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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Which is why tact and accuracy are important since it is beyond clear and testified that Russia has not quit this attempted manipulation. We don't know how far they've went and panic is only helping it. Clumsy accusations like that is definately reckless.

Sure but who is this dude?

There are idiots in every group.
Wasn't Russia's goal two-fold?

- Get someone they can use in office (Trump)
- Prevent Hillary to even be a threat to this

What's this advisor's view on the Russian attack attempts on Marco Rubio?
The investigation is still ongoing so the answer isn't entirely clear yet but I think they mainly had two primary goals and that was to cause rifts in western democracies and weaken American influence abroad.

I don't think they were banking on having an inside track into policy influence in the white house. That seems to have been an added bonus to their original plan.


Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Churches in Texas should be entitled to reimbursement from FEMA Relief Funds for helping victims of Hurricane Harvey (just like others).
8:56 PM · Sep 8, 2017



It's honestly a huge get for PSA. They use those swamp connections for some solid interviews.

She was basically the last major Democratic figure who hasn't done an interview with them lol

I guess Bernie still hasn't done one now that I think about it






This could get dangerous, frankly. People who thought Trump would be an independent voice are going to be pointing to this, when this is all going to blow over the next time we have some sort of racial incident in this country, or the Democrats find something that Trump doesn't want.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The longest Trump has gone without undoing some prior "good" is three days. The longest he's ever gone without doing anything notably bad, is three days. This idea that Kelly or whatever has him under control is already disproven. His current spat with the republicans is his dumbest POLITICAL move yet, but it's moot. Because the investigation against him doesn't care about politics, or Schumer or DACA.

And ultimately Trump doesn't care about anything except being popular and staying out of Russian trouble.

It's contorting everything he does - and he knows that on one side there's serious legal jeopardy and on the other incendiary blackmail and financial ruin. That's why he's running around in ever decreasing circles.

I think even if there were a way to "succeed" politically for him, he couldn't concentrate on it for more than five minutes because the noose is tightening. That's all he's thinking about now. Every waking moment.
The longest Trump has gone without undoing some prior "good" is three days. The longest he's ever gone without doing anything notably bad, is three days. This idea that Kelly or whatever has him under control is already disproven. His current spat with the republicans is his dumbest POLITICAL move yet, but it's moot. Because the investigation against him doesn't care about politics, or Schumer or DACA.

And ultimately Trump doesn't care about anything except being popular and staying out of Russian trouble.

It's contorting everything he does - and he knows that on one side there's serious legal jeopardy and on the other incendiary blackmail and financial ruin. That's why he's running around in ever decreasing circles.

I think even if there were a way to "succeed" politically for him, he couldn't concentrate on it for more than five minutes because the noose is tightening. That's all he's thinking about now. Every waking moment.

Maybe schumer and pelosi can pretend like they'll offer protection if he does what they want lol.


The longest Trump has gone without undoing some prior "good" is three days. The longest he's ever gone without doing anything notably bad, is three days. This idea that Kelly or whatever has him under control is already disproven. His current spat with the republicans is his dumbest POLITICAL move yet, but it's moot. Because the investigation against him doesn't care about politics, or Schumer or DACA.

And ultimately Trump doesn't care about anything except being popular and staying out of Russian trouble.

It's contorting everything he does - and he knows that on one side there's serious legal jeopardy and on the other incendiary blackmail and financial ruin. That's why he's running around in ever decreasing circles.

I think even if there were a way to "succeed" politically for him, he couldn't concentrate on it for more than five minutes because the noose is tightening. That's all he's thinking about now. Every waking moment.

He's on the right track with this whole "work across the aisle" thing, because it's like he achieved what Obama failed to do (because Democratic pols just play a cleaner game than Republicans do, so are a more amenable opposition if you're willing to meet in the middle), and could cut through the partisanship in Washington, but the problem is it comes after 7 months of dirty partisanship and nasty white nationalism that's already completely eroded his credibility with moderates, so at this point him playing nice with Pelosi and Schumer is only going to piss off his 35% base, even if it earns him some praise with Beltway politico-press and the Sunday Morning circuit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Maybe schumer and pelosi can pretend like they'll offer protection if he does what they want lol.

I think they're gleefully getting what they can out of it and know not to trust him as far as they can throw him.

This Fanta-stained shitbird last week "killed" DACA to appeal to his racist base, then gave DACA and the budget victory to Dems, so they get credit for saving Dreamers and the debt ceiling fight, and then Trump told the Dreamers "see, somehow I saved you or something?" alienating them obviously, but also losing whatever racism cred he had built up.

I couldn't create a bigger L in a Laboratory with an electrified L generator.

Meanwhile the republicans now realize what they bought, and the ones who aren't fleeing the party before it combusts, are planning their fiery revenge on him. They might even impeach the fucker if they get a whiff of the end times from Mueller. The real problem appears to be that way more of the GOP machine was involved in treason against the United States than we originally thought, so they may have trapped themselves.

