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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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ViperVisor said:
Flipping around I last night I saw Barkley with a quick interview with Suzanne Malveaux.

Here is the one he did with Wolf earlier in the day.

And why did ESPN have to bork the Bill Simmons podcast with Obama that was set up earlier in the year but now Stu Scott gets to chat with him?

Because Simmons lacks that certain black quality Scott possesses? I really didn't even know Simmons had a podcast with Obama. That could have been interesting (although I don't know the extent of Simmons' political knowledge).
AmMortal said:
oily crap, I just found out women don't get equal pay in America, wtf..

Please, tell me this isn't true?!

It's true, sadly. My mother is a software engineer at a bank. She's known for a long time -- and come to accept it -- that she would be paid less then her male counterparts.

Sad but true.


reilo said:

Oh, like owning 7 houses worth $13mil?

"We're much more simple this time than we have been in the past," said Nash, a veteran TV producer. "Basically, Sen. McCain and his staff feel that to do something real glitzy and Las Vegas-like would be inappropriate, the way the economy is."

So... instead of having a more complicated set design, and giving more work and more money to the local area contractors that would be hired to do the design and build, they decide to scale back and spend less money, and put less money into the local economy... because... the economy is bad?

Does this confuse anyone else or is it just me?


CharlieDigital said:
It's true, sadly. My mother is a software engineer at a bank. She's known for a long time -- and come to accept it -- that she would be paid less then her male counterparts.

Sad but true.

Wtf, that's some middle ages shit, the messed up thing is that even in " Backward" societies these days ( middle east for instance ) where women in some countries aren't allowed to even drive( wtf) , they have equal pay.

Oh my,I feel sorry for your mom man, keep your head up.
AmMortal said:
Wtf, that's some middle ages shit, the messed up thing is that even in " Backward" societies these days ( middle east for instance ) where women in some countries aren't allowed to even drive( wtf) , they have equal pay.
Are you sure? It's not like the US has a separate minimum wage for women, or companies could get away openly presenting different pay rates based on gender, so it's not something that's always apparent unless you come up against it or read the results of studies.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Are you sure? It's not like the US has a separate minimum wage for women, or companies could get away openly presenting different pay rates based on gender, so it's not something that's always apparent unless you come up against it or read the results of studies.

Yeah, equal pay is there ( in some countries).

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
AmMortal said:
Wtf, that's some middle ages shit, the messed up thing is that even in " Backward" societies these days ( middle east for instance ) where women in some countries aren't allowed to even drive( wtf) , they have equal pay.

Oh my,I feel sorry for your mom man, keep your head up.

Really? Would you care to provide proof or at least a link to back up that assertion?

Unequal pay is something that affects women the world over; more progressive countries tend to have less inequality, but there are no countries where female pay exceeds male.

Another consideration to make is even if job wise, women make equal pay, what are the opporutnities available to a woman? Seems to me like the country that restricts women from driving is also going to have a lot of innate issues with resources, experience and opportunities available to women, including issues directly relating to not been able to drive!


kkaabboomm said:

how do you feel about this one (to be seen live next week in st. paul)


Crayon Shinchan said:
Really? Would you care to provide proof or at least a link to back up that assertion?

Unequal pay is something that affects women the world over; more progressive countries tend to have less inequality, but there are no countries where female pay exceeds male.

Another consideration to make is even if job wise, women make equal pay, what are the opporutnities available to a woman? Seems to me like the country that restricts women from driving is also going to have a lot of innate issues with resources, experience and opportunities available to women, including issues directly relating to not been able to drive!

No, you misenterpreted. Perhaps I presented the argument in the wrong way.

I was merely remarking on the how countries that are clearly extremely male biased, can still have equal pay in their system. I was questioning the fact that as the symbol democracy, the US should be Miles ahead of any other nation in regards to rights.

Not being able to drive is FAR worse then gender discrimination in salary.

But Universal Health care is also a standard in many countries, but is struggling for implementationin the US currently.

It was primary day in Alaska, and I don't think anyone has discussed the awesome results yet. So here we go:


For Senate, On the R side, with 63.54% of the total vote, sitting Senator Ted Stevens won his primary election.

He faces, on the D side, former Anchorage mayor Mark Begich, who won with an astounding 84.55% of the the total vote.
current polling says...

Let's hear it for both candidates!

For the house, on the D side, Ethan Berkowitz, current polling darling (much like Begich for Senate) won his primary with 53.97% of the vote.

On the R side, it gets VERY interesting. Sitting US Rep Don Young seems to have won, but, well, I'll list all 3 R candidates, their votes, and %:

Gabrielle LeDoux - 8,589 votes, 9.20%
Sean Parnell (Lt. Gov) - 42,316 votes, 45.32%
Don Young (current Rep) - 42,461 votes, 45.48%

So it seems right now, unofficially, Don Young gets the chance to fight for his seat in the general, having won by 145 votes, or .16% of the entire vote.
current polling says...

