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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I guess Hannity's boom was the Weinstein story and how he gave all that money to Democrats, thus democrats are supported by a sexual predator.

So party that had a sexual predator as a major donor, bad. Party elected and has a sexual predator sitting in the White House, good. Ok Hannity.


I mean, I guess I should have expected this. At least it appears they talked some sense into him.

I really doubt that. They probably changed the subject and hoped he'd forget about it. I'm not even joking. They used the dangle the keys strategy and it probably worked.


Wasn't there murmuring awhile back of how it'd likely be Orrin Hatch, due to stuff tying both Pence and Ryan down to the sinking ship too?

I think anyone who believes that Pence and Ryan have been compromised by Russians or Orrin Hatch is angling to be president are living somewhere down the rabbit hole with Louise Mensch.

If Trump is impeached, forced to resign, whatever, Pence will be sworn in as president and there will be zero resistance to it. It'll be welcomed as righting the ship and getting more stable hands on the steering wheel.
I think anyone who believes that Pence and Ryan have been compromised by Russians or Orrin Hatch is angling to be president are living somewhere down the rabbit hole with Louise Mensch.

If Trump is impeached, forced to resign, whatever, Pence will be sworn in as president and there will be zero resistance to it. It'll be welcomed as righting the ship and getting more stable hands on the steering wheel.

Pence is one of the worst people in this country and yet even I would be happy to see him sworn in. It still boggles my mind that the GOP at large hasn't realized the first people to turn against Trump are going to get the moderate darling treatment (and approval boost) no matter how awful they really are.
It's a good thing Democrats will never win back the Senate, so this has zero chance of ever backfiring on Republicans.

Three more years is a lot of time to do damage, though I can see a scenario where Democrats take it back next year. That said, more checks and balances for lifetime appointments is a good thing. Hope democrats won’t use this to appoint a bunch of loons.
Random question. If a news article is talking about a house representative, how can I tell if they're a state house representative or one in the federal house?
Three more years is a lot of time to do damage, though I can see a scenario where Democrats take it back next year. That said, more checks and balances for lifetime appointments is a good thing. Hope democrats won’t use this to appoint a bunch of loons.

Isn't this basically impossible?


All it does is increase the volatility created by party turnover along with the increasing requirement that the Senate and White House be controlled by the same party for any positions in the courts to be filled.

Either we need to accept that the court system is going to become increasingly partisan, or we need reform of the process (like enshrining the Blue Slip system in law for district courts).

Isn't this basically impossible?

Before McCain came down with a fatal illness and Corker announced his retirement? Yes.

It's still a long shot, but if you could clear both seats in Arizona, plus Heller in Nevada and Corker in Tennessee, then you could afford to lose one of Donnelly or McCaskill and still take the chamber.

And Cruz is on the table too, whatever anyone else says.

This is some real terrifying shit


It's funny that he's opening the conversation about having truthfulness standards for journalistic outlets enshrined into law.

Sure, let's go for it. Fox News and the Sinclair Networks can go for recertification first.


It's scary shit, but in a way, it'd be great to see - enforcing impartiality and truth over scare-tactics and opinions. Anything under 80% impartial truth is killed by Federal order. Breitbart dies in six months, Fox News follows six months later, followed by Sinclair. Both-sides'ing like we saw last year would never occur again.

Meanwhile the "Fake News" and MSM just roll with it.

Awful, scary, but fucking funny at the same time.

This is some real terrifying shit

It isn't. He would have a hard time proving fake news and would probably cause his favorite network to get shutdown before anyone would remotely consider pulling an established networks license. I'm wondering if he heard about licenses on FOX news wich would be ironic 🙃


Three more years is a lot of time to do damage, though I can see a scenario where Democrats take it back next year. That said, more checks and balances for lifetime appointments is a good thing. Hope democrats won’t use this to appoint a bunch of loons.

Yes it is, but this administration and this Congress was always going to do a lot of damage when given time and power. Erasing procedural hurdles like the SCOTUS filibuster and the blue slip system just make it easier for Dems to course correct when the Senate flips again.


Wouldn't that killing the blue slips help them in this scenario?

Yes, to let them pack the courts which are understaffed after their successful obstruction during the Obama era, so it's an opportune time to skew the lower courts to the right for the next quarter century.

But anything that's done to the lower courts can be undone since those courts exist at the pleasure of congress, unlike the SC which is provided for in the Constitution.

Actually had a thought that you could rig the Supreme Court by doing the reverse of court-packing. Reduce the number of justices on the supreme court and force some of the associates to resign, then raise the number back and your president gets to fill those slots.


So Eminem has had problematic lyrics about women in his past, which means his criticism of the President is irrelevant.....the same President who is a self-admitted sexual predator.......I don't know guys..


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Greg Sargent said:
The president is set to deliver a speech touting his tax plan Wednesday afternoon in Pennsylvania that will be attended by hundreds of truckers, whom Trump will describe as “hard-working men and women” who are “the lifeblood of the economy.” The Post reports that Trump will tout his plan as a benefit to truckers by arguing that lower taxes on manufacturers will boost growth and demand for trucking.

But that’s not all: One administration official says Trump will sell estate-tax repeal as beneficial to family-owned trucking companies that pass on assets from one generation to the next.

I spoke this morning to David Cay Johnston, a veteran tax reporter who has written numerous books on how the wealthy game the tax system to their advantage. When I ran this claim about the estate tax by Johnston, he burst out laughing and dismissed the assertion as “absurd” and a “scam.”

And yet people will continue to fall for this stuff.


