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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Look at this SJW.

The two tiers are

1. The normal, good tier that puts brown people in jail
2. The evil Deep State tier that attacks rich white dudes

1. Where is his chin?

2. There is no deep state you fucking moron

3. Who the hell is Lara Trump?


Anyone thinks Trump will advocate for the US to default on its debt later this year when congress argues about the debt ceiling?

"Look, we have been paying these debts forever, for ever! And it just keeps going up and up, it just keeps rising... it's up! Every day, every second really... it was, now it's higher than ever. Just staggering! The debt is so massive you wouldn't believe it, it's huge, and we pay and pay and pay and it keeps rising, it just goes up. But what do we get out of it? We get nothing, just more debt. And you know we're really giving money away folks, we're just giving it away to other countries because of bad deals! People in Washington have made so many bad deals for so many years, so many, just bad deals every time, and some countries made hundreds of billions, maybe even a few trillions! Who even knows anymore. We just pay. And China! China made so many billions from our debt, so much money, and then we lose jobs. I think we should just stop paying it, start over, start at zero, and spend it here! We should just spend it here, and we can actually go all the way up to the current debt levels, we won't have to, but we could, because they're arguing about how to continue to pay anyway! So congress is arguing about increasing the debt! We wouldn't even be talking about having Mexico pay for the wall, they would still pay for it, believe it they would, and the wall would probably be higher, maybe a little, a few more solar panels, or maybe many more, In fact maybe so many that Mexico would ask us to sell them our electricity. Maybe that's how they could pay for it. Let's sell them our solar energy made with the wall!"
Anyone thinks Trump will advocate for the US to default on its debt later this year when congress argues about the debt ceiling?

"Look, we have been paying these debts forever, for ever! And it just keeps going up and up, it just keeps rising... it's up! Every day, every second really... it was, now it's higher than ever. Just staggering! The debt is so massive you wouldn't believe it, it's huge, and we pay and pay and pay and it keeps rising, but what do we get out of it? And really we're giving money away to other countries folks, we're just giving it away with bad deals if you think about it, people in Washington made so many bad deals for so many years, and some countries made hundreds of billions, maybe even a few trillions! China has made so many billions from our debt, China! So many. I think we should just stop paying it, start over, start at zero, and spend it here! We should just spend it here, and we can actually go all the way up to the current debt levels, we won't have to, but we could, because they're arguing about continuing to pay anyway! We wouldn't even be talking about having Mexico pay for the wall, they would still pay for it, believe it they would, and the wall would probably be higher, more solar panels, many more, so many they would ask us to buy our electricity. Maybe that's how they could pay for it. Let's sell them solar energy made with the wall!"

I mean I would bank on it


Corporate Apologist
I really don't think the ceiling will be a debate this year unless the Democratic party makes it once, Republicans do not need more heat. The tea party Republicans may care, but I think the majority of the party will just rubber stamp an increase. They only cared before because they wanted to make Obama look bad.


Yeah, the debt ceiling will go back to being the routine business nobody really talks about, but passes anyways, it used to be.


No Scrubs
I really don't think the ceiling will be a debate this year unless the Democratic party makes it once, Republicans do not need more heat. The tea party Republicans may care, but I think the majority of the party will just rubber stamp an increase. They only cared before because they wanted to make Obama look bad.

I mean, Trump has to sign it. You think he's going to just sign it without doing anything?


It's true Trump said he was the king of debt, but in his little mind he is because he went bankrupt then got into debt again, so he probably thinks the US should do the same.

But yeah Trump could use it to fight with congress to get what he wants, he won't care at that point about who yells about the outcome of shutting down the government. He is in dire need of flexing something, or fighting congress.


Corporate Apologist
The Freedom Caucus, intractable and ideological, guarantees some amount of drama no matter what.
True, ideally they could just ignored and the bill would get 350+ votes in the house, but we will see. I could see the Republicans initially try to tack it to the budget, but passing it on its own ultimately.


The more I think about this the angrier I'm getting. I would have had enough to be let in the country but that's only because I've already been let in the country! If this was the criteria before I even came here then I'd never have gotten the opportunities that were presented to me. Fuck Trump for giving this shit some credibility. I wouldn't put it past the right to start seriously railing against legal immigration in the future.


The more I think about this the angrier I'm getting. I would have had enough to be let in the country but that's only because I've already been let in the country! If this was the criteria before I even came here then I'd never have gotten the opportunities that were presented to me. Fuck Trump for giving this shit some credibility. I wouldn't put it past the right to start seriously railing against legal immigration in the future.