Next week is going to be glorious. And the tragedy in Flroida is going to force some unwanted conversations about the environment. They can't just yell coal this time.


Y'all need to start calling him by his rightful honorific, America’s first white president. Not denouncing Nazis one week and the other he's the first Independent President. What a time to be alive.
He's on the right track with this whole "work across the aisle" thing, because it's like he achieved what Obama failed to do (because Democratic pols just play a cleaner game than Republicans do, so are a more amenable opposition if you're willing to meet in the middle), and could cut through the partisanship in Washington, but the problem is it comes after 7 months of dirty partisanship and nasty white nationalism that's already completely eroded his credibility with moderates, so at this point him playing nice with Pelosi and Schumer is only going to piss off his 35% base, even if it earns him some praise with Beltway politico-press and the Sunday Morning circuit.

I don't know if abandoning your own party and fucking them over is cutting through partisanship. It isn't like like he have them come to a peace resolution. He choose one side and abandon the other, destroying much of his relationship with the Republicans. Which would make it difficult to get them to vote for bills that might be needed and to pass bills that he specifically wants. Once it comes to a point where Trump wants to pass an infrastructure bill; Republicans have an even less reason to to sign on to it.

To me overall it seems like a stupid move for Trump , but a really, really good one for Democrats .


No Scrubs
Robert Costa is pushing this narrative on Twitter right now too. Fucking ridiculous bullshit. They'll do anything to stop talking about the fact that he's a Nazi.

There's a ton of people who will do anything to ignore the fact America elected a Nazi to be it's President.
Robert Costa is pushing this narrative on Twitter right now too. Fucking ridiculous bullshit. They'll do anything to stop talking about the fact that he's a Nazi.
Which is why it would make sense for Trump to consider doing more stuff like this. Media is desperate to praise him and drop everything to make him look good any chance they can get
I'm going to err on the side of he's never impeached, because I'm not even sure the Democrats will win the House. I don't think the GOP would ever do that to their incumbent president.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Jesus Christ. Ok, I'm officially starting the Trump Impeachment Prediction Competition. Quote this post and post whether you think Trump will be impeached or not, with an optional over/under. Deadline is next week.

Yes. When McConnell and co do the math and see out of control trump is a net liability. Sadly they aren't worried about the party turning nakedly racist and literally nazi, but do care about losing seats and control.

Yes. A unanimous democratic vote and a few sacrificial GOP martyrs and retirees will vote for impeachment.

Kid Heart


My votes on yes. He's a way bigger liability to the party then an asset. Who cares about his hardcore base when hes turning away the independents and even some long time republicans. My bet is once Mueller's got everything ready for his case they're going to try and dump him as quickly as possible.


It was then that he became president, again. For the what is it now 9th time? Oh he shit himself? Well there's always next week...

All this ignores his ever failing approval. The bridges are so thoroughly burned and the ceiling so low I can't see a few headlines doing much anytime soon.
I mean, Trump doesn't deserve any of that praise, but if it makes him more likely to do moderate and bipartisan stuff I say bring on the revisionist history.
Trump didn't even do anything except resolve to take on more debt and solve a moral crisis he created arbitrarily. Am I missing something here?


I mean, Trump doesn't deserve any of that praise, but if it makes him more likely to do moderate and bipartisan stuff I say bring on the revisionist history.

But it won't.

Trump is a terrible, shitty person. Does he LITERALLY have to shoot someone on 5th avenue before people get that?
Jesus Christ. Ok, I'm officially starting the Trump Impeachment Prediction Competition. Quote this post and post whether you think Trump will be impeached or not, with an optional over/under. Deadline is next week.
Yes. He is successfully pissing off all Republicans and destroying their reputation. Guessing by the end of the year/early next year after the debt ceiling, budget, and tax reform all blow up in Trump's/GOP's face. Trump just threw an egg in the GOP's face with the 3 month debt ceiling extension. I could see McConnell and Ryan trying to wait till post-2018, so they don't nuke the Republican party right before midterms. Granted it is a lose-lose for them as Trump is going to tank them in the midterms regardless.

Also if anyone is interested. Here is a database compiling all stories about the Trump/Russia connection. It is an incredibly large and complex web of people and different players. This website does a good job making sense of all of the Trump/Russia information and providing credible sources to back up every fact. I see why Mueller's team is so large because there are so many aspects and angles to this. If everything pans out there will be a lot of people going to jail. Not just Trump and his admin.


Another question, if the rumors are true that there may be a lot of GOP members in Congress that have been compromised by Russia. Could Mueller's investigation expand to encompass them? If they were to find all of these people guilty, what could they reasonably do about significant portions of our government being compromised by Russia.

Once again in an attempt to appear unbiased some publications feel they need to praise any grain of positive news as a heel turn for Trump. When will they learn?
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