(It doesn't because divided government is the norm, not the exception.)And then a cycle or two later your replacements come in and say no more fooling around and gut all that stuff while passing all their own dream bills. Eventually, the country just becomes an unstable mess.
Hospitals have been pretty clear that they are going to aggressively cut costs by closing facilities, not accepting Medicaid, etc ahead of any actual cuts. This is going to really hurt people before the actual provisions kick in.
And then a cycle or two later your replacements come in and say no more fooling around and gut all that stuff while passing all their own dream bills. Eventually, the country just becomes an unstable mess.
What was it, about 14 million losing coverage in 2018?
Kill the filibuster, but, tbh, without fixing our electoral system to allow multiple smaller parties that have to join in coalitions to fix particular issues (and getting rid of the electoral college and encouraging people in "safe" states to actually VOTE), the short-term effect will be even wilder, probably more frequent policy swings.
Kill the filibuster, but, tbh, without fixing our electoral system to allow multiple smaller parties that have to join in coalitions to fix particular issues (and getting rid of the electoral college and encouraging people in "safe" states to actually VOTE), the short-term effect will be even wilder, probably more frequent policy swings.
I like having a bicameral legislature w/ a longer time horizon in the Senate. The apportionment is the problem.
Sean Sullivan‏Verified account
JOHNSON is the one ldrshp is worried about, per R familiar. LEE/PAUL looking like nos 2 them. CRUZ wants/needs to get to yes for '18 rsns.
Rick Perry says he doesn't believe humans are responsible for climate change.
Says there needs to be a study by skeptics to look at evidence.
Franken says, hey, actually this was done already by the Koch bros, let me read it to you.
Study says skeptics were completely convinced.
Perry freaks out says it's wrong.
What the hell happened to the right in this country?
"when dems gain power again"
One step at a time, buddy.
Dem party is a wreck. Pelosi less popular than Trump. Obviously she doesn't deserve it, but that's the reality. Saying "well people are stupid" isn't going to win dems any seats. New people, same people, whatever -- dems need a new image either way. This isn't working.
Maybe things naturally swing back in 2018/2020 but it isn't looking like a sure thing and more importantly there's no reason to expect it to last. Trump should be making the entire GOP more toxic than ever before, but it's not happening -- hell, the GOP in congress aren't doing themselves any favors either with this healthcare stuff, but it doesn't seem to matter. After the election, Pelosi basically says she thinks dems can just keep on doing what they've been doing. I'm not sure if she's updated her position yet, but that's still insane. I can respect her skills as a legislator but uhhhh, wtf.
I don't know how you all aren't worried. The US government is a joke under the GOP and people don't seem to think dems would make it better. How is that acceptable? Is it unfair? Sure. People are dumb and GOP has no integrity and they use fear mongering to make democrats seem like monsters. But it works. And dems don't seem to have an answer to it.
Why on earth would you want federal court judges to have limited terms?
Thats only going to happen with a constitutional convention and a complete re-working of how Americans view politics. Not saying its not needed but you're talking about the biggest change in our system since the Civil War.
Constitutional convention fanfiction? I'm in!
1) Abolish electoral college
2) Abolish Senate
3) Cap House districts at 30,000 per district. This will lead to House going from 435 to roughly 10,000 members. (Right now I think avg. house district is like 700,000 people.)
4) Districts drawn up by non-partisan commission generally favoring compactness and partisan competition. Redrawn every 10 years.
5) Split House into three classes, with terms lasting three years, so 1/3 of House districts are up every year.
6) Election day is federal holiday every year, with federal guidelines requiring 3 weeks of early voting. Institute universal Federal ID.
7) Consolidate states into say, 7 superstates consisting of roughly equal population. State lines to be redrawn every 50 years. All states have unicameral legislature instead of bicameral ones.
8) Constitutional convention every 50 years (staggered against state redrawings)
9) All elections publicly financed.
10) All federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, limited to 20-year terms.
I think Pelosi will be out before 2018 (unfortunately) but it would be for the best. I just don't want Hoyer as leader and neither does Pelosi.
How do people feel about a qualifications test for voting? I know that those're usually used for horrifically racist ends but what if we made it so that it's designed, managed, administered, etc. entirely by black women? I figure that'd solve most of the problems.
best trollHow do people feel about a qualifications test for voting? I know that those're usually used for horrifically racist ends but what if we made it so that it's designed, managed, administered, etc. entirely by black women? I figure that'd solve most of the problems.
maybe we should just skip democracy and establish a military junta in order to enable technocrats to manage the population tbhHow do people feel about a qualifications test for voting? I know that those're usually used for horrifically racist ends but what if we made it so that it's designed, managed, administered, etc. entirely by black women? I figure that'd solve most of the problems.
Okay, the 10,000 is more fanciful. But I think of that in relationship to the number of people represented rather than the workability of the body they work in. 30,000 isn't enough so anyone who wants to talk to their rep can get some time with them. And I think a 10k body would work; you'd just need sub-whips. It's not like the House particularly works on a consensus basis now. It's very top-down.How did I forget about the electoral college? Or the election day holiday? smh. Oooh, or publicly funded elections...
10,000 is too many for Congress. Like, that's not a workable number of people. You can talk televoting all you like it's still just a ridiculous number to expect to build a consensus around.
Why the term limits for judges?
okThis party is doomed.
maybe we should just skip democracy and establish a military junta in order to enable technocrats to manage the population tbh
I elect Holmes to be the voice of reason for this thread because everyone else has gone insane.
maybe we should just skip democracy and establish a military junta in order to enable technocrats to manage the population tbh
Shifts in opinion take time. Inertia is the first law of politics.
This is why the Democratic strategy to rely on demographics, while flawed in the short term, has some advantages: instead of relying on changing hearts and minds, which is possible but takes years to decades, vs just having more reliable Dem voters appear while reliable R voters die of old age.
I'm all for leadership change. But if we're going to get rid of accoplished leadership, let it be because up-and-comers with vision have stepped up to the plate.
Sacking people because the GOP has been successful at placing the world at their feet and every woe on their shoulders is a level of weakness that is, frankly, hard to fight for.