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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Wow fucking hell. CNN is running with Cillizza's speil about Obama and Hillary's silence on Weinstein as their main story. This fucking moron.

CNN wants you to watch and complain about CNN. They want people to hate watch and they want people to talk about them on social media. If you really want to discourage them, stop interacting with them and talking about them.


Explain to me what the practical difference is between the Trumpists and the feckless losers who piss and moan and then vote for whatever Trump asks them to.

Graham and Cassidy talk sensibly, flash you a warm smile and then write a bill to take healthcare away from 32 million people, jack up premiums for everyone else and strip away protections wherever possible. Oh gee, Lindsey Graham can joke and laugh with Democrats sometimes? I don’t give a fuck.

To say the establishment GOP wing hasn’t been actively fanning these flames even if they give mealy-mouthed condemnations of only the worst behavior is utterly delusional. Who in the Republican Party has denounced Trump’s comments about the NFL? That’s what I fucking thought.

That's my point as well. The congressional/Senate GOP is already about as bad as it can get, the difference is mostly tone and better political instincts. In terms of votes you weren't going to get a damn thing different between Moore and Strange, but Moore is more likely to fuck up things for his own team and is an easier candidate to beat in the general.

It's just playing with fire when a Democratic incumbent does this.
Explain to me what the practical difference is between the Trumpists and the feckless losers who piss and moan and then vote for whatever Trump asks them to.

Graham and Cassidy talk sensibly, flash you a warm smile and then write a bill to take healthcare away from 32 million people, jack up premiums for everyone else and strip away protections wherever possible. Oh gee, Lindsey Graham can joke and laugh with Democrats sometimes? I don’t give a fuck.

To say the establishment GOP wing hasn’t been actively fanning these flames even if they give mealy-mouthed condemnations of only the worst behavior is utterly delusional. Who in the Republican Party has denounced Trump’s comments about the NFL? That’s what I fucking thought.

Never forget the Tea Party was not an insurgent movement, but a highly supported one backed by the entire establishment GOP.
Explain to me what the practical difference is between the Trumpists and the feckless losers who piss and moan and then vote for whatever Trump asks them to.

Graham and Cassidy talk sensibly, flash you a warm smile and then write a bill to take healthcare away from 32 million people, jack up premiums for everyone else and strip away protections wherever possible. Oh gee, Lindsey Graham can joke and laugh with Democrats sometimes? I don’t give a fuck.

To say the establishment GOP wing hasn’t been actively fanning these flames even if they give mealy-mouthed condemnations of only the worst behavior is utterly delusional. Who in the Republican Party has denounced Trump’s comments about the NFL? That’s what I fucking thought.

It doesn’t really matter what you believe is delusional or not. It matters what makes sense to would be republican midterm voters

Ask anyone them what they think of Graham and McCain and others. It doesn’t matter that they and other supposed moderates have actually done. They are fake liberals who buy in to the fake news CNN soros funded stories and have sabotaged Trump and his agenda. Some of the stuff that Lindsay and others have said about Trump might be empty meaningless talk to you, but to them it’s borderline treasonous. They don’t want Republicans who appeal to liberals by dissing Trump. They don’t care if their votes don’t always match their talk they want them to completely support him and defend him because they don’t think he’s wrong.

What would be dumb, IMO, is to give these people conservative options who will say “Rinos in congress and their disrespect of our fairly elected president has been disgraceful. I will fully support President trump and his agenda”, because that actually gives them something to vote for, where as I have zero clue what an establishment GOPer in this midterm will even be able to run on.

The GOP base is absolutely fuming with the Graham, Ryan types right now. Ryan’s approval numbers are WAY lower than Trumps. They need to focus on that and his approval ratings instead. They best way to make turnout for them worse in the mid terms is making sure there are as many of those guys as possible. Not less.


Morning Consult has polled each stated job approval of Trump with registered voters.


On mobile so I can't repost but...

Nothing to worry about I'm sure.


Christ, the Democrats can not be responsible for policing whatever lunatic bigots the GOP chooses to elect as their representatives. It's up to Republicans to get their own houses in order.
I mentioned it earlier.

States where Trump is above 50% disapproval

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
Washington, D.C.

