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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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I think how it works with the Byrd rule is that it is up to Senators to challenge provisions they think are in violation and then the parliamentarian makes a ruling. So it seems Democrats let them waste as much time as possible and then let it drop on the Friday before they supposedly vote because they aren't even in town.

Dems putting in that work then. Wonder how long they were sitting on that one.
A real problem with there having been so many of these "SOUND THE ALARM" Twitter threads on Trumpcare is that people are just going to tune them out.

Dunno. Seems like enough people believe it to flood phone systems each time. Also there are a lot of disabled people who live or die based on how this turns out...from the articles I've read, I don't get the impression those people are going to stop protesting/calling/etc until this is 100% dead.


it doesn't count for anything until someone raises a point of order during the debate on the bill. They just run drafts by the parliamentarian to get a sense of how it will go

I think how it works with the Byrd rule is that it is up to Senators to challenge provisions they think are in violation and then the parliamentarian makes a ruling. So it seems Democrats let them waste as much time as possible and then let it drop on the Friday before they supposedly vote because they aren't even in town.

Alright, so it's not that this is a CBO-like situation where there's a time lag on the score, but they've had this guidance sitting around for a while, and presumably the senate Rs privy to it have been quietly hoping that nobody raised any objections during the vote. Which seems, uh, dumb, but also entirely in line with how much of a train wreck this whole process has been.

(cheers for the help, it's much appreciated)


The viewers do most of the work. They go there looking for that type of info to feel validated.

The customers at the bar were adamant that the Trump Administration never committed a crime. They forgot that Flynn, Kushner, Ivanka, Manafort, and Pence committed a crime by voliating Federal Election law. That doesn't include Page, Stone, Don. Jr..
Manu Raju @mkraju

FUSION GPS head Glenn Simpson won't testify before Senate Judiciary next week, his rep attacks "partisan" hearing and vows to plead Fifth

Still waiting to hear from Don Jr. and Manafort, I guess. We'll see if subpoenas are issued before the day is over.

Update: Subpoena for Simpson. Jr and Manafort have agreed to private interviews before a public hearing.

I think Vox is right here tbh.


Republicans could try to overturn the parliamentarian’s findings while the bill is debated on the Senate floor, but that would require 60 votes. Democrats are almost certain not to side with Republicans against the parliamentarian in order to add these critical provisions back into the bill.

The other possibility is known as the nuclear option. The parliamentarian technically offers only guidance on which policies comply with the Byrd Rule and which ones do not; the chair — which in this case could be Vice President Mike Pence — makes the final ruling.

But for decades, the parliamentarian’s judgment has been final. Some senators, particularly the most conservative members, have pushed for Republicans to sidestep the parliamentarian if she nixes key parts of their plan. But senior Republicans have balked, fearing the precedent it would set for the reconciliation process.

At this point overruling the parliamentary seems like it would lose more votes than it gains

That would mostly be for if they already had the votes and this was the only snag. It isn't, it's just another problem piled onto already existing problems.

Seems that it was Sanders and his staff who argued in front of the Parliamentarian on these issues. Kudos.


Well, okay, I'll let Bernie have this one


Gotta say I am finding the parliamentarian news completely bewildering.

This is actually something that has been driving me nuts for months. The essential health benefits changes in particularly are clearly regulatory in nature and have always been in violation of the Byrd rule. It was always nuts that we were even talking about 50. The fact that it seemed like people were ignoring that was one of the most frustrating details about this government.

Was this really just a slow play designed to get the GOP to burn the calendar and go on record with something unpopular? That seems crazy. But then, it's also crazy that everyone didn't see this the second the AHCA passed the House.
CNN is reporting Manafort and Jr. both reached a deal to NOT appear next week.

Instead they will negotiate over documents and PRIVATE testimony.

It's all real folks.


Junior Member
Gotta say I am finding the parliamentarian news completely bewildering.

This is actually something that has been driving me nuts for months. The essential health benefits changes in particularly are clearly regulatory in nature and have always been in violation of the Byrd rule. It was always nuts that we were even talking about 50. The fact that it seemed like people were ignoring that was one of the most frustrating details about this government.

I agree, though she hasn't ruled on that yet.

https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Background on Byrd Rule decisions_7.21[1].pdf

Was this really just a slow play designed to get the GOP to burn the calendar and go on record with something unpopular? That seems crazy. But then, it's also crazy that everyone didn't see this the second the AHCA passed the House.

I dunno for sure, but that's what I would have done.
WaPo: Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Russia's ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak's accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials both in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign.

One U.S. official said that Sessions — who testified that he has no recollection of the April encounter — has provided ”misleading" statements that are ”contradicted by other evidence." A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had ”substantive" discussions on matters including Trump's positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration.

Welp. Could be what Comey was referring to during his testimony.



BTW, WaPo putting timestamps on their post is something EVERY org should be doing (looking at you f'ing NYT)

Always confuses me when sites don't timestamp their articles. Not just for US politics, but things like tsunami, earthquakes, terrorist events - so useful for knowing what was known when, and if what you're reading is old or new (relatively speaking).
I feel like we're watching the tipping point of the entire administration and the GOP

This week has been brutal for the GOP all around. Bad news after bad news, and the Russian stuff is escalating pretty rapidly.
Did this article come out because Trump is considering canning Sessions, or is Trump considering canning sessions because he knew something like this was coming?

Chicken or egg?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Did this article come out because Trump is considering canning Sessions, or is Trump considering canning sessions because he knew something like this was coming?

Chicken or egg?

Except, his reasoning was opposite.

If he had said "I would not have selected Sessions had I know of his contact with the Russians"

That would have made sense, and would have probably been since he knew this story was coming.

But this, is a Stupid version of Watergate, Treason Edition.


The Mooch looks like the worse kind of slick, fast talker. The fact that he is already pretending he "loves" Trump shows how clearly disingenuous and groveling he is. He's telling Trump exactly what he wants to hear with no sense of reality or ethics. In other words, he's perfect for this administration.
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