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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Kildace said:
Seriously. What the hell? It's like they want to negate all of the power of his speech by giving republicans an awesome talking point that they will use for the rest of the election. It looks ridiculous and pretentious at the same time.
I doubt it. It will be a pretty inspiring spectacle, and should impress a lot of people.

I know it'll be the first time I see anything like it in my life.


CharlieDigital said:
1) More time off. No. My mother is well beyond maternity. So no, she wouldn't take off any more time than a male coworker. In general, yes, in my mother's case? No. She should get equal pay.

2) Less hours. So far from the truth, it's not even funny.

3) More dangerous jobs. You're wide of the mark. The debate is equal pay for equal work. No one debates whether a security contractor in Iraq should get more money than my mom does. She works a desk job in Jersey City and does the same job as her male programmer counterparts working the same hours (plus some) sitting in the same office building and getting the same vacation days.

So yeah, you've kind of missed the point. Equal pay for equal work.
I've updated my post with my own experience.
If your mom knows he male counterparts are making more than her but doing the same job/hours why doesn't she ask for a raise?
Odrion said:

I wish that chart would show how their tax policies would affect the deficit . . . i.e. McCain makes it worse.
Kildace said:
Seriously. What the hell? It's like they want to negate all of the power of his speech by giving republicans an awesome talking point that they will use for the rest of the election. It looks ridiculous and pretentious at the same time.

Why would it be an issue? I don't understand. In the end, the election is a popularity contest. Who can get more votes. The whole idea of the election is to get more people to buy into your message and campaign. By that very definition, they should want as many people as possible to watch.

How is this even remotely a negative considering it is the very definition of what it means to be elected by the people?


syllogism said:
The setting is probably a miscalculation given the ridiculous media narrative, but not any more pretentious than say, Capitol.

He's not the president yet. He's not an emperor either. You don't bring off-white columns that look like your nation's political symbols or ancient greece / rome when you're already being called arrogant and you're accepting your party's nomination. It's a freaking stadium with 70 000 seats that is going to be filled to the brim, why would you want any other backdrop, especially this one?

TDG said:
I doubt it. It will be a pretty inspiring spectacle, and should impress a lot of people.

I know it'll be the first time I see anything like it in my life.

No no no, the stadium thing is great. Perfect. I'm talking about the columns!

Edit: I might be the only one who finds them silly, if so I'll shut up.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
speculawyer said:
I wish that chart would show how their tax policies would affect the deficit . . . i.e. McCain makes it worse.

You guys need to start chain emailing people with these sorts of charts and figures. Fact based stuff.

Add snarky taglines to the chain email;

If you don't send this forward on to 50 other people, America will fall into the ocean!
LuCkymoON said:
I've updated my post with my own experience.
If your mom knows he male counterparts are making more than her but doing the same job/hours why doesn't she ask for a raise?

It's the way the system is today and has been for most of her career and she's not like that. The thing is, it's very open, too -- from what she's told me, it's not even like the companies hide it.

But like I said, it's not like she makes bad money; her personality type is to look on the plus side of things. Of course, she does bitch and moan quite about about the lazy, slobbery drunkards she works with who fall asleep on the job consistently :lol.
CharlieDigital said:
Why would it be an issue? I don't understand. In the end, the election is a popularity contest. Who can get more votes. The whole idea of the election is to get more people to buy into your message and campaign. By that very definition, they should want as many people as possible to watch.

How is this even remotely a negative considering it is the very definition of what it means to be elected by the people?

I agree with you. But after how McCain't totally turned his Berlin speech around, I'm afraid what the Republicans will do with this spectacle :-/

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Kildace said:
He's not the president yet. He's not an emperor either. You don't bring off-white columns that look like your nation's political symbols or ancient greece / rome when you're already being called arrogant and you're accepting your party's nomination. It's a freaking stadium with 70 000 seats that is going to be filled to the brim, why would you want any other backdrop, especially this one?

