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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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So David Frum seems to have launched a news website that covers the Russia investigation exclusively. Might be useful for those of you who are following every development but want to stay away from the conspiracy loons.


Edit: seems that Morgan Freeman is also involved somehow
$700 billion to the military. Think of what $50 billion of that alone could do for Education or Health Care or any of a 100 different things.

This country is fucked.

During the Bush Administration, wasn't there some dragon tank project with roughly 1 billion in funding? And by dragon tank, I mean tank shaped like a dragon.

Gotta let the spice flow.
we should push universal health care and education under the military..

we say it provides free education and healthcare to advance and strengthen our military.

we just dont talk about the part that says all americans. BAM.

Slightly more serious tangent off of this, I've never quite understood why Democrats don't co-opt the right's talking points more about supporting the troops. Military says that poor childhood health and education is a problem for recruiting, why not use that to argue for better k-12 nutrition and education? "Republicans want to CRIPPLE THE MILITARY by cutting education funding! Maybe they're really working for ISIS!"

Well, maybe not that last bit. But still.
Weird that Rand Paul, of all people, is the only Republican all year to say this.

And of course the Republican fear is that Democrats will steal money back from the red states, when what would actually happen is the red states would be given even more money.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, all of the free streams showing MSNBC or CNN I used to watch on Youtube have all turned into Fox News streams. Like every single one of them


I mean, the government is going to shutdown in like a week and a half, the debt ceiling needs to be raised (in that same time frame?), but they want to bother with this nonsense? Have they even passed hurricane relief yet?

If anything, trying to rush this and risk funding the government is likely to turn off McCain even more than the previous attempt.


After the governor came out for it, McCain came out even more against it

Maybe what McCain has meant all along is that he will oppose anything Ducey supports.

And of course the Republican fear is that Democrats will steal money back from the red states, when what would actually happen is the red states would be given even more money.

I don't even mean just in relation to this bill. McConnell and Senate Republicans have been trampling over institution norms all year -- eliminating the SCOTUS filibuster, pursuing partisan healthcare and tax legislation from the start, maybe even getting rid of the blue slips process for judicial nominees -- and, until now, I've never heard a single one acknowledge that when the majority inevitably shifts back to the Democrats some day, they'll now be even freer to, say, push through liberal justices and not even have to entertain GOP concerns any more. For someone who is so often touted as an institutionalist who plays a long game, McConnell is extremely short-sighted.

I mean, the government is going to shutdown in like a week and a half, the debt ceiling needs to be raised (in that same time frame?), but they want to bother with this nonsense? Have they even passed hurricane relief yet?

If anything, trying to rush this and risk funding the government is likely to turn off McCain even more than the previous attempt.

All of those things have been passed already. Although I'm not sure if Trump has actually signed the bill yet, but I assume so.


All of those things have been passed already. Although I'm not sure if Trump has actually signed the bill yet, but I assume so.

Were they passed? I must have missed that. I know there was talk of a deal for all of it, but I don't remember anything actually going up for a vote - granted I've been on vacation and distracted by hurricane coverage.
In millions of dollars, how much each state gains/loses in the Cassidy et al. health care bill:


This has "COMPLETE DISASTER" written all over it.

Why is Texas so high??? It doesn't even fit the supposed purpose of the bill...

That aside this is really a red vs blue state bill (which is rich vs poor in many cases).


The loser terrorists. Rocket Man. Believe me. The only thing Iran fears more than the mighty US Military. Etc, etc,


Listening to this it is almost as if you can tell where NIkki Haley got things in the speech and then where Steven Miller kicks back in.
I really don't get this return to the Obamacare repeal. the GOP took their lumps last time it failed, they could blame McCain, and move on. This just makes them look bad all over again. What's the motive? I am sure that there are some true believers among them, and others who may have some lobbying interests backing it, but it that really enough to go through this again?

I don't buy the "we campaigned on this, we have to do it" when they had already put in an honest effort and failed. What's the real driver? The GOP spin machine can make any other issue important to distract from it for the 2018 race, so why go back?
I can't watch this shit. Every time this orange asshole opens his mouth I pray for some more oppo that moment. He sure loves saying "Radical Islamic Terror". I'm more concerned with ya know, this Nazi movement going on.


Him talking about the US's work on famine relief is fucking disgusting when he wanted to cut USAID's budget.

EDIT: The "ok" hand sign he constantly makes is so annoyingly distracting.

Oh hey he's throwing shade at S.A. on the HRC
I really don't get this return to the Obamacare repeal. the GOP took their lumps last time it failed, they could blame McCain, and move on. This just makes them look bad all over again. What's the motive? I am sure that there are some true believers among them, and others who much have some lobbying interests backing it, but it that really enough to go through this again?

I don't buy the "we campaigned on this, we have to do it" when they had already put in an honest effort and failed. What's the real driver? The GOP spin machine can make any other issue important to distract from it for the 2018 race, so why go back?

Tax cuts for their rich buddies. That's all it is really.

Take everything from the poor so people with billions can get a few extra thousand dollars a year that they'd never notice anyway.
Objectively, this is a really fucking weird speech. It’s more like three competing speeches: Platitudes from the globalist wing, Trump’s Twitter feed and random outbursts, and the first lecture of a PoliSci 101 course.
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