States where Trump is underwater in approval

North Carolina

States where Trump’s approval is under 50%, but higher than disapproval


It doesn’t really matter what you believe is delusional or not. It matters what makes sense to would be republican midterm voters

Ask anyone them what they think of Graham and McCain and others. It doesn’t matter that they and other supposed moderates have actually done. They are fake liberals who buy in to the fake news CNN soros funded stories and have sabotaged Trump and his agenda. Some of the stuff that Lindsay and others have said about Trump might be empty meaningless talk to you, but to them it’s borderline treasonous. They don’t want Republicans who appeal to liberals by dissing Trump. They don’t care if their votes don’t always match their talk they want them to completely support him and defend him because they don’t think he’s wrong.

What would be dumb, IMO, is to give these people conservative options who will say “Rinos in congress and their disrespect of our fairly elected president has been disgraceful. I will fully support President trump and his agenda”, because that actually gives them something to vote for, where as I have zero clue what an establishment GOPer in this midterm will even be able to run on.

The GOP base is absolutely fuming with the Graham, Ryan types right now. Ryan’s approval numbers are WAY lower than Trumps. They need to focus on that and his approval ratings instead. They best way to make turnout for them worse in the mid terms is making sure there are as many of those guys as possible. Not less.
And yet in many of these states, there are more than enough swing voters to overcome any boost in GOP turnout (which is likely to be small - didn’t help Buck, O’Donnell or Angle in GOP wave years!). And a Democrat is always preferable to a Republican.

Biden is coming to Virginia on Saturday to campaign for Northam

Am I correct in that the only response Trump gave on Vegas was that sole "warmest condolences" tweet?

TIL thar Kissenger is still alive. maybe i got him comfused with Agnew for some reason


I mean, Gillespie beat Stewart, and we got all the race-bait shit anyway, so is there actually a meaningful difference?

They nominate Stewart, their base is happier, swings are likely not. They nominated Gillesspie, the inverse. Internally, it's a catch-22 (kinda like the 2016 D primaries, except instead of Clinton half-heartedly decrying the TPP, we have Gillespiie half-heartedly trying to make Northam out to be a MS16 member)

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
If Tillerson gets replaced by Bolton, do you view that as an upgrade, downgrade, or pretty much no difference?


Cracked up at this:

“[J]ust be prepared...to have the most horrible things said about you,’’ Cllinton advised. According to how some websites described her, she explained, “I’m…the most amazing serial killer you ever met.”


If Tillerson gets replaced by Bolton, do you view that as an upgrade, downgrade, or pretty much no difference?

Downgrade, because Bolton will want to nuke Iran and Trump will let him.


I wonder if McAulliffe might want to run again in 2021 if none of the VA Senate seats appear to be opening up. I didn't realize you could run a second time till today.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don’t think Hillary should have responded. She’s a nothing now. Who is anyone to tell her what to do? She should have come out and said Harvey gave me cash money, fuck yall, catch me on Wall Street.
If Tillerson gets replaced by Bolton, do you view that as an upgrade, downgrade, or pretty much no difference?
Downgrade. Despite me thinking Rex was one of the worst appointments initially, he’s probably been one of the better ones so far. Low bars and all that. But still, he’s not making things actively worse from what I can tell so I want him to stay


Downgrade. Despite me thinking Rex was one of the worst appointments initially, he’s probably been one of the better ones so far. Low bars and all that. But still, he’s not making things actively worse from what I can tell so I want him to stay

Tillerson is making things worse, just in a quieter way. His dismantling of the State Department is going to profound repercussions for years to come. Bolton's way of making things worse would just be more immediate and drastic.


Tillerson is making things worse, just in a quieter way. His dismantling of the State Department is going to profound repercussions for years to come. Bolton's way of making things worse would just be more immediate and drastic.

Bolton would probably respect the institution of state even if he'd be more dangerous personally.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.

Bolton is a fucking nightmare. As shitty as Tillerson is, Bolton would be about as much of a downgrade as you could possibly get unless he beat out Steve Miller, Bannon, or David Clarke for the position.

Cracked up at this:


Downgrade, because Bolton will want to nuke Iran and Trump will let him.

Downgrade. Despite me thinking Rex was one of the worst appointments initially, he’s probably been one of the better ones so far. Low bars and all that. But still, he’s not making things actively worse from what I can tell so I want him to stay

Its a catastrophe if Bolton gets it. He is a raving lunatic and will egg on Trump.

Rex is a typical garbage republican but he has a brain. These clowns dont.
Welp, now I’m scared.
I mentioned it earlier.

