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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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GOP Sen. Ben Sasse tweets distracted boyfriend meme of Trump checking out Schumer





Between Trump's antics, Ryan/McConnell's leadership and Russian involvement seems like the Republican party is completely falling apart. Seeing more of these retirements will only increase the Democratic wave in 2018, hopefully.

You say this as if gerrymandering and propaganda aren't a thing.


Can you name any place that's different where the factions are talking to each other & not holed up in their bunkers (facebook groups or reddit).

I have heard tell of a legendary form of human interaction before the time of computers where people actually interacted face to face, occasionally in structures called "rooms"
I have heard tell of a legendary form of human interaction before the time of computers where people actually interacted face to face, occasionally in structures called "rooms"

Like, touching your face against another person's face? That's weird to imagine. Was this some kind of antebellum tradition? GAF has its qualms but at least I don't need to press my greasy forehead against some beat-faced libertarian.

I have heard of rooms though. My cousin has one for his VR set up.
I have heard tell of a legendary form of human interaction before the time of computers where people actually interacted face to face, occasionally in structures called "rooms"

I would like to know where you've been having these forms of human interaction. If anything I find them to be worse than GAF. It's pretty much all, "DNC IS RIGGED1!!!!11111!!!!!!1111!!!",
"Why we mad at Russia for exposing the truth?", and "Colin Kaepernick sucks/why we gotta move statues."
I have heard tell of a legendary form of human interaction before the time of computers where people actually interacted face to face, occasionally in structures called "rooms"

I legitimately had discussions with Trump supporters the night Trump came through Burlington at a bar I regular. It was interesting but also infuriating. I ended up getting very drunk.
Most of the time when I try to talk politics in person, it's just white people trying to seem above everyone else by reinforcing the status quo.

"Why do people want to change history? Where does it end? Am I right??"

"If you don't respect police why should they respect you? Have people tried not being a criminal? Am I right??"

"Both parties are the same anyway. It doesn't matter who you vote for. Am I right??"

And they don't want to actually talk about it. They want everybody to nod and say yes. They are not looking for conversation, it's an ego exercise or a reach for affirmation. When I actually try to respond to what they're saying, we can only go back and forth once or twice before somebody (sometimes them) pulls the plug on the conversation. Like, "all right, no politics over dinner!" or "okay you two, agree to disagree!"

Places like Twitter, GAF, and Reddit have a different set of problems, but at least I know when I go there that there will be people actually having an argument. It might not be constructive, but it's better than the nothing I get in the real world.
And they don't want to actually talk about it. They want everybody to nod and say yes. They are not looking for conversation, it's an ego exercise or a reach for affirmation. When I actually try to respond to what they're saying, we can only go back and forth once or twice before somebody (sometimes them) pulls the plug on the conversation. Like, "all right, no politics over dinner!" or "okay you two, agree to disagree!"

Yup. We live in an era of self validation where people only want to be agreed with. If you do legitimately get into an argument/discussion with someone that goes the distance some of the time they will just outright admit to it before admitting their views are stupid. Or they will just switch to "joke mode" where they post stupid memes about shit. In person, it's impossible to find people willing to have a conversation about politics. I'm at least finally getting to the point where the GF will listen to my rants and occasionally give her input, but I have almost no friends who follow politics and even fewer that want to talk about them.


It’s time for America to consider seriously a single-payer, government-run health system, says Max Baucus, Montana’s longest serving U.S. senator, former ambassador to China and one of the chief architects of Obamacare.

“My personal view is we’ve got to start looking at single-payer,” Baucus said Thursday night at Montana State University. “I think we should have hearings…. We’re getting there. It’s going to happen.”

I don't have anyone irl to discuss politics with that doesn't either have the same political ideas as me, or is even more left than me.

My roommate is full blown conservative. Not like, agrees with small government conservative, like Mike Pence--in fact he voted for Trump because he liked Mike Pence so much. A greatest hits of things he's said to me;

"This country used to have morals, back before Abortions were legal."

