mount more steam past that
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