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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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All charter schools, by virtue of sucking money out of public schools and undermining workers rights, are bad. At best, they're a lifeline for a limited number of minority parents who have been sold the story by charter advocates and people who just plain hate public schools that there is no way to fix public schools, so the only thing you can do is be entirely selfish and get your kid a ticket out as the rest of the public schools become even worse as the best students are grabbed by the charters.

But hey, you should be happy. You've got a nice ally to continue to sell the idea that public schools are unfixable wrecks that must be turned over to "non-profits" ran by billionaires or religious folk.

I took my kid out of Cleveland Public Schools and into a charter school this year. This is a complex issue, but in Cleveland's case specifically, it is entirely corrupt, bad for kids with the constant testing, and is too long of a school day that starts too early in the morning. There are a lot of reasons why it is the way it is, but suffice to say it's a terrible last resort for families. When we get rid of Kasich and Cleveland mayor Frank Jackson, it might be able to be fixed.
Really I think tax reform is more important for republicans to accomplish than healthcare was. If they walk out single party control with nothing to show here that's going to be terrible for them.

They'll need democratic votes to get it done because there's no way they'll be able to come to something they'll agree on. I think we should support a simplified tax code as long as it doesn't come with massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations. If there are any tax cuts included it should be for the middle class
My mayor primary is next Tuesday and the 90% of ads I've gotten on GAF the last 24 hours have been from the current mayor.

Not sure why she feels the need to blow all this money on a race she's expected to win...
If the Democrats are going to cozy up to Trump and pretend to like him, can they at least get him to do his job with ACA?

Maybe they'll include this in the ACA fix bill.

Problem is so much discretion was given to HHS, apparently not prepared for an administration whose HHS' fundamental goal was to sabotage the entire thing. Would be nice to set some clear parameters.
Mnuchin's pitch on the debt ceiling/Harvery/CR vote was a failure to say the least.


House Republicans bristled Friday at Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s pitch for them to vote for a three-month debt and spending extension “for me,” exacerbating divisions between Capitol Hill and the White House.

“His performance was incredibly poor, and his last words, and I quote, were ‘vote for the debt ceiling for me,’” said Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), the chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, a group that opposed the bill.

“It was a very arrogant lecture that turned off more of the conference,” added another RSC member. “I’m less sold than when I walked into the meeting.”

Mnuchin's presentation was "about as well received as his wife's Instagram post," Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) quipped to The Hill, referring to a recent controversy about social media posts by the Treasury secretary's actress wife.
“It was a very arrogant lecture that turned off more of the conference,” added another RSC member. “I’m less sold than when I walked into the meeting.”

Mnuchin's presentation was "about as well received as his wife's Instagram post," Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) quipped to The Hill, referring to a recent controversy about social media posts by the Treasury secretary's actress wife.

Reminder that the majority of Republicans voted for the measure.

Just injecting a little dose of reality into those representatives' world view.



What reason would a rep have for not voting for it?

All it does is make you an enemy of the President (presumably more popular in your base than yourself) and give a huge campaign add to somebody running against you that "You didn't want to help Americans suffereing".
Mark Meadows is open to a bill to shore up the Obamacare markets as long as conservatives get "enough back".


Meadows is working with Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.), a more centrist Republican, on a bill to fund the ObamaCare payments, increase flexibility for states, and lower drug costs. The details have not yet been released.

At the same time, Meadows is not giving up on repeal, and is pushing for a bill from Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) to convert ObamaCare spending into block grants to states.

Meadows said if that measure were to move forward, it would make it easier to support a CSR payment bill.

”Guys like me would be more willing to vote for a CSR payment if you had a true transition to something other than the Affordable Care Act," Meadows said.

Here's the thing - Lamar Alexander's group is looking to release a truly bi-partisan health care reform package to shore up the Obamacare market places and it will likely include some changes to the 1332 waiver process for states to be able to innovate. If you haven't been watching the hearings by the committee they are very worthwhile (they just had a bi-partisan group of Governors testify).

If that bi-partisan bill garners enough Democratic support (and moderate Republican votes), then the Freedom caucus can take its 35 votes and shove them up their asses already. These people have so little fucking want to actually govern.

What reason would a rep have for not voting for it?
This abstract notion of offsetting spending cuts needing to be a part of any debt ceiling increase, etc.
Mnuchin's pitch on the debt ceiling/Harvery/CR vote was a failure to say the least.

Gee, and Ryan didn't even have to break his precious Hastert rule (named after a convicted pedophile and sexual abuser) to get it done, the bill still got majority support from the GOP caucus.

Let's talk about the Ryan rule, any bill that passes the House must have 218 votes from the majority party alone because fuck the minority, I'm a wannabe dictator.