"Planned Parenthood is just a scheme to kill babies of poor people and sell their organs on the black market. I saw a documentary on it."

"I could never vote for Clinton. I don't think women have the mental fortitude or emotional stability to be President... not because I'm sexist."

"Universal Healthcare is awful, I have friends in Canada and they all hate it... *I cite a poll that it's overwhelmingly supported*... well it could never work here anyway. It only works places with low populations."

"You can't comment on or be critical of the military if you've never served. *he then proceeds to lecture me on how the military does things despite having never served*"

"Black Lives Matter is a bunch of terrorists. They're just a bunch of black people who would rather protest than make their lives better, and want an excuse to kill cops."

Look's like PSA is finally interviewing Hillary next week

My roommate is full blown conservative. Not like, agrees with small government conservative, like Mike Pence--in fact he voted for Trump because he liked Mike Pence so much. A greatest hits of things he's said to me;

"This country used to have morals, back before Abortions were legal."

"Planned Parenthood is just a scheme to kill babies of poor people and sell their organs on the black market. I saw a documentary on it."

"I could never vote for Clinton. I don't think women have the mental fortitude or emotional stability to be President... not because I'm sexist."

"Universal Healthcare is awful, I have friends in Canada and they all hate it... *I cite a poll that it's overwhelmingly supported*... well it could never work here anyway. It only works places with low populations."

"You can't comment on or be critical of the military if you've never served. *he then proceeds to lecture me on how the military does things despite having never served*"

"Black Lives Matter is a bunch of terrorists. They're just a bunch of black people who would rather protest than make their lives better, and want an excuse to kill cops."


What about "We failed morally when we legalized no-fault divorce, and eliminated crimes for adultery"?
What about "We failed morally when we legalized no-fault divorce, and eliminated crimes for adultery"?

He has commented on that too. He mostly blames women. Says Feminists have galvanized them to go around marauding from man to man as they please rather than settle down "like they're supposed to." Oh I also forgot, when those women's marches happened literally everything that came out of his mouth was sexist as shit for like 3 straight days. It was amazingly horrible.

Two of the most politically-skilled, pragmatic House Republicans abruptly announced their retirements this week, panicking party leaders who fear an exodus of the party's top legislative talent. The political implications of their decisions are even greater, opening up seats that could easily flip to the Democrats next November.

The decisions to step down by Washington Rep. Dave Reichert and Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent expanded an already-growing map of vulnerable GOP seats next year. Neither seat was on the Cook Political Report's list of most competitive races, given the incumbents' impressive track records back home. Dent's retirement turned his seat from a near-Republican lock to one that ”will be in the thick of the battle for control of the House," as the Cook Political Report's Dave Wasserman wrote. With Reichert's departure, his district shifted from solidly-Republican to pure toss-up. Such drastic shifts don't happen often.

Reichert is one of the few House Republicans who won a district that John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton all carried, routinely running well ahead of his party's presidential nominees. Dent, one of the few remaining moderates left in Congress, survived in a swing district over the last decade without breaking much of a sweat. They join Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen as retirements that singlehandedly change the political dynamic in their districts.

President Trump's scattershot approach to governing — not to mention his historically-low approval ratings — has driven these rank-and-file Republicans to depart. In a statement announcing his decision, Dent referred himself as part of the ”governing wing" in Washington and took a swipe at ”outside influences that profit from increased polarization." One of Reichert's last comments before retiring was decrying Trump's DACA decision as ”not in the American DNA." Since retiring, Ros-Lehtinen has loudly slammed President Trump for his record on gay rights, race relations, and treatment of immigrants.

Adding fuel to the fire was Trump's decision this week to side with Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on a legislative deal to raise the debt ceiling for just three months (with funding relief for Hurricane Harvey), undercutting his Republican allies in Congress. With Democratic intensity to vote already at sky-high levels, Republicans fret that such moves will only risk dampening GOP enthusiasm further in next year's midterms.