No no no, the stadium thing is great. Perfect. I'm talking about the columns!

What's wrong with columns and greece?

Birth place of democracy after all. You got a problem with democracy?


Crayon Shinchan said:
What's wrong with columns and greece?

Birth place of democracy after all. You got a problem with democracy?

I just think that it's the worst backdrop they could have chosen in order to make Obama look American and like "one of us". Which is one of his image problems.
Tucker and Joe double dicking it up on Morning Joe.

'Hillary would of been the tougher opponent for McCain' bullshit trying to stir up trouble.
Crayon Shinchan said:
What's wrong with columns and greece?

Birth place of democracy after all. You got a problem with democracy?
Wow. :lol This thing could totally be a trojan horse. That would be quite a talking point if Mccain attacked it.
Kildace said:
I just think that it's the worst backdrop they could have chosen in order to make Obama look American and like "one of us". Which is one of his image problems.

Are you kidding me? Have you been to DC? Lincoln Memorial? Jefferson Memorial? White House? Columns are in no way uniquely Greek.




Morning Joe just let a McCain communications rep say whatever the fuck she wanted.

"McCain has the qualifications necessary to be president..."

O really? What exactly are those qualifications, and did say Abraham Lincoln meet them when he ran for president? The "qualifications" argument is pure bullshit

"McCain has the economic experience needed, Obama would not be good for the American people"

Perfect opportunity to grill her on his ridiculous ads claiming Obama would grossly raise taxes.

It's not about reporting anymore; hell, this very moment all they're doing is trying their VERY hardest to find any reason to criticize Hillary's speech. It's a complete joke. This is just a giant fluff piece


shooting blanks
speculawyer said:
I wish that chart would show how their tax policies would affect the deficit . . . i.e. McCain makes it worse.

With charts like that it's sad to see so many people in the country still wanting to vote for Mccain.


CharlieDigital said:
Are you kidding me? Have you been to DC? Lincoln Memorial? Jefferson Memorial? White House? Columns are in no way uniquely Greek.

Actually : no. I did refer to these in my earlier posts though.
My point in a nutshell is that it can be interpreted two ways :
As looking greek, which would build into the narrative of "The One" and far removed from normal americans. Also it's a very "Rock Star"ish thing to do.
As looking like the white house which can be interpreted as Obama being pretentious.

If I was a republican admaker I'd be licking my lips right now. I hope I'm wrong though.
Kildace said:
I just think that it's the worst backdrop they could have chosen in order to make Obama look American and like "one of us". Which is one of his image problems.
What if he wears jeans, a flannel shirt, and is throwing back cans of Coors while giving the speech (crushing the can on his head when he finishes is optional)? Also, he gets driven into the stadium on the back of a large, fuel inefficient pickup truck.


PhoenixDark said:
Morning Joe just let a McCain communications rep say whatever the fuck she wanted.

"McCain has the qualifications necessary to be president..."

O really? What exactly are those qualifications, and did say Abraham Lincoln meet them when he ran for president? The "qualifications" argument is pure bullshit

"McCain has the economic experience needed, Obama would not be good for the American people"

Perfect opportunity to grill her on his ridiculous ads claiming Obama would grossly raise taxes.

It's not about reporting anymore; hell, this very moment all they're doing is trying their VERY hardest to find any reason to criticize Hillary's speech. It's a complete joke. This is just a giant fluff piece
we heard this a million times before and will continue to hear this complaint until november

at least it was on a msnbc channel


bish gets all the credit :)
ChrisGoldstein said:
With charts like that it's sad to see so many people in the country still wanting to vote for Mccain.

Because McCain is allowed to tell you that Obama would hurt YOU, even though YOU would have to make 603,000+ to be negatively effected.


Gold Member
I haven't been able to come and talk about yesterday, I went to bed right after Larry King Live and the conventions. I loved how Bill was filled with pride when his wife was talking, and when there was a mention of Obama, his grin would quickly turn serious.