They already do. See: Tucker.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Actually yes, he's covered in santorum.

uh oh

White stool is caused by a lack of bile, which may indicate a serious underlying problem. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Stool gets its normal brownish color from bile, which is excreted into the small intestine during the digestive process.


Is an immigration plan that tests English proficiency even constitutional? English is not our official language and there's no requirement to ever utter a single English word to live a decent life in the US.

Well that's dumb? There are entire communities where an English word is barely spoken. It's not our official language and there should be no requirement to learn it.

What Constitutional provision would it violate? The Constitution designates that Congress can create naturalization rules, and they have required it:
fuck you trump


After President Trump recently proposed to ban transgender people from military service, pollsters quickly noted that a majority of Americans seemed to disagree with him.

Our own research has found the same. Since 2015, we've published several studies on public attitudes about transgender people and rights, and in an October 2015 survey, 42 percent opposed a policy not allowing transgender people to serve openly, while only 22 percent supported it. The remainder were neutral.

When we removed the neutral option in a June 2016 national survey that we fielded, the results were even less favorable to Trump: 33 percent of the public thinks that transgender people should not be allowed to serve openly and 67 percent think they should.

But would a ban on transgender military service play well in key areas of the country? That's what at least one Trump administration official thinks:


However, this is not the case, either. Using the June 2016 survey data, we estimated the opinion in all 50 states and the District of Columbia using a statistical technique known as multilevel regression and poststratification, which provides a way to estimate state-level opinion from national surveys.

Even the most Conservative members of the House didn't want a full ban of Transgender people in the military. Trump somehow managed to be more destructive to LGBTQ Rights than the Freedom Caucus...
No one was even talking about an outright ban on trans service members. Trump was just confused by the argument over covering trans-related health expenses, so they dumbed it down for his pea brain to understand.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Really quite amazed how quickly public opinion on Trans rights shifted.
I mean, the country is not there yet, but still...
Woah, that's a way larger majority than I would have expected on trans service in the military. An average of only ~35% opposed nationwide means it's really deep into the hardcore conservative base and a few random others. For whatever reason, since Obama took office the country has gone way the hell to the left on LGBT issues. What should probably have been a generation worth of progress in any other rights movement has happened in less than a decade. Not only has the change happened, but the public support is there, too, which is often even harder! Was merely having a President saying all this stuff is fine actually that impacting?

Next up for rapidly changing opinion: Legal weed. Not -quite- the same tier of rights issues, lol, but still a thing that's been locked into the public conscious for decades.


Really quite amazed how quickly public opinion on Trans rights shifted.
I mean, the country is not there yet, but still...

It really is pretty amazing how much progress has been made in this country in the last 5-6 years alone as far as attitudes towards LGBT rights go. Hell even back in 2008 when Obama won his first election, the most liberal politicians were timid to even mention gay rights in their campaigns, much less the rights of transgender individuals.

That SCOTUS ruling in 2014 really was a landmark moment in this nation's history.
'Hell, 2007/8 Obama campaigned on "traditional marriage". Granted 2012 Obama went decidedly to the left on the issue, but it's funny how massive of a shift it was considering just 9 years ago even Democrats ran on the idea of Marriage being between a Man and a Woman.
It's not like there was a governor thrown out because of a transgender issue or anything...
Seriously, if there was ever an electoral ground zero for trans issues, it's North Carolina and the bigot fucking lost while Trump carried the state. I can't believe anyone thinks this will bode well for their campaign to knock off some swing state senators.

Like ooh, Sherrod Brown has to go on record defending the troops, you really got him, guys.


Corporate Apologist
Woah, that's a way larger majority than I would have expected on trans service in the military. An average of only ~35% opposed nationwide means it's really deep into the hardcore conservative base and a few random others. For whatever reason, since Obama took office the country has gone way the hell to the left on LGBT issues. What should probably have been a generation worth of progress in any other rights movement has happened in less than a decade. Not only has the change happened, but the public support is there, too, which is often even harder! Was merely having a President saying all this stuff is fine actually that impacting?

Next up for rapidly changing opinion: Legal weed. Not -quite- the same tier of rights issues, lol, but still a thing that's been locked into the public conscious for decades.
Yep, living in the information age, I expect to have social issues evolve rapidly for the rest of my life.
I mean, you just don't see anything like this.



I used to think this, now I'm not so sure!
This is why it's so important for authority figures to take stances on things even when it's unpopular, right? Because it can shift opinion. Sometimes all it takes is one powerful person.
Yep, living in the information age, I expect to have social issues evolve rapidly for the rest of my life.
Yeah, This.
Also, I have to think that the network effect of having gay and trans relatives and friends come out has rapidly changed minds on the issue as well. It's much more personal when your best friend comes out as gay.
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