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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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I think we have officially reached the point with Trump (if we hadn't already), where to Diablos is the rational, woke thing to do.

Nothing is off the table. There is no floor to Trump's depravity. Dems better start acting like they know it.
Jim Sciutto‏Verified account

"What Trump did today is a moral disgrace" - Charles Krautammer on Fox News just now

Robert B. Neller‏Verified account

No place for racial hatred or extremism in @USMC. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act.

Member of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff
I'm happy to see so many people, especially on the right, coming out against Trump today. But we all know talk is incredibly cheap, especially from Republicans.

What are they going to do about it now? What will you do that you haven't done before?


Best thing is he can't come back with another anti-nazi statement now. No one would believe it in a million years.
Nobody should have believed the first one. Or anything else Trump says.
Except for the time this morning he retweeted that guy who called him a fascist by mistake.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


I feel kind of bad, I was mostly trying to make a joke. But I appreciate the congrats very much, guys.

Here's my latest perspective: it's time to start thinking carefully about how safe the city you live in is. Better safe than sorry.
My wife suggested we buy firearms for protection after a Nazi murdered a protester and my wife isn't about guns. I am thinking about tossing a baseball bat in my trunk. :
There needs to be a rule among political commentators where you wait a week after Trump does a Teleprompter speech before saying "OH MY HE WAS SO PRESIDENTIAL"

The Foot in Mouth Delay.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
i'm starting to think this donald trump guy might not be that great

You jest, but I guarantee there are still a countable number of people who think that every day still.

How it would take this long, I don't know.


May contain jokes =>
I wonder if there's any uptick in liberals buying guns for home defense after this weekend showed us what nazis rampaging through a modern city looks like.
I could actually see your situation as really sketchy. I live in rural Mississippi, so there's not exactly a lot of tension here given that everyone is mostly a hardcore Confederate-lover. We have multiple counties named for Confederates! Including Jefferson Davis County; not Davis County, but the full name. Gotta really drive home that he was from here.
I feel you. Jefferson Davis was born in Kentucky, and there's a big statue of him in the state (commonwealth) capitol which the NAACP is suing to get removed. Hopefully it'll be moved sometime soon. I would be even happier if the 350-ft obelisk at his birthplace were renamed after Lincoln, though: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis_State_Historic_Site



If only she was still on CNN to get destroyed.


Hoo boy, can't post the picture, but tucker going with the "everyone had slaves back then, even brown people" argument.


Trump has no self-awareness... Just none.

Trump called the driver of the car that killed counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, and injured 19 a ”disgrace to himself, his family and the country," but he stopped short of declaring the action a case of ”domestic terrorism," calling that an exercise in semantics.

What, like pushing Obama to say "radical islamic terrorism" wasn't semantics?



Fucking scary image when you put it alongside what he said, and what Spencer and Duke have said about his comments.

(oh, source)


I feel kind of bad, I was mostly trying to make a joke. But I appreciate the congrats very much, guys.

Here's my latest perspective: it's time to start thinking carefully about how safe the city you live in is. Better safe than sorry.
I wonder if there's any uptick in liberals buying guns for home defense after this weekend showed us what nazis rampaging through a modern city looks like.
I suggested Liberals start stocking up on guns and ammo shortly after Inauguration Day.

I wasn't trying to make a joke then, either.
I feel you. Jefferson Davis was born in Kentucky, and there's a big statue of him in the state (commonwealth) capitol which the NAACP is suing to get removed. Hopefully it'll be moved sometime soon. I would be even happier if the 350-ft obelisk at his birthplace were renamed after Lincoln, though: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis_State_Historic_Site

That Obelisk is like a poor man's Washington Monument. Proving that everything related to the Confederacy was objectively worse.

I hate Tucker Carlson. So. Fucking. Much. He's a whiny intellectually depraved shitstain of a human being. Every interview I see of him is like the Olympics of Mental Gymnastics, and he is consistently the biggest piece of shit on Cable News. A pox on his household.
I live in Southern Maine.

But Northern Maine is really, really far gone right now. My fiancé's brother works up in Bath and there is basically no man he knows who is not itching for the possibility of gunning down libtards.

