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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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PhoenixDark said:
This convention may have started out slow but it has already surpassed most expectations. From Kennedy's emotional stand to Michelle's speech to Hillary's beautiful battle cry, things are roaring now. I think Bill will deliver tomorrow and is in a great position to essentially pass the torch. Biden should fire everyone up as well.

Can't wait to see the ratings for tonight. If this convention doesn't give him a bounce - at least until the republican convention - I don't know what will

Did you guys really think the speech went that good? I was too angered and uptight from my whole fiasco with my mom, that I didn't really have a chance to ever really get any impression from the speech.

Thats good to hear though!

Whats the media saying overall?


PhoenixDark said:
This convention may have started out slow but it has already surpassed most expectations. From Kennedy's emotional stand to Michelle's speech to Hillary's beautiful battle cry, things are roaring now. I think Bill will deliver tomorrow and is in a great position to essentially pass the torch. Biden should fire everyone up as well.

Can't wait to see the ratings for tonight. If this convention doesn't give him a bounce - at least until the republican convention - I don't know what will
Yeah, the ratings should be off the charts. Last night was ~21m viewers (up from 18m for day 1 in 2004). I'd be shocked if tonight wasn't a LOT higher. And that's a good thing - it was a really compelling speech.
Karma Kramer said:
Whats the media saying overall?
I'm not watching TV, but on the web, CNN and MSNBC have loved it. I don't read FOX, I suspect they're saying Obama is a terrorist.


Karma Kramer said:
Did you guys really think the speech went that good? I was too angered and uptight from my whole fiasco with my mom, that I didn't really have a chance to ever really get any impression from the speech.

Thats good to hear though!

Whats the media saying overall?

Positive reviews. Most people are saying she did a good job.


The Chosen One said:
Yeah take a risk. My bet is on "not bad for the for the Devil incarnate" after Cheney speaks.

Naw, the thing is, I COULD see Olbermann saying "they did what they needed to do, but they missed an opportunity to talk about" liberal issue X, Y, Z "and thus their speech was 'incomplete, vapid, empty, and lacking in substance, much like the GOP's entire convention thus far"


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minus_273 said:
look at the other posters around you thinking this won the election. i know this was forced, you know it was forced and the media is telling people it was forced.

let's keep in mind the clintons were painted as racists during the primary. that's not your usual political attack and Bill is still mad

Did the Obama campaign say Clinton was racist?
PhoenixDark said:
Can't wait to see the ratings for tonight. If this convention doesn't give him a bounce - at least until the republican convention - I don't know what will
Well, hopefully, the DNC helps. However, I suspect that he's still going to have some of the same challenges after the conventions die down (especially after the RNC next week) that he faces today.


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GashPrex said:
obama's people must be pissed over with the headlines of "Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple"

I'm pissed to hear this bullshit! Come on Obama your not this stupid are you?
Karma Kramer said:
Did you guys really think the speech went that good? I was too angered and uptight from my whole fiasco with my mom, that I didn't really have a chance to ever really get any impression from the speech.

Thats good to hear though!

Whats the media saying overall?

Oh I definitely think it was good. She knocked it out the park, and even though Olbermann pisses me off he's 100% right in saying the speech featured numerous bumper sticker quotes.

Impressions from Cheebs:

Mark Warner was underwhelming, but I realize he cant go hardcore anti-republican. He is running in a red state afterall.

Of the non-Clinton speeches the one by Senator Casey was the best in words but lacking in delivery but the one liners made up for it. 4 more months and the sidekick line rocked. Paul Begala, the man who ran the '92 clinton campaign with carville wrote that speech. And it was obvious in its quality.

And the governer of Montana was so energetic, I love him and his weird ties.

ANDDDD HILLARY. GAF may nitpick but that was a amazing speech. The ending with the underground railroad and Tubbs was moving and nearly brought me to my feet along with the rest.

She did everything she needed to do. It's up to Obama to win this election now. No can blame a loss on her anymore after tonight."

I disagree on Warner - I thought his speech was great. Not nearly as energetic as the speeches that followed but he made the democratic case very effectively without being too negative.


Another gem from McCain's buddy at the AP, RON FOURNIER.

