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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Yes, but they can only do one reconciliation bill a year and they want next year's to be tax cuts.

That's the real prize for the Republicans - they don't give a shit about ACA repeal other than the fact that they promised it for seven years. If they really wanted it repealed, they would have spent much longer on it before giving up, and not just tried ramming it through at midnight.

I thought tax "reform" was this September? Just more tax cuts planned for next year too? I guess they will be trying to bribe the voters.

Rubio, Nelson blast Trump’s NASA pick

Headline seems quaint by today’s standard but still nice to see Republicans speak out.

When are the hearings for Clovis? Those should be a mess.

And what do you mean, trump wrote a glowing tweet about Kelly this morning. I'm sure he's fine /s



WASHINGTON — President Trump was in an especially ornery mood after staff members gently suggested he refrain from injecting politics into day-to-day issues of governing after last month’s raucous rally in Arizona, and he responded by lashing out at the most senior aide in his presence.

It happened to be his new chief of staff, John F. Kelly.

Mr. Kelly, the former Marine general brought in five weeks ago as the successor to Reince Priebus, reacted calmly, but he later told other White House staff members that he had never been spoken to like that during 35 years of serving his country. In the future, he said, he would not abide such treatment, according to three people familiar with the exchange.

I thought tax "reform" was this September? Just more tax cuts planned for next year too? I guess they will be trying to bribe the voters.
The plan was to pass ACA repeal and replace this year, and then next year repeal their replacement plan to pay for their tax cuts. Tada, budget neutral!

Basically AHCA was a vehicle for cutting Medicaid and ACA subsidies and nothing more.

You asked for this, Kelly. Didn't he ask like 20 people if he should take the job and they all said no?
Kelly sure is patriotically serving his country by delivering chain conspiracy email printouts on a silver tray.

You know, people say Republicans aren't a "big tent" party, but they manage to easily accommodate both those who deny natural selection exists, and those who claim they are the "most evolved" Homo sapiens.
Today kind of sucked for Trump outrage stuff. I thought he would have went off during a press conference or tweeted but he's been relatively quiet.
Peter Gleick‏Verified account @PeterGleick
Given the vast costs of #Katrina, #Sandy, #Harvey, it's now obvious we won't be able to afford the growing impacts of #climate change.
While I don't usually post stuff about Climate Change here, I think this is a reminder how much money is going is required to repair these places. It is important that both the GOP and the Dems know that they will need to spend a lot of money to prepare ourselves for future storms.
So the democratic mayor candidate in my town whose trying to win in November, his campaign slogan is "Stronger together"

Really good slogan. Surprised no one else has used it before. Very cool.
So the democratic mayor candidate in my town whose trying to win in November, his campaign slogan is "Stronger together"

Really good slogan. Surprised no one else has used it before. Very cool.

Hoy! Dick!
This is what puzzles me

Her name is so hilarious I can't tell if people are going to be turned off by it or go " LOL, I'm voting for Hoy! dick!"

I think this will be less so a mayors race based on our budget issues and more so a referendum on how much the town loves or hates the idea of sailing towards a dick
So the new NYT election hacking story is terrifying: Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny

To do this sort of targeted attack on voter rolls, you would need really good demographic models. Which lead me to thinking about these two headlines:

After Trump, "big data" firm Cambridge Analytica is now working in Kenya

Cambridge Analytica's mission statement is simple. On its website, the firm says it "uses data to change audience behaviour." Most notably, the company was hired by Donald Trump's presidential campaign and has been given some credit for Trump's electoral success.

The company purchases and compiles demographic data on voters. On its website, Cambridge Analytica claims to possess up to 5,000 data points on more than 230 million Americans. When combined with on-the-ground surveys, Cambridge Analytica can use this vast information bank to target key messages to relevant voters.

Now, Cambridge Analytica is working in Kenya, helping in the effort to re-elect President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Kenya's Supreme Court declares presidential election result null, orders do-over

NAIROBI — Kenya's Supreme Court on Friday overturned last month's presidential election, citing voting irregularities, and ordered a new election within 60 days. It declared President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election null and void.

It is the first time a presidential election in East Africa's economic hub has been nullified. Supporters of opposition candidate Raila Odinga, 72, danced and cheered in the streets, and said they felt vindicated because he had contended that he lost because the electronic tally had been hacked.