So say Collins announces Friday that she's running for governor next year. Would she need to drop out of her Senate seat to campaign, or could she stay for the time being and end up still serving as senator if she loses the election? And if she does win the gubernatorial election, does that mean LePage picks her successor?
So say Collins announces Friday that she's running for governor next year. Would she need to drop out of her Senate seat to campaign, or could she stay for the time being and end up still serving as senator if she loses the election? And if she does win the gubernatorial election, does that mean LePage picks her successor?
She can stay until she’s sworn in.

Like literally the second before. This would allow her to appoint her own replacement.

I don’t think she’s said what she’d do, but I sure as hell hope she wouldn’t let LePage appoint her successor. Ideology aside (or entirely tied into this), they hate each other.

sith ewok

So Eminem has has problematic lyrics about women in his past, which means his criticism of the President is irrelevant.....the same President who is a self-admitted sexual predator.......I don't know guys..

Not to mention his vocally homophobic views in the past. He isn't exactly free of criticism in these matters. That said, anyone who has a voice, especially with younger people, and uses it at this point gains a few respect points from me. I'm shocked that there hasn't been a Twitter storm against Eminem yet. I guess it's because he's a white man?


Unconfirmed Member
It's funny that he's opening the conversation about having truthfulness standards for journalistic outlets enshrined into law.

Sure, let's go for it. Fox News and the Sinclair Networks can go for recertification first.
He’s not talking about having truthfulness standards. He’s talking about silencing media criticism he doesn’t like by using state power to de facto shut down media organizations (by denying a broadcasting license).
There are apparently some standards to maintain a license but they appear to be talking about an entirely different ballpark of "fake". They don't seem to be intended for individuals to use to disenfranchise a new network because they don't like the reporting, but for instances where they cause real and foreseeable harm.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean, sure we can read it as “he can’t really do that technically” but that reeks of normalizing these outbursts as “old man yells at cloud” when he has a proven track record of fascist tendencies that he will try and act on, what he “can’t do” be damned.

He has no legal recourse to force an NFL player to stand for the anthem either, yet here we are with the league considering making it a rule despite the precedence this starts setting.

but sure, not scary at all...


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The scary part isn't that he doesn't understand how licenses work, but that he wants to silence voices he doesn't agree with.

I mean, he has been like that from the beginning. We all know these things wouldn't stand up in court.

Plus, if a law was created, wouldn't Fox News get destroyed by it?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fox News is cable, not broadcast.

Cable has looser standards for profanity, but for actual information? They'd have to carefully craft the law with loopholes that would be blatantly biased in favor of Fox.

Mike M

Nick N
Cable has looser standards for profanity, but for actual information? They'd have to carefully craft the law with loopholes that would be blatantly biased in favor of Fox.
Cable is not subject to the FCC at all. Anything passed would almost certainly be found to be in violation of the 1st amendment.


Cable is not subject to the FCC at all. Anything passed would almost certainly be found to be in violation of the 1st amendment.

Yeah, I think people get mixed up by the looser rules for broadcast at certain hours. Cable is only regulated by advertisers and providers. It's not a public resource like airwaves
Cable has looser standards for profanity, but for actual information? They'd have to carefully craft the law with loopholes that would be blatantly biased in favor of Fox.

Fox News doesn't need a license because they aren't broadcast over the airwaves. The idea is that radio frequencies belong to everyone (established in the Radio Act of 1927
) , so the government licenses access for anything that uses them for everything from Radio stations to cell phones, to TV.

Cable isn't subject to the FCC at all? Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that.

Cable is subject to the FCC in general, but the FCC doesn't have near the same level of control over content. There isn't a mechanism for licensing, because the federal government doesn't lay claim to cable's means of distribution like they do with radio and TV broadcasts.


What do you say now, Log Cabin Republicans?


The Trump administration got wind of what was happening on October 11 at the Stonewall National Monument, where a rainbow flag is set to be hoisted and was publicized as the first LGBTQ Pride flag flying permanently on federal land.

Now the National Park Service under Secretary Ryan Zinke has pulled its representative from the event and is working to certify that “the flagpole adjacent to Christopher Park was not technically on federal land so that no rainbow flag would be flying on US government property,” according to NYC’s Gay City News:

The National Park Service’s Barbara Applebaum, who arranged the permit for the event, dropped out as a speaker at the ceremony — her office citing a schedule conflict — and organizers of the event said in a release that the Park Service dropped its sponsorship of the event for which it had issued the permit to veteran gay activist Michael Petrelis.

Ann Northrop, co-host of Gay USA, who will preside over the dedication, said, “This is an unbelievably petty, sleazy, transparent bit of cruelty by the Trump administration. Evidently, we are so filthy to them and their right-wing supporters that they can’t even be associated with a few yards of rainbow fabric.”

Veteran gay activist Ken Kidd said he suspected that anti-LGBTQ haters read an article on the event and alerted their higher-ups within the Trump administration, adding, “The very idea that taxpayer dollars were spent researching a flagpole on a national monument when there are so many other things at stake in the country is an outrage.”


President Trump is to address the conference of a recognised anti-LGBT hate group.

Trump will speak at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, DC on Friday, becoming the first president to address the gathering.

The event hosts a coalition of white supremacists, far right activists and religious extremists among its attendees.

But her emails

Bernie woulda won


Cable isn't subject to the FCC at all? Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that.


edit: better explanation https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/obscene-indecent-and-profane-broadcasts

What about cable, satellite TV and satellite radio?

Because obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment, it is prohibited on cable, satellite and broadcast TV and radio. However, the same rules for indecency and profanity do not apply to cable, satellite TV and satellite radio because they are subscription services.

"Obscenity" is illegal in all media. It's beyond your typical Porn
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