There's also a couple trucks around here with big confederate flags attached to their cabs. However few they are, they are louder and prouder than ever before in our lives.

Maine, in general, is a blue state. But I'm sure I don't need to remind anybody that Paul LePage was elected twice and that northern Maine swung huge for Trump.

We are afraid. And honestly, when we're afraid, we would rather buy vests and goggles than guns of our own.
I think this goes without saying, but if you're white you'll be fine. Addendum to that is that you shouldn't protest either, obviously (which is a small loss because protest itself is a largely immaterial act of catharsis anyway). The people you're afraid of have always been there, for your whole life. Some might feel more emboldened by recent national events but remember that even an emboldened political radical has a specific target. This is to say: continue boldly with your own life, because there are not enough ill-begotten mouthbreathers to punish your fearless existence. No one has the right to take away your sense of safety, and they're definitely not powerful enough to do that, either.

I'm reminded of the times in my life when I've really felt unsafe. It wasn't uncommon for me to drive into my neighborhood and get looks from the resident redneckery that I didn't belong there, like some kind of latino invader or a latent criminal (I am not even latino but easily mistaken). I have regretted wearing leather jackets and hoodies. I have had racial epithets hurled at me. I have a small lifetime's worth of these encounters. It helps me understand the world I live in but I can't let it turn me into a paranoid shut-in obsessed with my own safety.


"I watched those very closely, much more closely than you people watched it," Trump lectured the assembled reporters. "And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent, and nobody wants to say that, but I'll say it right now."
Like, what the fuck does this even mean? That he had his face pushed to the screen? That he rewound it a thousand times to see every punch?

His fucking superiority complex extends to how closely he watches violent conflicts on TV!
Conservatives are so intellectually bankrupt it's beyond anything I've seen in life. Pre modern society was completely different than ours. As we slowly evolve as civilization we reject practices that are abhorrent. Like 150 years ago you could marry a 10 year old and nobody would care. That doesn't mean marrying one today is sorta ok. But Tucker gonna tuck.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm agreeing with David Axelrod moreso than Van Jones right now. Yes we are spiraling away from each other, but it's it's more like decent people are spiraling away from shitbags and quite frankly, I have no interest in ever coming together with the shitbags again.

We're not even a year into this shit and look at where we are. We're living in a powder keg and it's only a matter of time before we get the boom.


I think this goes without saying, but if you're white you'll be fine. Addendum to that is that you shouldn't protest either, obviously (which is a small loss because protest itself is a largely immaterial act of catharsis anyway).

You're really stepping up with your "just get along with the Nazis and don't challenge them" plan here.



hot take from next week: "the nazis never had slaves, but [plato, muhammad, aztecs] all did. there's evil on both sides!"

how many months until we get into both sides being applied to nazi ideology with "well all these other groups did bad things too, but that doesn't tarnish their ideas"

also, seems like we're getting back to the time of daily predictions of "will republicans pivot?" to be met with a resounding "no" every evening
I think this goes without saying, but if you're white you'll be fine. [...] It helps me understand the world I live in but I can't let it turn me into a paranoid shut-in obsessed with my own safety.

I will take this into account and try to keep it in mind.

I also want to say that I'm fully aware of the poetry surrounding people like me's newfound anxiety. We are white, live in blue states, and know nothing of what minorities have suffered for generations in environments far more inhospitable than New England. And when you frame it this way, it's pretty pathetic that I often let my fear get the best of me. I owe it to many braver Americans than I to not lose my shit every time I have a new fantasy about getting killed.

I will remain calm.

But I am determined not to be useless. If people are marching and taking to the streets I want to be there. If I have to dress like a buffoon to get the guts to do it, I will. That's why I am researching goggles and vests.

If the time comes, I need to participate. And if the time never comes, I'll at least know I was ready.

But you are right. I have no reason to be afraid for myself, but I am afraid every day for my fellow Americans without my privileges. I think that is what motivates me the most.


I don't know how we are going to make it 4 years. A good 50% of the country is disgusted and angry, and 35% is retreating into racism. Things are going be explode unless something relieves the pressure, and I don't think just taking the house and the senate back can do that.
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