DENVER - For one evening, their political world was perfect. Or so it seemed.

Standing before thousands of delegates, almost half of them her backers, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton declared it time "to unite as a single party with a single purpose" and urged her followers to help elect once-bitter rival Barack Obama. "We are on the same team," she said, after allowing the applause to build to a crescendo and linger, longer than usual — much like the Democratic primary race itself.

"Barack Obama is my candidate," she said. "And he must be our president."

But did she mean it? And would it matter?

True, her challenges Tuesday night were impossibly high, perhaps mutually exclusive.

She had to both promote her political future and unify her party. Clinton had to somehow convince people that she honestly thought Obama was ready for the presidency. But something stood in her way: Her words.

_Dec. 3, 2007: "So you decide which makes more sense: Entrust our country to someone who is ready on Day One ... or to put America in the hands of someone with little national or international experience, who started running for president the day he arrived in the U.S. Senate."

_March 2008. "I know Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."

_Feb. 23, 2008: "Now, I could stand up here and say, 'Let's just get everybody together. Let's get unified.' The skies will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing and everyone will know we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect."

There in no such thing as a perfect world, though the Clinton and Obama image teams tried their best to create one. Hundreds of "Hillary" signs danced before the TV cameras, bearing her breezy blue signature. Her misty-eyed husband, former President Clinton, watched from above.


But she did extract her price.

The bill came due Tuesday. The crowd. The applause. The promise of a vote Wednesday, and a speech laced 17 times by some variation of the pronoun "I."


Just watching Hillary's speech, it's awesome. She seems genuinely enthusiastic about Obama for the first time, and saying good things bout Barack, Michelle and Biden.

edit: woop, now she's ragging on Mccain good and proper

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
GashPrex said:
that lady on CNN is what i imagine GAF politico will be like if Obama doesn't win

I had a dream last night that Obama lost the election by 2 points... other than the feeling of abject disappointment, the thought "so things are going to continue along the same path. Oh well" came to mind.

If McCain does get into power... things won't get much much worse; as long as democrats retain power in both senate and lower house. It'll just be more gridlock for 4 years.

If Obama does win it... well, the US might have a chance of turning around its grim long term outlook.


capslock said:

Dickerson at Slate is also picking up on the fact that Hillary never said Obama was 'ready to lead'.
I'm having flashbacks to the "reject and denounce" exchange. The media is pouring over her speech to find any hole they can find in her endorsement of Obama. It's downright embarrassing.
GenericPseudonym said:
What a shitty speaker.
mckmas8808 said:
Is Obama really going to come out of the ground and stand in between Greek statues?


mckmas8808 said:
Is Obama really going to come out of the ground and stand in between Greek statues?

Havent heard about statues but there is supposed to be Columns and such that could be viewed as Greek/Roman or what you see in DC. I am sure they intend it to look DC like but it is a weakness in design that can be exploited.

GhaleonEB said:
I'm having flashbacks to the "reject and denounce" exchange. The media is pouring over her speech to find any hole they can find in her endorsement of Obama. It's downright embarrassing.



CNN has this now in an article

At least one Democratic delegate interviewed by CNN after Senator Clinton spoke said Clinton's remarks proved she was denied the nomination because of her gender. That's the speech she heard in the convention hall. The sisterhood of the traveling pants may not be ready to embrace Obama just yet.

If had to title this speech, I would call it Clinton's "Lesser of Two Evils" speech.

She gave all the reasons she ran for president and then said if you believe in those, vote for the Democratic nominee.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.


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laserbeam said:
Havent heard about statues but there is supposed to be Columns and such that could be viewed as Greek/Roman or what you see in DC. I am sure they intend it to look DC like but it is a weakness in design that can be exploited.

CNN has this now in an article

At least one Democratic delegate interviewed by CNN after Senator Clinton spoke said Clinton's remarks proved she was denied the nomination because of her gender. That's the speech she heard in the convention hall. The sisterhood of the traveling pants may not be ready to embrace Obama just yet.

If had to title this speech, I would call it Clinton's "Lesser of Two Evils" speech.