”Trump is fracturing the party to the point where the risk of wholescale retirements and resignations will be high from mainstream lawmakers who came to Washington to do business," said one senior GOP strategist. ”The people who got into public service because they had a successful life, wanted to have rational conversations with rational people on a regular basis, and are now finding the idea of coddling activists around Trump's daily Twitter habits not very appealing."

Already Republicans are bracing for additional pivotal retirements. On the GOP watch list include two swing-district members from Michigan: Rep. Fred Upton, the former chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Dave Trott, a junior lawmaker from suburban Detroit. Trump carried both their districts, but these R+4 seats (according to the Cook Report's Political Voting Index) would be vulnerable in a Democratic wave.

With every Republican retirement from a competitive district, the GOP math of holding its House majority becomes increasingly difficult. Retirements both serve as a signal that the political environment is bad, while also opening up opportunities for the opposition that hadn't existed before. Name-brand members of Congress can win under tough circumstances, but it's exceptionally difficult for lesser-known recruits — even the most talented among them — to run against punishing political headwinds.

But the issue of whether Republicans can maintain power in 2018 feels secondary to the more consequential long-term development — that the ideological disposition of elected Republicans is changing before our very eyes. Most of the Republicans who are leaving politics feel like throwbacks to a bygone era — more serious about governing than showboating. Meanwhile, the next generation of Republican candidates are more likely to be running in the image of Trump — substance-free, needlessly confrontational, and playing to a hardcore base. When Trump loyalists characterize House Speaker Paul Ryan as a squishy RINO, it's clear that anti-establishment forces care more for revolutionary zeal and than party affiliation.

It's no secret why Republican leaders have been working tirelessly for years to prevent such candidates from emerging in primaries. But with a president egging on nihilistic elements, it's becoming a thankless undertaking. If the pace of Congressional retirements accelerates, it's not just the House majority that will be at risk. It's the future of the Republican Party.

Are these confirmed?

Either way I can't comprehend why any good person would like this meme... You have to be pretty evil to be outraged by this...


This is even more evil... people suck


Yeah, Kevin Poulsen is collecting them. He writes for Daily Beast and Wired.
It's super transparent knowing what we do, but this is one of the easier things to spin. Just say by "World Peace" he meant doing business together.

Makes you wonder why they bothered hiding it of course.
Places like Twitter, GAF, and Reddit have a different set of problems, but at least I know when I go there that there will be people actually having an argument. It might not be constructive, but it's better than the nothing I get in the real world.
I hate that "agree to disagree" response. My dad does the whole "it's my opinion, that's your opinion. You can't force people to believe what you want" Usually with a "That's what democrats want to do" added to that last part
I hate that "agree to disagree" response. My dad does the whole "it's my opinion, that's your opinion. You can't force people to believe what you want" Usually with a "That's what democrats want to do" added to that last part

It's even worse when someone says "opinions, how do they work," line on here.
It's super transparent knowing what we do, but this is one of the easier things to spin. Just say by "World Peace" he meant doing business together.

Makes you wonder why they bothered hiding it of course.

What's the threshold for a crime, though?

There's the intent of exchanging money, a previous desire for this tower to get their "boy" elected, coordination of political messaging with a foreign agent, etc etc
Is there anything to corroborate this as true? It's got a lot of spelling and grammatical errors, and frankly sounds like something that was whipped up by a teenager who is trying to sound like a financier after watching an episode of Billions.

NYT verified it. That said, it’s nothing that hasn’t been reported on.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, Kevin Poulsen is collecting them. He writes for Daily Beast and Wired.
Pretty sure that's inaccurate. These are examples of posts from that Facebook page, but no one knows which, if any, of the posts were promoted using the ad buys.
Pretty sure that's inaccurate. These are examples of posts from that Facebook page, but no one knows which, if any, of the posts were promoted using the ad buys.