States where Trump is above 50% disapproval

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
Washington, D.C.

States where Trump is underwater in approval

North Carolina

States where Trump’s approval is under 50%, but higher than disapproval

lol Florida
Don't know if it was posted or no but:

Paul Merrill‏ @PaulMerrillWMTW 24m24 minutes ago

Spokeswoman confirms @SenatorCollins will announce her gubernatorial bid decision in Maine on Friday. Details TBD. #mepolitics
And yet in many of these states, there are more than enough swing voters to overcome any boost in GOP turnout (which is likely to be small - didn’t help Buck, O’Donnell or Angle in GOP wave years!). And a Democrat is always preferable to a Republican.
I just think it’s wrong to look at the history of wave elections as a likely indicator. Using history to predict turnout is exactly why much of the polling prior to the election was wrong. Trump changes the map.

Yes there theoretically are enough swing voters to overcome a still energized base but it’s playing a risky game, considering how much of an advantage Trump has given the power of rural distribution in the house and senate.

We’ve also never had a president like Trump before. We’ve never had a presidency like this one before. Or a base that has stuck with a guy through as much as he has been through. I’m not convinced turnout will be down, extremism of GOP nominees will be a turnoff, and democrats will capitalize on both those factors.

Really I think the safer option is to target the failure of Ryan and the establishment GOP. Targeting extremism and not accounting for what could be unusually high party wave turnout is potentially a terrible idea. Because I don’t think anyone should rule out that rural turnout will be higher than what anyone could predict again, especially if the democratic strategy is to apparently hand republican voters who are turned on by extremists out.

They have single party control but many loyal republicans feel like they are being cheated out of it or aren’t getting what they wanted or were promised. I think this is different from most waves because the voters are likely going to blame the rinos rather than the president because he can do no wrong.

I’d like to target swing voters but avoiding giving Trump loyalists options with things to run on has to be part of the strategy too. To me enabling extrism is just as bad of an idea as making a pied piper out of trump in 2016 rather than just tying him to typical republicans was. It’s a bit tone deaf and isn’t reading the room on what the would be voters would be turned on or off by.

Ryan’s approvals are a full 13 points lower than Trumps. So is McConnell. There’s more to work with by targeting that than enabling more Trumpism in what I think are completely untested political waters


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I guess I don't get why you can't target both extremism AND the failure/disconnect of establishment GOP.

Why is this such an impossible endeavor?
The key ingredient you’re missing - Moore was not Trump’s candidate. We saw what good a Trump endorsement did in one of his best states. I’m not nearly as convinced as you are that Trump telling his base how to vote is the magic ticket to boost GOP turnout.

Just because Trump himself is unprecedented (in some ways) doesn’t mean all precedence gets thrown out the window.


Bolton is a long shot at best, he'd have to go through (Bob Corker's) confirmation hearing first. Pompeo's already Senate-confirmed and Cotton would probably find enough support among his GOP colleagues to inch through.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My prediction for this week:

Massive mueller move this week.

One or two more senators join Corker (not McCain but him too)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Without the former, the latter doesn't actually have a viable political base.

I would argue that at this time both are so intertwined it is impossible to separate them.
The key ingredient you’re missing - Moore was not Trump’s candidate. We saw what good a Trump endorsement did in one of his best states. I’m not nearly as convinced as you are that Trump telling his base how to vote is the magic ticket to boost GOP turnout.

Just because Trump himself is unprecedented (in some ways) doesn’t mean all precedence gets thrown out the window.
Moore wasn’t Trump’s candidate himself, but I’d say Moore is more appealing to people who do like Trump and still support him than the other guy was.

Agreed I don’t think all precedent will be thrown out the window, but approaching the midterms like previous ones like nothing is different isn’t a good idea. Dems need to be really smart about how they approach this and be more in tune with what their opposition likes or dislikes. Or what constitutes as a “weak” candidate.


I would argue that at this time both are so intertwined it is impossible to separate them.
Correct, but the latter is utterly powerless without the former. They're riding onto the bucking animal for dear life. But this also means that the biggest enemy actually is white rural America.
Fucking hell, Chris Cillizza is fucking trash:
Duh, all the "Media Reporter beat" guys from the post have turned out to be closet conservatives. It turns out viewing politics as purely a sport tends to correllate strongly with that POV.
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