Clinton said just a couple of hours before his wife's speech:

“Suppose for example you’re a voter and you have candidate X and you have candidate Y,” Clinton said. “Candidate X agrees with you on everything but you don’t think that person can deliver on anything. Candidate Y disagrees with you on half the issues but you believe that on the other half, the candidate will be able to deliver.”

“This is the kind of question that I predict — and this heas nothing to do with what’s going on now — but I am just saying if you look at five, 10, 15 years from now, you may actually see this delivery issue become a serious issue in Democratic debates because it is so hard to figure out how to turn good intentions into real changes in the lives of the people we represent.”

This guy gets along more with Bush than Obama. At least when Bush called upon him to be his administrations envoy he did so. But the plan is clear: defeat Barack Obama and make sure Hillary can get elected in 2012 against a 76 year old McCain.

Clinton also went on to say this:

“What his strategy is to go around drumming stuff on Obama, his crazy quotes, and he’s cultivated a careful reputation for being eccentric, and therefore, Hillary is not blamed for what he does … and the result is he can go around and dump on Obama and almost be like a negative Greek chorus,”

I believe that is what his speech will look like, McCain bashing with little Obama praise.

Bill Richardson said yesterday on an interview that Bill was still sour at Obama and even at him, and had yet to forgive him for dropping support of his wife. He also said that Bill is always a little late to come around.

On another note, I was quite jealous to see an old friend of mine at the convention. Anyone know how much the tickets were going for to see Hillary?


Kildace said:
Actually : no. I did refer to these in my earlier posts though.
My point in a nutshell is that it can be interpreted two ways :
As looking greek, which would build into the narrative of "The One" and far removed from normal americans.
As looking like the white house which can be interpreted as being pretentious.

If I was a republican admaker I'd be licking my lips right now. I hope I'm wrong though.

Dude, you're talking about a group that had ads prepared to attack Obama for visiting the troops and politicizing them, and also for not visiting them. It doesn't matter what Obama does, they'll attack it somehow. Hell, the stage looks like the Columbia steps to me.
speculawyer said:
I wish that chart would show how their tax policies would affect the deficit . . . i.e. McCain makes it worse.

What you're missing is that the other side sees the spending that Obama proposes (healthcare, education, research, retirement, etc). It's a valid point: can Obama pay for all of this and still shrink the deficit? Or will spending outpace any increased revenue from taxes?


CharlieDigital said:
Are you kidding me? Have you been to DC? Lincoln Memorial? Jefferson Memorial? White House? Columns are in no way uniquely Greek.

Yeah, but it's also going to be seen as presumptuous. It gives the McCain campaigns celebrity/Arrogant angle brand new ammunition.
Tamanon said:
Dude, you're talking about a group that had ads prepared to attack Obama for visiting the troops and politicizing them, and also for not visiting them. It doesn't matter what Obama does, they'll attack it somehow. Hell, the stage looks like the Columbia steps to me.

Krowley said:
Yeah, but it's also going to be seen as presumptuous. It gives the McCain campaigns celebrity/Arrogant angle brand new ammunition.

Or maybe Harvard, his alma mater:



It's a complete non-issue. It's like saying he should have worn his tie in a 4-in-hand because a half windsor or a full windsor knot is too presumptuous and uppity.


Kildace said:
I just think that it's the worst backdrop they could have chosen in order to make Obama look American and like "one of us". Which is one of his image problems.

Catering to the silly talking points of your opponent doesn't sound like confidence to me though this would definitely promote the "Uppity Negro" meme (read: "Presumptious"), and not the OMGSECRETMUSLIM! one.

But again, why cave to a demographic that probably won't vote for you anyway? Damned either way really.
Instigator said:
Has siamesedreamer ever coherently explained his opposition to Obama? In less than 50 words, preferably?