And there we go! The R who seems to fair the 'worst' against the D in head to head polling somehow managed to win, which seems to move these 2 seats from whatever current status they have to "Likely D"
Seeing Young come from behind like he has over the last few hours has been bittersweet-the man, like most elected Republicans, is a wretched, awful person whose parents should have left him out in the Alsakan winter to die of exposure as a baby. Getting him out of office today would have put a huge smile on my face.

However, had he lost getting that seat would have been a lot harder to do. Hopefully Berkowitz is the real deal.


I love David Paterson (NY Governor). I first found out about him watching a PBS interview a week before the Spitzer scandal. Without knowing how close he was to the Governor seat, I fell in love with the guy. So quick witted, so clever, so intelligent, and so damn funny.

Here's my favorite quote from yestereday's speech at the DNC:

Speaking about John McCain, Paterson said: "If he's the answer, then the question must be ridiculous."


AmMortal said:
No, you misenterpreted. Perhaps I presented the argument in the wrong way.

I was merely remarking on the how countries that are clearly extremely male biased, can still have equal pay in their system. I was questioning the fact that as the symbol democracy, the US should be Miles ahead of any other nation in regards to rights.

Not being able to drive is FAR worse then gender discrimination in salary.

But Universal Health care is also a standard in many countries, but is struggling for implementationin the US currently.
Corporations are allowed to set their own pay scales. Our government jobs pay the exact same ammount to men and women. BTW, wtf are you in an American election thread?


Someone uploaded a flawed version of the Paterson's DNC speech to youtube--the speed is too fast. Is there another website that hosts all the speeches?
Everyone from any country should be able to pop in and say what they think here-these elections have impacts on them too. For example, I'm sure that people in Germany and the UK aren't super keen on John McCain's unstable temperment and all consuming lust for endless war given the potential NATO implications it could have.


NLB2 said:
Corporations are allowed to set their own pay scales. Our government jobs pay the exact same ammount to men and women. BTW, wtf are you in an American election thread?


As it so happens, I am watching the democratic convention. America's elections impact on the whole world.

Fragamemnon said:
Everyone from any country should be able to pop in and say what they think here-these elections have impacts on them too. For example, I'm sure that people in Germany and the UK aren't super keen on John McCain's unstable temperment and all consuming lust for endless war given the potential NATO implications it could have.

People like you give us ( the international community) hope:)

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
AmMortal said:
No, you misenterpreted. Perhaps I presented the argument in the wrong way.

I was merely remarking on the how countries that are clearly extremely male biased, can still have equal pay in their system. I was questioning the fact that as the symbol democracy, the US should be Miles ahead of any other nation in regards to rights.

Not being able to drive is FAR worse then gender discrimination in salary.

But Universal Health care is also a standard in many countries, but is struggling for implementationin the US currently.

No, I didn't really misinterpret. I was giving you credit though, because you're arguing a fallacy. Just because you can provide 1 example where a backwards country provides equal pay and opportunity, and 1 example where a more progressive country provides unequal pay and or opportunity, it is not something that can be extrapolated.

Nor is comparing national average of the more progressive country which shows up to a single positive example of the less progressive country a fair comparison.

Is there a study or proof showing us something that is quite instinctually unexpected? That's all I wanted to know... but I wanted to counterpoint, even if you had link to this information, that pay is not the only grade by which equality is judged and percieved.
What is this blogging shit on MSNBC? It's a montage of nerdy looking guys and it's hilarious.

The Life of Bloggers
Cheetos-eating, Star Wars
watching, living in basements?
The Life of Bloggers
Cheetos-eating, Star Wars
watching, living in basements?

As opposed to uncurious print and television journalists so fearful of partisan reprisal over their coverage that they don't even report truth and fact anymore, only meaningless he said versus she said narratives.

I'll take the cheeto dust and bad lolcats links anyday over that bullshit.

People like you give us ( the international community) hope:)

One side of my family is comprised completely of Belgian citizens, so I'm keenly aware of how policy in the US affects everyone else around the world. Usually when democrats talk about the "common good" they refer to americans,but I always think of the other people in the world too.


NLB2 said:
Corporations are allowed to set their own pay scales. Our government jobs pay the exact same ammount to men and women. BTW, wtf are you in an American election thread?

As your next president will impact pretty much everything in my life from the price of oil to the handling of foreign conflicts we will be dragged in should the US decide to commit, I sure as hell am following this election as much if not more than I followed our own last year.
Fragamemnon said:
As opposed to uncurious print and television journalists so fearful of partisan reprisal over their coverage that they don't even report truth and fact anymore, only meaningless he said versus she said narratives.

I'll take the cheeto dust and bad lolcats links anyday over that bullshit.