So the new NYT election hacking story is terrifying: Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny

To do this sort of targeted attack on voter rolls, you would need really good demographic models. Which lead me to thinking about these two headlines:

After Trump, "big data" firm Cambridge Analytica is now working in Kenya

Kenya's Supreme Court declares presidential election result null, orders do-over


Isn't Cambridge the company owned by Bannon?
As one might have guessed from the racial undertones often present in public discussions on fiscal politics, greater racial resentment was associated with lower support for spending. This remained true even when we accounted for other demographic and political characteristics, such as gender, race, age, education, income, party identification, ideology, and so on. In fact, racial resentment was far more powerful in predicting opposition to federal spending than economic self-interest was — for example, it was four times stronger than income. Its influence exceeded even that of party identification, which is notable in our era of hyperpartisanship. So economic characteristics do matter in the way we would expect; it's just that other factors matter more.
We found that the aggregation of individual opinion to state-level opinion contributes to the federal spending paradox in two ways. Income has a stronger impact on opinion about spending in taker states than in giver states. In fact, in many giver states (e.g., Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts) the relationship between income and opinion on spending is weak to negligible. This means, for example, that wealthy people in Delaware do not oppose federal spending much more than lower-income people in Delaware, while wealthy people in New Mexico are significantly more opposed to federal spending than lower-income people there. In the case of racial resentment, more people harbor racial resentment in taker states than in giver states, raising average opposition to spending in taker states and contributing to the spending paradox.
Not sure if old.
Also a bit well duh these days.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


Kelly is going after Omarosa next...
“When Gen. Kelly is talking about clamping down on access to the Oval, she’s patient zero,” a source close to the Trump administration said.

The stories Manigault would present to Trump, often on a phone or printed out, would often enrage the president, and resulted in him spending at least the rest of the day fuming about it. For example, one White House source noted that Manigault was one of the people who would bring to President Trump’s attention online articles concerning MSNBC hosts, and former Trump pals, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski “slagging him, and his administration.”


Kelly seems to be doing a pretty decent job so far considering it's an impossible position to do well in. I expect he'll be fired soon enough by Trump though for actually trying to keep things under control.


Kelly seems to be doing a pretty decent job so far considering it's an impossible position to do well in. I expect he'll be fired soon enough by Trump though for actually trying to keep things under control.

Considering how unable he seems to actually fire someone in front of their face it might be the only thing that is keeping Kelly around, he literally hired for his chief of staff a general who doesn't put up with bullshit, literally the only one that can hand him the pink slip is Trump himself this time, especially now that his personal goon is resigning soon (the one who delivered the Comey firing letter).


Kelly seems to be doing a pretty decent job so far considering it's an impossible position to do well in. I expect he'll be fired soon enough by Trump though for actually trying to keep things under control.

1. Trump fires Kelly
2. Trump brings back old crew who say, "Let Trump be Trump".
3. ???
4. Best Presidency Ever!
I wonder how many of these fired/resigneds have had chats with Mr. Three Sticks by now...

Kelly sure is patriotically serving his country by delivering chain conspiracy email printouts on a silver tray.

You know, people say Republicans aren't a "big tent" party, but they manage to easily accommodate both those who deny natural selection exists, and those who claim they are the "most evolved" Homo sapiens.

Don't conflate "can't stop him you can only hope to contain him" with "enabling".

It's a doomed venture.
So the new NYT election hacking story is terrifying: Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny

To do this sort of targeted attack on voter rolls, you would need really good demographic models. Which lead me to thinking about these two headlines:

After Trump, "big data" firm Cambridge Analytica is now working in Kenya

Kenya's Supreme Court declares presidential election result null, orders do-over

Cambridge Analytica is frightening in their power and scope. They tie together Mercer, Thiel, Putin, Farage, Bannon and Trump as being the forces responsible for Brexit and Trump's election. Out of all of them, Mercer has the most power with Cambridge Analytica at his fingertips. They have also done similar work in Kenya, Trinidad, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Iran and Moldova. Cambridge Analytica is almost like a sci-fi dystopian corporation, a few steps away from Samaritan on Person of Interest. Mercer, Putin, Farage and Bannon are all together on this 'New World Order' boat and Cambridge Analytica is their most valuable weapon. Will be even worse if Thiel joins the fold with Palantir and cooperates with Cambridge Analytica.


People should read this article if they have the time.
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