Its been a while:

- no executive/military/business experience
- no intention of reigning in deficits
- DEM majority (super?)
- association with Ayers & Wright
- cap and trade support
- no nuke energy support
- support for raising social security taxes
- tax cuts for bottom brackets aka those who already don't pay much federal income taxes
- no taxes for senior citizens making >$50k
- requirement for businesses of less than 50 employees to pay health insurance for all employees
- support for Employee Free Choice Act
- support for Patriot Corporation Act
- support for ~$1 trillion "Marshall Plan" for Africa
CharlieDigital said:
Did you watch the Kucinich clip?
Good stuff. Fiery little elf, ain't he? I don't dislike many of his ideas (he lost me at "Department of Peace"), but, honestly, if he worked in your office, and you saw him taking the old teabag out of his suit pocket and then putting it back after using it, you'd think he was a little creepy. Not to mention all the UFO stuff. You'd still want to bang his wife, though, so you'd tolerate his presence at the company picnic.


bob_arctor said:
Catering to the silly talking points of your opponent doesn't sound like confidence to me though this would definitely promote the "Uppity Negro" meme (read: "Presumptious"), and not the OMGSECRETMUSLIM! one.

I'm not talking about catering to their talking points, I just don't see the logic behind it, I don't see one single upside this stage has but I see a ton of downsides.
When you're in a stadium with 70 000 people roaring your name, why would you go over the top with your backdrop and not just pick something american flag-looking?


Kildace said:
I'm not talking about catering to their talking points, I just don't see the logic behind it, I don't see one single upside this stage has but I see a ton of downsides.
When you're in a stadium with 70 000 people roaring your name, why would you go over the top with your backdrop and not just pick something american flag-looking?

Because they want to? Because the people in the audience won't care and will probably think it dope as hell? Does the RNC pick their backdrops based on what the other side may think of it?


has calmed down a bit.
Steve Youngblood said:
What if he wears jeans, a flannel shirt, and is throwing back cans of Coors while giving the speech (crushing the can on his head when he finishes is optional)? Also, he gets driven into the stadium on the back of a large, fuel inefficient pickup truck.

And then proceeds to play tackle football with the Broncos while red white and blue bikini-clad strippers.......er cheerleaders dance on the sidelines? Yeah, I'm voting for that guy. GO USA!!!
Kildace said:
I'm not talking about catering to their talking points, I just don't see the logic behind it, I don't see one single upside this stage has but I see a ton of downsides.
When you're in a stadium with 70 000 people roaring your name, why would you go over the top with your backdrop and not just pick something american flag-looking?

Are you serious? On the first night, when Obama was on screen, they had a flag faded into his head from the bottom of the screen :lol Shit, does he need to tattoo the flag onto his face to convince people he's American?


Those look like flags to me...


siamesedreamer said:
Its been a while:

- no executive/military/business experience JFK
- no intention of reigning in deficits Really? Ending the war will certainly help.
- DEM majority (super?) We can finally get shit done
- association with Ayers & Wright Yay for fear tactics, McCain associates with Bush, that's enough for me.
- cap and trade support No opinion.
- no nuke energy support Agree with you here.
- support for raising social security taxes SS cannot fail
- tax cuts for bottom brackets aka those who already don't pay much federal income taxes See chart above
- no taxes for senior citizens making >$50k Never heard this.
- requirement for businesses of less than 50 employees to pay health insurance for all employees I don't agree with this, but they should be required to offer it.

That's all I got for now.
siamesedreamer said:
Its been a while:

- no executive/military/business experience
- no intention of reigning in deficits
- DEM majority (super?)
- association with Ayers & Wright
- cap and trade support
- no nuke energy support
- support for raising social security taxes
- tax cuts for bottom brackets aka those who already don't pay much federal income taxes
- no taxes for senior citizens making >$50k
- requirement for businesses of less than 50 employees to pay health insurance for all employees
- support for Employee Free Choice Act
- support for Patriot Corporation Act
- support for ~$1 trillion "Marshall Plan" for Africa

PoliGAF standup comedy :D so gud


Who came up with this column idea? I know that this was being planned out well before McCain's celebrity angle, but it's been about a month since those attacks started. Did no one sit and think this might look over the top? What's wrong with just a big ass American flag?

