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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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ratcliffja said:
That didn't do much for me but "That makes 18 million of us" sure did.
I prefered the line I quoted only because that erases any doubt that Bill is only half assing his support, the biggest question mark about him as of late.
Not as good as his wife so far. But he's talking about policy experience and Obama in a positive light which is what was missing the precious night.


TDG said:
Who is this charismatic, cheerful man, and where was he hiding during Hillary's campaign?

He got his mojo back around March or so and that's one of the reasons Hillary didn't die earlier. Dude was doing 4-7 town halls a day in all the rural towns.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
One thing Bill loves to do is prove the naysayers wrong. Constantly hearing bullshit about how he would try to fuck the DNC over must have flipped a switch in his head to take it to the same pundits that shat on him 10 years ago.


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"Barack Obama is ready to be President of the United States"

Suck that one down fools! No uncertain terms!


*drowns in jizz*
Barack Obama is ready to lead America. Barack Obama is ready to be President of the United States

And BAM! He said it. He said the magical line that many criticized Hillary for not saying.


It's always so great to see the good side of Clinton's politics. When you are against them, they are truly the devil... but he still has it, certainly.


What is it with the random shots to the audience? They just had some old black guy that reminded me of bishop's and bjork's avatar


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Jenga said:
What is it with the random shots to the audience? They just had some old black guy that reminded me of bishop's and bjork's avatar
Did you just compare a homeless guy to Samuel...fucking...Jackson?!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

"People abroad have always been impressed by the power of our example, rather than the example of our power."



I'd say the best thing about this speech is that it is classical Bill Clinton enthusiasm and wit, showing very little signs of resentment. He used his sense of humour to dispel the "elephant in the room" right off the bat, and then went fighting for Barack Obama.

This is a thoroughly impressive showing from Bill Clinton. He delivers big in my book.


Whoever wrote this speech deserves props. It's well-written, with a great mix of praise of Obama, the Democratic nominee, and discussion of policy. He always connects the policy talk back to Obama, as well.

And Bill's terrific delivery tonight certainly can't go unmentioned.
Forgot how masterful of a speaker Bill is, so natural. He emphasizes at the right time, inserts important little phrases to accentuate, and makes you forget that this was even prepared.


Okay, as much as I dislike Bill I must admit that line "countries enjoy the power of our example, not the example of our power" was great


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Letting Hillary and Bill speak at the convention turned out to be a fucking brilliant idea.


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Bill Clinton said:
Biggest income inequality since the 20's!

Audience: YEEAAAAAAAAaaaaa........boooooooooooooo

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