I agree, and don't misunderstand me, I love cheetos, star wars, and basements too :lol
RiskyChris said:
I agree, and don't misunderstand me, I love cheetos, star wars, and basements too :lol

I remember watching all three star wars movies back to back in a friend's basement in high school while each of us ate a box of Fruity Pebbles, each poured into those big kitchen mixing bowls. By the Hoth battle scene in Empire we had the most amazing fake fruity sugarly sludge solution imaginable, we had to dispose of it due to the very real fear that should it escape the basement its concentrated sucrose visage alone could strike down a wayward diabetic on the spot.

the mainstream television media pretty much treats and views independent bloggers like they would unpaid newsroom interns, from what I can tell.
Fragamemnon said:
the mainstream television media pretty much treats and views independent bloggers like they would unpaid newsroom interns, from what I can tell.
And why wouldn't they? What else, aside from feigned superiority, could you fall back on were you to realize that your fancy pants professional credentials were largely meaningless?
So now that Hillary has given her speech and all, will her dumb supporters finally admit she ran a bad primary campaign? Because if there is a next time, I don't think I can take any more drama when she crashes and burns again.
kkaabboomm said:

It was primary day in Alaska, and I don't think anyone has discussed the awesome results yet. So here we go:

For Senate, On the R side, with 63.54% of the total vote, sitting Senator Ted Stevens won his primary election.

He faces, on the D side, former Anchorage mayor Mark Begich, who won with an astounding 84.55% of the the total vote.

How in the hell did Stevens win his primary!?!? I mean damn, he's indicted.
I love how O Reilly says Obama choosing Biden won't help Obama pick up any states. Pennsylvania ring a bell? I'm sure it's a shoe in for Obama now since he picked Biden. 21 EV. That's the most in the NE part of the country.


Instigator said:
So now that Hillary has given her speech and all, will her dumb supporters finally admit she ran a bad primary campaign? Because if there is a next time, I don't think I can take any more drama when she crashes and burns again.
No, she will always be remembered as someone who put eighteen million cracks in the glass ceiling.

And that's how it should be.
Revengeance said:
How in the hell did Stevens win his primary!?!? I mean damn, he's indicted.

No real credible challenger, and Stevens is a freakin' institution in that state. Look at it this way-if Ted Kennedy was indicted for something, do you think Massachusetts Democrats would punt him out of office in a primary if they didn't think they had a credible alternative? Very doubtful.
Odrion said:
No, she will always be remembered as someone who put eighteen million cracks in the glass ceiling.

And that's how it should be.

Then she'll lose again against the next moderately good challenger to oppose her.
BotoxAgent said:
I'm becoming increasingly worried of Democrat's lack of balls to attack. C'mon already.

They spent most of the entire night last night unloading on McCain, and McCain's team really hasn't had a reply to some of their most cutting charges. Dems have successfully turned the houses thing into something they use as the butt of jokes and no one in the media really complains about it.


BotoxAgent said:
I'm becoming increasingly worried of Democrat's lack of balls to attack. C'mon already.
With the change of narrative to "CHANGE WE NEED", the Obama's Campaign success with manufacturing controversy, and Obama's legal pursuit on the Ayers ad that all begain a week ago I say that their balls have dropped.

What I want from them is to pump money into a campaign saying that Obama will cut your taxes, a lot of people still believe that he will raise them while the indication has been the opposite:



CharlieDigital said:
It's true, sadly. My mother is a software engineer at a bank. She's known for a long time -- and come to accept it -- that she would be paid less then her male counterparts.

Sad but true.
I'm not defending the pay structure but women take more time off work, put in less hours and tend to work less dangrous jobs than men.

Melbourne University social researcher Mark Wooden said men were earning on average 15 per cent more than women because they put in more time at the workplace.

“All high achievers in all walks of life … put in long hours into their activity,” Professor Wooden said.

“It’s (the pay equity gap) got a lot to do with the fact that women are not prepared to work longer hours.”

Prof Wooden said closing the gap would require a change in the traditional family structure.

“The only way we can achieve this is if we have lots of role reversals, lots of men behaving like women and lots of women behaving like men.”

“I don’t think women in Australia want that, I don’t think that women anywhere in the world want that.

At the company I work at, an IT service provider, the women make the same or more in the same position as men. However the women here take more time off for home & family matters and never work overtime. At the end of the year total pay would be less than that of a man in the same position, but it doesn't mean her hourly wage is less.


APF said:

:lol :lol What the hell??


siamesedreamer said:
I cannot fucking believe they're actually doing this. :lol

Seriously. What the hell? It's like they want to negate all of the power of his speech by giving republicans an awesome talking point that they will use for the rest of the election. It looks ridiculous and pretentious at the same time.
LuCkymoON said:
I'm not defending the pay structure but women take more time off work, put in less hours and tend to work less dangrous jobs than men.

1) More time off. No. My mother is well beyond maternity. So no, she wouldn't take off any more time than a male coworker. In general, yes, in my mother's case? No. She should get equal pay.

2) Less hours. So far from the truth, it's not even funny.

3) More dangerous jobs. You're wide of the mark. The debate is equal pay for equal work. No one debates whether a security contractor in Iraq should get more money than my mom does. She works a desk job in Jersey City and does the same job as her male programmer counterparts working the same hours (plus some) sitting in the same office building and getting the same vacation days.

So yeah, you've kind of missed the point. Equal pay for equal work.


The setting is probably a miscalculation given the ridiculous media narrative, but not any more pretentious than say, Capitol or Supreme Court.
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