I can only hope that the set is not completely done yet and it won't look as pretentious as it does right now.
VanMardigan said:
And then proceeds to play tackle football with the Broncos while red white and blue bikini-clad strippers.......er cheerleaders dance on the sidelines? Yeah, I'm voting for that guy. GO USA!!!
Nice. And it would really drive home his point of being a real manly man if he played without padding.


testicles on a cold fall morning
cap and trade is evil because SD believes we should pollute as much as we want since everyone else is doing it (aka sour grapes). same with decreasing the tax burden on lower income individuals/families.

as to Obama's association with Ayers, i imagine that the education non-profit which Obama was a board member of was a sham so the two could plot terrorist attacks against Vietnam War vets?


adamsappel said:
The columns will play fine on tv. Just like the Republican set won't look so totalitarian with a crowd hiding the carpet and seats.

And here I thought they should just scrap it entirely because the McCain camp caricatured them! Maybe if McCain starts making fun of Obama's ears, pointing out how large they are in comparison to the average American, he'll have them clipped for the debates.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Odrion said:
With the change of narrative to "CHANGE WE NEED", the Obama's Campaign success with manufacturing controversy, and Obama's legal pursuit on the Ayers ad that all begain a week ago I say that their balls have dropped.

What I want from them is to pump money into a campaign saying that Obama will cut your taxes, a lot of people still believe that he will raise them while the indication has been the opposite:


Obama to highlight Tax Cuts For the Middle Class

So yeah Obama is going to push back on all the tax and spend liberal talk.

I can't wait to here it. :D


speculawyer said:
I wish that chart would show how their tax policies would affect the deficit . . . i.e. McCain makes it worse.
Also have to look at the spending they want to do in office. McCain says he'll cut spending, Obama says he'll increase spending.

Whether McCain actually will cut spending if he's president is impossible to know, but I'll take the politician who claims he'll cut spending over the politician that claims to increase spending.


NLB2 said:
Also have to look at the spending they want to do in office. McCain says he'll cut spending, Obama says he'll increase spending.

Whether McCain actually will cut spending if he's president is impossible to know, but I'll take the politician who claims he'll cut spending over the politician that claims to increase spending.

Considering all the new programs McCain has been proposing and the ramping up of defense, I think McCain is just speaking empty words about spending.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Kildace said:
Actually : no. I did refer to these in my earlier posts though.
My point in a nutshell is that it can be interpreted two ways :
As looking greek, which would build into the narrative of "The One" and far removed from normal americans. Also it's a very "Rock Star"ish thing to do.
As looking like the white house which can be interpreted as Obama being pretentious.

If I was a republican admaker I'd be licking my lips right now. I hope I'm wrong though.

I dunno man. If the repubs attacked my campaign over that, I would totally flip him the bird and actually use the greece > democracy line.

I'd also use the other photos supplies.

John McCain has a problem with pillars. Is he an enemy of democracy? (flashes pictures of patriotic emblems with columns). Maybe not, but he certainly likes to distract democracy with substancless claims; come to facts.obama.org to get the facts that will help you make an informed decision in our democratic nation!

something like that.
pxleyes said:
Really? Ending the war will certainly help.

He has specifically said the deficit is not a priority in his first term. Ending the war will certainly help, but its not as if spending on Iraq-related costs will suddenly drop to zero. And then there's his proposed push into Afghanistan. McCain is proposing the same thing, which IMO is a mistake.

Plus he has sponsored ~$450 billion in additional spending in the Senate (compared to ~$70 billion by McCain).
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