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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I actually do think Burr said the right thing. Russians have used left and right to forment divisions and ultimately help Trump. And its also a note of caution that Russians will target GOP next time if they fear Democrats are more sympathetic.


lmao Centipede Central, the_donald's discord fucking broke because a "crypto furry" mod didn't get a fucking anime channel he wanted. Hilarious

According to two of the mutineers, Americans who go by the names of Hova and Pefimous, they destroyed Centipede Central to wrest control from Based_Brit for three reasons:

-He was sometimes inactive
-He argued for an anime channel on Centipede Central, which some moderators didn't want
-Some moderators did not want a British person running an American political server

"The issue with Based_Brit is he's not American, he's a crypto furry—a closeted furry. He wanted to add anime and NSFW channels. But mostly for us, it's because he was so inactive. Every time we wanted to do something, he would be lazy and not implement it," Hova told me in a voice chat. "On [Centipede Central] we had mod meetings to discuss changes. He wanted to add an anime channel and other admins would constantly delete it."
RRR eclipse at the federal level = enthusiasm gap in favor of Dems. It's the pendulum at work.
This exactly. It’s why the “Democrats always do poorly in midterms” “thesis” is complete bupkis. One party wins the presidency, their voters get complacent while the other party’s base is mad as hell and turn out to punish the incumbents whenever possible.

But no, everything must be horrible, Republicans are going to win 20 seats* next year ahhhhhhh

*you can decide whether those are House or Senate
This exactly. It’s why the “Democrats always do poorly in midterms” “thesis” is complete bupkis. One party wins the presidency, their voters get complacent while the other party’s base is mad as hell and turn out to punish the incumbents whenever possible.

But no, everything must be horrible, Republicans are going to win 20 seats* next year ahhhhhhh

*you can decide whether those are House or Senate

I think most people online only got into politics post 2008.


FGC Waterboy
I'm arguing for a campaign that doesn't allienate the voters you need the most. Especially since Northam is so fucking uninspiring. It's not like Obama where he could pull of bipartisanship because he was such a strong and alluring figure. Northam needs to give Dems a reason to go to the polls. Saying he'll work with Trump when you are a sweater vest is not the answer.

There are ways to talk to swing voters that don't alienate your base.

I'm not so sure about that last part any more.



Yep. Yesterday.






This won't change the situation, but it at least provides a laugh:
I think most people online only got into politics post 2008.
Very true. I think it also emphasizes the overstated importance people place on the presidential election. Anyone who witnessed the 06 election should have seen Obama’s victory in 08 coming from a mile away (allowing for the usual anxiety about any election), instead Obama is treated like this out-of-nowhere turning point in American history. Which don’t get me wrong, it was certainly monumental, but it didn’t exist in a vacuum and it’s not like America just suddenly got woke.

I want someone to shove a calendar in McConnell's face and ask him when we can schedule a discussion on firearms.
I like the point DailyKos made. “Oh, it’s too soon after the Vegas shooting to talk about gun control.” What about Sandy Hook? What about the Pulse shooting? What about the countless other mass shootings before this one that no one seems interested in doing jack shit about?

It’s just coded language at this point which might as well translate to “we’re too afraid of the gun lobby to fucking do anything, now sit down and shut up you whiny commie so we can feign sympathy.” Like fuck, just admit you don’t care.

oh my god
Hope he loses the Republican primary, wins the Conservative line and splits the vote like a chump.


Very true. I think it also emphasizes the overstated importance people place on the presidential election. Anyone who witnessed the 06 election should have seen Obama’s victory in 08 coming from a mile away (allowing for the usual anxiety about any election), instead Obama is treated like this out-of-nowhere turning point in American history. Which don’t get me wrong, it was certainly monumental, but it didn’t exist in a vacuum and it’s not like America just suddenly got woke.

Similar to this point, I hate it when Barack Obama is described as a once-in-a-generation figure. Because he's charming and charismatic and a good speaker? Most presidents are like that! Democrats have elected Obamas before and we will elect more Obamas in the future. But the idea that someone like Barack Obama will never come along again just seems like empty doom and gloom forecasting that not only depresses voters but isn't even true.


Similar to this point, I hate it when Barack Obama is described as a once-in-a-generation figure. Because he's charming and charismatic and a good speaker? Most presidents are like that! Democrats have elected Obamas before and we will elect more Obamas in the future. But the idea that someone like Barack Obama will never come along again just seems like empty doom and gloom forecasting that not only depresses voters but isn't even true.

He also caused the right to lose their shit and gave us trump, so maybe we don’t exactly need another Obama :(
I guess the constitution doesn't matter anymore. Just have to pardon anyone that goes against it. Now all Kim Davis needs to effectively keep gay marriage illegal in Kentucky is Trump's go ahead.
Well, I mean the constitution does matter. The president is distinctly given the power to pardon people.

It’s just that the constitution also incorrectly assumed that the power wouldn’t be abused to an absurd degree. But that’s more so a naive miscalculation of the constitution rather than the courts ignoring it.
Well, I mean the constitution does matter. The president is distinctly given the power to pardon people.

