HylianTom said:Lieberman? Heads would explode. And while deep red turnout would plummet, deep blue turnout would ratchet-up even further.
No it wouldn't. Democrats HATE Lieberman.
HylianTom said:Lieberman? Heads would explode. And while deep red turnout would plummet, deep blue turnout would ratchet-up even further.
Shiggie said:thats it, no massive meltdowns(other than the usual ones)?
reilo said:No it wouldn't. Democrats HATE Lieberman.
Lieberman is really unpopular, in his home state and across the board.reilo said:No it wouldn't. Democrats HATE Lieberman.
reilo said:No it wouldn't. Democrats HATE Lieberman.
Tobor said:You read the quote wrong.
The republican primary was a contest of who they hated less, and they're considering picks among those who didn't get first.HylianTom said:McCain has no easy choices. Has there ever been a negative running mate bounce?![]()
lopaz said:Yknow, Obama's comments at the end showed how much he needs to get some new material. Hopefully his speech is more like Bill's and Biden's, ie destroying Republicans and going through his policies and how amazing they are. We don't need more inspiration now, we need some ownage
Protip: Rad is short for radical.Hootie said:I thought his comments were super rad.
Just like you.
ronito said:Protip: Rad is short for radical.
Hootie said:It's a running joke between me and lopaz. I know it probably makes no sense, but I haven't got him in awhile. :lol
thefit said:I do hope its Lieberman, the comedy gold he brings in his leprechaun pants would rock. How anyone thinks that a turn coat who reeks of being an opportunist APAC shill would attract voters is beyond me. They would probably win the geriatric vote like in Florida though.
thefit said:I do hope its Lieberman, the comedy gold he brings in his leprechaun pants would rock. How anyone thinks that a turn coat who reeks of being an opportunist APAC shill would attract voters is beyond me. They would probably win the geriatric vote like in Florida though.
Krowley said:Lieberman's approval ratings may be pretty low, I haven't kept up with it, but the media will romanticize the idea of a bipartisan ticket to an amazing extent.
It will be a massive story, and most of the coverage will be favorable, especially in the way it reflects on McCain. Even if people don't like Lieberman, the idea that McCain would take such a risk with his own party and pick Al Gores VP nominee.... It will fully revive his maverick image and stifle many of the Bush/McCain linkup tactics the Obama campaign is trying to use..
Krowley said:Lieberman's approval ratings may be pretty low, I haven't kept up with it, but the media will romanticize the idea of a bipartisan ticket to an amazing extent.
It will be a massive story, and most of the coverage will be favorable, especially in the way it reflects on McCain. Even if people don't like Lieberman, the idea that McCain would take such a risk with his own party and pick Al Gores VP nominee.... It will fully revive his maverick image and stifle many of the Bush/McCain linkup tactics the Obama campaign is trying to use..
The Obama campaign may be able to turn it back around on him, and it may hurt his chances with the base, but it will help him immensely with the media.
Officials with John McCain's campaign made a series of conference calls Monday and Tuesday with supporters nationwide to say that Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman may be named as the Arizona senator's vice presidential running mate, immediately sparking a frenzied effort by some state Republican officials to come up with a strategy to head off such a move, The Washington Times has learned.
One of the concerned state GOP officials told The Washington Times that he talked with two "high-level" campaign officials who said "Lieberman is a very real possibility."
laserbeam said:it just doesn't seem possible for it to be Lieberman. He is a devout Jew and doesnt do politics on Sabbath day and McCain has a 3 day thing starting Friday
Since effectively capturing the Republican nomination when Mitt Romney dropped out of the race on Feb. 7, John McCain has held just one public campaign event on a weekend.
Instead, after workweeks full of fundraisers, town hall meetings and interviews, McCain has been, in campaign parlance, down on nearly every Saturday or Sunday for 20 weeks, largely sequestered away from the news media.
Hes usually spending time with family, friends and campaign advisers at residences in Arlington, Va., and Phoenix or vacation homes near Sedona, Ariz., and San Diego...
KilledByBill said:This whole Lieberman thing has to be a smokescreen. They'll get the conservative base all riled up and then suddenly swoop in and name someone like Romney to win the base's approval.
How the former gov. of one of the bluest states in the union and the biggest flip-flopper in the primaries of either party this election somehow became the darling of conservatives still baffles me.
Having Lieberman on the ticket would make the Republicans the "all war" party and completely undermine their line of attack against Obama on social issues like abortion.
KilledByBill said:How the former gov. of one of the bluest states in the union and the biggest flip-flopper in the primaries of either party this election somehow became the darling of conservatives still baffles me.
thefit said:
laserbeam said:Already confirmed they are having Events Friday,Saturday and Sunday so no weekend off this time.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Who is this dick Republican strategist on MSNBC?
"Hillary and Bill did what they needed to do, gave great speeches, and not they'll go quietly vote for McCain. I believe that."
The crowd absolutely hated him, and I can see why.
speculawyer said:McCain/Liberman :lol
That would be awesome. Their campaign slogan could be "Hey kids, GET OFF MY LAWN!"
Shiggie said:Wait... so Gore is speaking?
Tamanon said:We also would've accepted "Tehran, you're on notice!"
speculawyer said:This is still freaking me out . . . it looks like New Orleans could get pounded just as Bush takes the podium at the RNC. That is just bizarre.
speculawyer said:This is still freaking me out . . . it looks like New Orleans could get pounded just as Bush takes the podium at the RNC. That is just bizarre.
HylianTom said:We're all on-edge down here. Lines at gas stations, water flying off of store shelves, plywood being cut to be put over windows, hotel rooms up in northern LA and MS being booked solid. Sucks.
I hope youre doing well.HylianTom said:We're all on-edge down here. Lines at gas stations, water flying off of store shelves, plywood being cut to be put over windows, hotel rooms up in northern LA and MS being booked solid. Sucks.
speculawyer said:This is still freaking me out . . . it looks like New Orleans could get pounded just as Bush takes the podium at the RNC. That is just bizarre.
Agent Icebeezy said:The more I keep watching and the more I keep reading, it seems that McCain has an impossible pick to make for a VP. Everyone that is attractive has a major flaw with the core constituency of the Republicans, the religious right.