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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.
Obama plans on entering the stage on a raised platform raised from beneath the floor before he speaks before an estimated crowd of 80,000 with millions more tuning in from home.

ummm, as PoliticalRadar says, this probably doesn't help dispute the GOP meme about celebrity/elitist/etc, rising from beneath the stage and whatnot to a crowd of 80,000...


They should have a choir of people dressed as angels singing as he rises, and have cherubs flying above his head.

Oh, and lightning bolts shooting out of his hands.
laserbeam said:
That Miniature Greek temple would be horrible fucking choice. if they do that they deserve to lose and the weeks of ads about it
article said:
plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.
for more description of his stage...
kkaabboomm said:
ummm, as PoliticalRadar says, this probably doesn't help dispute the GOP meme about celebrity/elitist/etc, rising from beneath the stage and whatnot to a crowd of 80,000...
FUCK that, McCain's the one who's a regular on the talk show circuit and whose only claim to fame is the POW POW POW POW POW. McCain is the vapid celebrity here, not Obama.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
kkaabboomm said:
for more description of his stage...

All they need to do now is bring back the fake Presidential seal podium and they'll be all set!


Hitokage said:
There's a fine line between Miniature Greek and Washingtonian Neoclassical. ;)
You are absolutely correct we have alot of Washingtonian Neoclassical in DC but the average American is what we have to consider and the GOP will hammer hard on it


"As a libertarian, why were you at a We event, shouldn't it be a Me event"

Gaborn: Stephen Colbert was the one who started the Babar thing:p

BABAR for LOLbertopians FTW

Fuck, he's gone already, I missed the lulz


Tamanon said:
"As a libertarian, why were you at a We event, shouldn't it be a Me event"

Gaborn: Stephen Colbert was the one who started the Babar thing:p

I know, he's behaving like Ronito's definition of a conservative already and now you're spreading it :lol


The only one truly sending an opposite signal still is Bill. Sure, Hillary did kind of half-ass it but all these leaks are basically about Bill being displeased or some other shit.


Hillary Rosen: The message was clear, you need to get it together and vote for John McCain :lol

McCain should run this Freudian slip in an ad


Rising from the center of a stage that looks like a greek temple?

:lol :lol :lol

That would be totally politically tone deaf.


OuterWorldVoice said:

this is what bill said in a speech this afternoon before word got out that he is not attending obama's speech. what do you understand from it


“Suppose you’re a voter, and you’ve got candidate X and candidate Y. Candidate X agrees with you on everything, but you don’t think that candidate can deliver on anything at all. Candidate Y you agree with on about half the issues, but he can deliver. Which candidate are you going to vote for?”

after a pause he said "This has nothing to do with what's going on now."


GashPrex said:
obama's people must be pissed over with the headlines of "Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple"
why would we? he is something to worshiped.

All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama.


GashPrex said:
obama's people must be pissed over with the headlines of "Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple"

Exactly. Even the quote about "raised platform from the floor", the way they make it sound is that he'll rise up from beneath the stage instead of the normal way platforms are, just raised from the stage.
ALeperMessiah said:
just glanced over the entire speech on politico.com, doesn't seem like spends a lot of time on McCain. And why's she get into the history of the women's rights struggle.
Today is the 80th anniversary of the certification of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to votication.


polyh3dron said:
Hillary was way too vague, didn't address her previous remarks that the McCain campaign is using in their ads, and she padded the shit out of that speech talking about superfluous shit that she has beaten to death like stories of Americans who are struggling.

She half assed it. She could have gone hard on McCain, she could have gone into specifics on Obama and for FUCK'S SAKE stop that "Getting a Democrat in the office" shit. This is about getting OBAMA in the office, not "a Democrat".

Like the dude on CNN is saying right now, Hillary said NOTHING about the whole "experience" angle.

A comment on experience would have been nice, but she did fine. Everything that needed to be done: Declare her support for Obama early and often, tell her bitter holdout supporters why Obama is the right choice, and smack McCain around a little. She could have spoken for four hours and you could still find things she didn't mention. And of course she's going to sell a DEMOCRAT convention on why they need a DEMOCRAT in the White House. That's a good strategy. It's not about her or Obama, it's about party values.


I listened to the speech on NPR driving home. I was pretty impressed. She hammered McCain hard - got in two or three real zingers - and made the case that if you supported her, you had to support Obama because the issues they fight for transcend the candidates.

I read some here saying she didn't do enough to make the personal case for Obama, but I think her supporters would have sensed some disingenuousness there. She wanted to take the things her supporters were passionate about and connect them to Obama's - the Democrat's - platform. And draw a vivid contrast between that platform and John McSame.

I think she hit it out of the park. I'm very surprised. It was forceful, meaty and at times, rousing. I don't see how people could ask more of her.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Shiggie said:
why would we? he is something to worshiped.

All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama. All Hail Merciful Obama.

uhm...i meant his handlers/PR people. Not that its a good or bad thing...personally i could care less if he walked on water to make his speech, i just don't think its the "image" they want.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Probably driving a Prius and sipping a latte too, no doubt. You people sicken me.
'97 Saturn, gets 40 miles to the gallon. Soda from Costco.

But I have the Executive Costco membership. Preferred by elitists.


*drowns in jizz*
laserbeam said:
That Miniature Greek temple would be horrible fucking choice. That would totally play into every little bit of the Celebrity and the supposed messiah talking points

Err, the whole fucking convention centre looks like American Idol anyway, I don't think it will matter much. May as well make it as glitzy/entertaining as possible at this point.
Karma Kramer said:

Sorry really important having a debate right now.

Dude, if you can ask the question on GAF then come back five minutes later only to ask the same question again than you should have had more than enough time to FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF.

Fucking A.
Slurpy said:
Err, the whole fucking convention centre looks like American Idol anyway, I don't think it will matter much. May as well make it as glitzy/entertaining as possible at this point.

how do you feel about this one (to be seen live next week in st. paul)
Slurpy said:
Err, the whole fucking convention centre looks like American Idol anyway, I don't think it will matter much. May as well make it as glitzy/entertaining as possible at this point.
Yeah, pretty much. People who complain about a fucking stage need to get some perspective. All big conventions and political events are typically ridiculous in their extravagance.
Just got back from work and checking out the speeches on youtube.

...holy shit! They played Love Rollercoaster to introduce Denis Kucinich! :lol :lol :lol

What's with all the old motown/funk songs?
kkaabboomm said:

how do you feel about this one (to be seen live next week in st. paul)

Minus the american flag there, I envision nazis with all the red and what appears to be black, coupled with the hard and irregular lines of the chair layout.


So CNN is going to have a whole Larry King on the Republicans take on tonight, and Fox News is running with "Breaking News" on new details about "Obama's relationship to Ayers." I swear, news networks are freaking worthless nowadays.
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