One now-shuttered Facebook page provides evidence Russia was following this strategy. Called SecureBorders, the page positioned itself as the work of a group of Americans concerned about U.S. border security. “America is at risk and we need to protect our country now more than ever, liberal hogwash aside,” read the tagline. But a March article by the respected Russian news outlet RBC revealed the page was created and run by the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Association, identified by a January U.S. intelligence report as a farm of “professional trolls” financed by a Vladmir Putin ally.

It’s unclear how many pages like SecureBorders Russia ran, but that group alone had 133,000 followers before it disappeared last month, almost certainly as part of Facebook’s purge of 470 deceptive Russian accounts and, reportedly, 25 Facebook communities with a cumulative 3 million subscribers.

Though it’s gone from Facebook, web caches still provide a limited view of the page, and it’s clear there’s a lot of nasty dirt hiding behind Facebook’s sanitary “divisive social and political messages” talk. The page spewed a steady stream of alt-right political memes and fake news, nearly always accompanied a gif or a video and a explicit or implicit call for users to engage with the post.

According to RBC’s investigation, SecureBorders had bigger hits, like a single post boosted through Facebook ads that was seen by 4 million people, shared 80,000 times, and accrued 300,000 likes. The torrent of posts with meager numbers were likely just a means to achieve the occasional jackpot post like this, one worth boosting with ad money, said Yu. “You can see the evidence of their testing. They’re putting out a lot of stuff.”

It sounds like they've been able to figure that out.
I hate that "agree to disagree" response. My dad does the whole "it's my opinion, that's your opinion. You can't force people to believe what you want" Usually with a "That's what democrats want to do" added to that last part

It's even worse when someone says "opinions, how do they work," line on here.

"Agree to disagree" is such a lie, too. People use it to end a conversation they don't want to have while still maintaining a sense of superiority. People get so defensive when you push back against it. One of the last fights I had with my father involved this line and I refused. I said I would not agree to disagree and he had to answer to his politics. Opinions are not harmless. Beliefs are not benign. I demanded he participate in the argument.

It didn't go well after that. No progress was made. But I would rather end the argument in open disgust than in feigned tolerance for hostile lunacy.

I was in NYC for work last month and I was the only one in my paygrade among a bunch of supervisors and directors. I have a good relationship with them but I don't kid myself that we are coworkers, not friends. One of them brought the controversy over Christopher Columbus statues. She looked at me and said "I just don't understand it."

In an effort to participate and deflect at the same time, I said "I would be happy to talk all about this with you, but I don't think you really want to. At least not here."

And honestly she took that pretty well. Not that I ever thought she'd take me up on it, but she at least recognized we shouldn't talk about it at work and I had a real opinion on it. But then two other supervisors had something to say. After they each said their piece, I tried to say mine, and was shot down. "Let's talk about something else."

But all day, they would bring it up in jokes or something. Because "let's not talk about it" is code for "I don't want to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with me."

Which is funny, because that's the thing conservatives online love to claim liberals do. Like, all I want to do is talk about it. I will talk to you about this for hours. People just flee at the slightest challenge and then mock the challenger.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has alerted the White House that his team will likely seek to interview six top current and former advisers to President Trump who were witnesses to several episodes relevant to the investigation of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the request.

Mueller's interest in the aides, including trusted adviser Hope Hicks, ex-press secretary Sean Spicer and former chief of staff Reince Priebus, reflects how the probe that has dogged Trump's presidency is starting to penetrate a closer circle of aides around the president.

Each of the six advisers was privy to important internal discussions that have drawn the interest of Mueller's investigators, including his decision in May to fire FBI Director James B. Comey and the White House's initial inaction following warnings that then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had withheld information from the public about his private discussions in December with Russia's ambassador to the United States, according to people familiar with the probe.
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