She gave all the reasons she ran for president and then said if you believe in those, vote for the Democratic nominee.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

AH SHIT! Damn Obama please don't do that shit. Oh crap, I'm scared as hell now. I think Obama is about to out smart himself.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Just watched that Hillary speech in its entirety, and wow, she couldn't have done it better had she tried.


mckmas8808 said:
Is Obama really going to come out of the ground and stand in between Greek statues?

If you read the artilcle it doesn't sound quite that bad, but still sounds dicey.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

It sounds like it could very likely appear in the next episode of "THE ONE"


There are going to be Hillary supporters who don't support Obama. That's a fact. There could be two of them, and they'd have the media fawning over them. Focusing on the very few at the expense of the overwhelming majority is kind of a false argument.
Krowley said:
If you read the artilcle it doesn't sound quite that bad, but still sounds dicey.
Okay, that does not sound good. Not good at all.


GhaleonEB said:
There are going to be Hillary supporters who don't support Obama. That's a fact. There could be two of them, and they'd have the media fawning over them. Focusing on the very few at the expense of the overwhelming majority is kind of a false argument.

Okay, that does not sound good. Not good at all.

Bill Schneider at CNN said:
Hillary’s speech is what used to be called a spellbinder. Or a stem-winder. Whatever.

This woman is tough. She burnished that reputation in the campaign. She never stopped fighting and never gave up — and drew enormous admiration for it.

A lot of Democrats wonder if Obama is this tough.

The stage design sounds very politically bad idea. I am sure they have the Capital buildings Columns etc in mind but just the way the rock starish approach to it all is sounding all your gonna get is a here comes thes messiah leaving his temple angle.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
538 Live Blogging:

9:30 PM MDT: How you'll know that Hillary's speech was a winner:

If the principal Republican talking point tomorrow is: "the speech was too good! It just proves that she should have been the [Presidential/Vice Presidential] nominee!"



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
If you read the artilcle it doesn't sound quite that bad, but still sounds dicey.

It sounds like it could very likely appear in the next episode of "THE ONE"

I still don't understand this stage. Columns like the Capitol building? So the stage will have this look?......


And will he raise from the floor or is it just possible that the podium can do that?


mckmas8808 said:
I still don't understand this stage. Columns like the Capitol building? So the stage will have this look?......


And will he raise from the floor or is it just possible that the podium can do that?

Columns will probably look similiar to this

Apparently he will emerge from the columns so there has to be somekind of false structure which is where the Greek temple charge comes. It sounds like good intentions as far as design but not thought through and will feed the GOP machine


mckmas8808 said:
I still don't understand this stage. Columns like the Capitol building? So the stage will have this look?......


And will he raise from the floor or is it just possible that the podium can do that?

It sounds to me like it's designed to make you imagine Obama in the white house with columns and all that jazz.

The article is a little unclear about the rising out of the floor bit, at least to me.. If he actually does rise out of the floor that will raise the cheese factor to a whole other level, but it may not mean that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
Columns will probably look similiar to this

Apparently he will emerge from the columns so there has to be somekind of false structure which is where the Greek temple charge comes. It sounds like good intentions as far as design but not thought through.

What do you mean emerge? Like first he is standing within the confines of the columns, then they say Obama's name and he walks out from under the columns?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
As far as I remembered while watching these speeches, all of the podiums rose from the floor when the event speaker approached them. Maybe they will give Obama a different looking podium, but I somehow doubt he would rise from beneath the set?


You know, if it has a roof on it, that may actually be a security thing, to protect against snipers from very high locations.

edit// But actually i don't know denver, and I'm not even sure if there are any super high structures within range, but if there are, it might be an attempt to cover up for a security measure.


mckmas8808 said:
What do you mean emerge? Like first he is standing within the confines of the columns, then they say Obama's name and he walks out from under the columns?

The article says

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.


reilo said:
As far as I remembered while watching these speeches, all of the podiums rose from the floor when the event speaker approached them. Maybe they will give Obama a different looking podium, but I somehow doubt he would rise from beneath the set?
I think that's what mckmas8808 is worried about. There's no way Obama would show up like that. I think it's just going to be a slighly elevated podium, which is pretty standard. The columns worry me though. They could look really silly.
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