It’s just that the constitution also incorrectly assumed that the power wouldn’t be abused to an absurd degree. But that’s more so a naive miscalculation of the constitution rather than the courts ignoring it.
tbh our constitution is so bad maybe we can convince people to draft a new one and establish the Republic of America with a unicameral parliament and MMP or closed list PR and end federalism.

oh sorry I think I just jizzed a little


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I mean the constitution does matter. The president is distinctly given the power to pardon people.

It’s just that the constitution also incorrectly assumed that the power wouldn’t be abused to an absurd degree. But that’s more so a naive miscalculation of the constitution rather than the courts ignoring it.

Fine. When the next democratic president gets in power, he should blanket pardon people found in contempt of court for enforcing any state laws that were found to break the 2nd amendment.

If republicans don't like it, all they need is a 2/3rds majority to impeach him, to be replaced by another democrat who can continue doing the same thing.
Baker is going to cruise through re-election next year, which is really frustrating. But he hasn't been too terrible, and his commitment to funding PP if Congress eliminates federal funding and joining Bloomberg's climate alliance were good steps. Of course he's been plenty cowardly on other things, but what can you do.

I'd take him a million times over photo ops like this one:
Similar to this point, I hate it when Barack Obama is described as a once-in-a-generation figure. Because he's charming and charismatic and a good speaker? Most presidents are like that! Democrats have elected Obamas before and we will elect more Obamas in the future. But the idea that someone like Barack Obama will never come along again just seems like empty doom and gloom forecasting that not only depresses voters but isn't even true.
Every Dem president elected in the last 60 years has been a young, charming up-and-comer. JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama. (Not counting LBJ because he inherited the office, even if he did get re-elected in his own right.) None of those men were lacking in political experience, but Obama and JFK weren’t senators long enough to rack up blemishes on their record and governors tend to make for better presidential candidates (more correlative experience/record, independent from unpopular Congress and incumbent presidents).

It’s finding that perfect balance between charisma and competence. I mean I guess I can understand how people think Obama is generational if you consider the 16 years between his first election and Bill’s a generation.


Well, I mean the constitution does matter. The president is distinctly given the power to pardon people.

It’s just that the constitution also incorrectly assumed that the power wouldn’t be abused to an absurd degree. But that’s more so a naive miscalculation of the constitution rather than the courts ignoring it.

That's not really true. The constitution assumes that if the president abuses the pardon power he would be impeached by Congress, who has a strong interest in the laws of the country being meaningful, since they write the laws.

The problem isn't that the constitution was drafted improperly, it's that a bunch of fascists and quislings have taken over multiple branches of government.


Unconfirmed Member
Both fascists AND quislings in one post?
*checks free square*
Shit, almost had a bingo, just missing “ban cars”


He also caused the right to lose their shit and gave us trump, so maybe we don’t exactly need another Obama :(

That's really no different from Clinton either. Hard to remember because it feels worlds away, and I was pretty young at the time myself, but the right absolutely hated Clinton like poison. Our politics are so hyperpartisan now because guys like Gingrich and Rush and Fox News were peddling anti-Clinton hate among the right wing hard for years.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
One day, Republicans might actually get punished for blatantly breaking the law.

Think about how many low income completely innocent people are rotting in jail because of institutional racism, or bad representation, and yet Joe Arpaio spits in the face of law and decency and is rewarded for it.

A racist, pardoned by a racist, to appease racists.

Dr. Worm

The Constitution isn't specific in a lot of areas, which gives presidents a lot of leeway to do things that aren't explicitly allowed, since those things aren't explicitly disallowed either. "Police actions" aren't an expressed power in the Constitution, and declaring war is explicitly the domain of Congress, but the presidents still do those, as an example. Same with acquiring the Louisiana Territory or the Panama Canal Zone - it doesn't say the president can, but it doesn't say he can't either.

Dem recruitment is really high this cycle, in nearly every district. A lot of that comes from political newbies pissed about Trump/trying to ride that wave, but bigger name candidates who’ve sat out in the past are jumping in too.

Yeah, I'm just wondering why this district in particular has the most eager beavers, given its circumstances. Wanted to see if you dorks might know something that I didn't.


aka andydumi
I don't know how it works, but is there a possibility that Mueller's findings involve congressmen who would then be required to recuse themselves from any decision making as to how to pursue charges or actions? As in can't vote on your own fate.


That's what happened? I was wondering why Politico seemed less insufferable as of late
Yup. Was noticeable in the campaign when they suddenly had good meaty content for just about the first time in their history.

And then Axios came up spewing the Chris Cillizza-level takes and repeating the company line of the admin verbatim and it got real obvious.
That's not really true. The constitution assumes that if the president abuses the pardon power he would be impeached by Congress, who has a strong interest in the laws of the country being meaningful, since they write the laws.

The problem isn't that the constitution was drafted improperly, it's that a bunch of fascists and quislings have taken over multiple branches of government.

However this is also why generally presidents tended to wait for horrifically unethical pardons until the last day of their presidency, because then congress couldn’t do anything.. which still is a problem with the check on the power of a pardon even if that didn’t happen here

But yes Trump by doing this amazingly only like 8 months in also successfully displayed once again how the republicans at large are failing to preserve the institutions just as much as he is.
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