Between Trump's antics, Ryan/McConnell's leadership and Russian involvement seems like the Republican party is completely falling apart. Seeing more of these retirements will only increase the Democratic wave in 2018, hopefully.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Between Trump's antics, Ryan/McConnell's leadership and Russian involvement seems like the Republican party is completely falling apart. Seeing more of these retirements will only increase the Democratic wave in 2018, hopefully.

I hope so, but the constant sniping between the bernie peeps and dnc/centrists is still worrying.


Session's DoJ siding with the bakery going up to SCOTUS who refused to make a cake for the homosexuals.

In coming 5-4 reaffirming gays are not citizens deserving of respect?
Charlie Dent commenting on the vote:

Chad Pergram‏Verified account

Rep Dent: We should have sold admission passes..it was a sight to behold to have Mick Mulvaney coming in arguing for a debt ceiling increase

Chad Pergram‏Verified account

GOP PA Rep Dent: There are not 218 votes on the Republican side to raise the debt ceiling..the President was smart to realize this.

Mulvaney is apparently getting a bunch of shit for flipping his stance on the debt ceiling from his freedom caucus days.
GOP PA Rep Dent: There are not 218 votes on the Republican side to raise the debt ceiling..the President was smart to realize this.

There are GOP congresspeople dumb enough to believe in 4D chess.

Some people on the committee seemed to think he was lying yesterday. When Manafort did that they raided his house.

And you know the Russians have tapes of those three phone calls to Emin Agalarov. Emin surely recorded them for Daddy Putin.

The more they lie, the more they give Russia leverage over them.
I hope so, but the constant sniping between the bernie peeps and dnc/centrists is still worrying.
I think people are overplaying this division in the Democratic party. Sanders is not in the Democratic Party and there is no insurgent progressive wave like the Tea Party. There have been multiple elections recently where every Bernie like Democrat has lost in their primary. (I actually wanted Perioli to win against Northam but I'm happy either way. Nervous with the onslaught of Gillepsie ads I've been seeing.) Only a tiny percent of Bernie supporters ended up going to Trump in the election. After everything that's happening with Trump and as time goes by the Bernie Bros. will completely fade.

Naturally there are always going to be more progressive people and more moderate people in the party. However, I have yet to see any sign within the Democratic party of division. If you want to see an insurgent extremist political group overthrow a political party and have a nationwide surge. You can watch the Tea parties rise to power and see how significantly it differs from the Sanders thing. There are always going to be crazy people. I don't think we should waste our time and energy worrying about Bernie Bros antics since their influence was minor during the election and is now insignificant after the election.
Session's DoJ siding with the bakery going up to SCOTUS who refused to make a cake for the homosexuals.

In coming 5-4 reaffirming gays are not citizens deserving of respect?
Hopefully Kennedy will know better, but if that happens, I hope every cake shop that turns away gay customers is boycotted and flooded with shitty reviews.
There are GOP congresspeople dumb enough to believe in 4D chess.

That's not how I read that. Dent isn't saying Trump is playing 4D Chess, more like 2D connect the dots. Dent is throwing shade on his own party by saying that their dysfunction left Trump with no other choice than to work with the Democrats.
That's not how I read that. Dent isn't saying Trump is playing 4D Chess, more like 2D connect the dots. Dent is throwing shade on his own party by saying that their dysfunction left Trump with no other choice than to work with the Democrats.

Same. Dent is all but saying his party is dysfunctional/useless and Trump was right to realize that was the case and work with Dems.


God damn, and Mnuchin is one of the few cabinet members somewhat qualified for the job.

You're too generous.

He's one of the worst people in the administration, trying to normalize the nonsense tax code and ignoring the automation "inheritance" this administration is getting as warned by Barack Obama by saying it's a century away.

Steve Mnuchin couldn't convince lungs that they need oxygen.

If he's one of their best, then they've simply not had one soul that was in any way "good."
Really I think tax reform is more important for republicans to accomplish than healthcare was. If they walk out single party control with nothing to show here that's going to be terrible for them.

They'll need democratic votes to get it done because there's no way they'll be able to come to something they'll agree on. I think we should support a simplified tax code as long as it doesn't come with massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations. If there are any tax cuts included it should be for the middle class

The fact that they need Dems for tax reform just means that it will fall apart because they are going to change to something that conservatives and some moderates won't be able to stomach. Having the vote fail while some Democrats vote for the bill is probably the best outcome for them.
You're too generous.

He's one of the worst people in the administration, trying to normalize the nonsense tax code and ignoring the automation "inheritance" this administration is getting as warned by Barack Obama by saying it's a century away.

Steve Mnuchin couldn't convince lungs that they need oxygen.

If he's one of their best, then they've simply not had one soul that was in any way "good."

Oh I totally agree with you. Just saying that compared to Carson at HUD or Tillerson at State, Mnuchin at least comes from a relevant field. For this administration that’s somewhat impressive.
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