It was primary day in Alaska, and I don't think anyone has discussed the awesome results yet. So here we go:
For Senate, On the R side, with 63.54% of the total vote, sitting Senator Ted Stevens won his primary election.
He faces, on the D side, former Anchorage mayor Mark Begich, who won with an astounding 84.55% of the the total vote.
current polling says...
Let's hear it for both candidates!
For the house, on the D side, Ethan Berkowitz, current polling darling (much like Begich for Senate) won his primary with 53.97% of the vote.
On the R side, it gets VERY interesting. Sitting US Rep Don Young seems to have won, but, well, I'll list all 3 R candidates, their votes, and %:
Gabrielle LeDoux - 8,589 votes, 9.20%
Sean Parnell (Lt. Gov) - 42,316 votes, 45.32%
Don Young (current Rep) - 42,461 votes, 45.48%
So it seems right now, unofficially, Don Young gets the chance to fight for his seat in the general, having won by 145 votes, or .16% of the entire vote.
current polling says...
And there we go! The R who seems to fair the 'worst' against the D in head to head polling somehow managed to win, which seems to move these 2 seats from whatever current status they have to "Likely D"