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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jon: "Hey, ugh, is Mark Warner? Oh, he's not? Can I leave a message? Okay, your speech sucked. Saaaaaaahhhhhuuuuucked."


Was it really that bad?
speculawyer said:
This is still freaking me out . . . it looks like New Orleans could get pounded just as Bush takes the podium at the RNC. That is just bizarre.


Looks like Jamaica is chargin its laser


Setec Astronomer
reilo said:
Jon: "Hey, ugh, is Mark Warner? Oh, he's not? Can I leave a message? Okay, your speech sucked. Saaaaaaahhhhhuuuuucked."


Was it really that bad?
See it for yourself. I liked it, but everyone only talked about the speaker who went after him.
lttp: this thread moves too quickly for me during the day.

Bill Clinton gave a FANTASTIC speech. He proved that he's still got it. I think Bill's competitive juices came out after Hilary's speech yesterday and knowing that Obama would be tomorrow. Plus Bubba loves proving the media wrong.

Both John Kerry and Biden delivered excellent speeches. Obviously not on the level of Bill's but both were excellent in their own right. Biden's speech started a little slow but he hit his stride mid-way through the speech and brought a lot of passion and energy into it.

The Obama Surprise was a great piece of theater but CNN's spoiler lessoned the impact a little bit for me.

I'd rank the speeches like this so far that I've seen:
Bill Clinton >> Michelle Obama >> Hilary >> Kerry >> Biden >>> All the Rest >>>> >>>>> >>>> Seballdsfasfdasf

Seballasdfasd is absolutely the worst speaker ever. She shouldn't be allowed to speak on TV ever again. If Obama picked her as a VP it would have been a nightmare.
The Chosen One said:
lttp: this thread moves too quickly for me during the day.

Bill Clinton gave a FANTASTIC speech. He proved that he's still got it. I think Bill's competitive juices came out after Hilary's speech yesterday and knowing that Obama would be tomorrow. Plus Bubba loves proving the media wrong.

Both John Kerry and Biden delivered excellent speeches. Obviously not on the level of Bill's but both were excellent in their own right. Biden's speech started a little slow but he hit his stride mid-way through the speech and brought a lot of passion and energy into it.

The Obama Surprise was a great piece of theater but CNN's spoiler lessoned the impact a little bit for me.

I'd rank the speeches like this so far that I've seen:
Bill Clinton >> Michelle Obama >> Hilary >> Kerry >> Biden >>> All the Rest >>>> >>>>> >>>> Seballdsfasfdasf

Seballasdfasd is absolutely the worst speaker ever. She shouldn't be allowed to speak on TV ever again. If Obama picked her as a VP it would have been a nightmare.

Most truth I have heard in this thread. Can you imagine the media narrative.

Thursday, August 28 2008: Change You Can Believe In
Time Shown as local – Denver, Colorado MST

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (LOCAL)

Live Performances (before gavel)
Yonder Mountain String Band Performance
Jeff Austin, Adam Aijala, Ben Kaufmann, Dave Johnston

Voter Registration Presentation

The Honorable Luis Gutierrez
Member of the US House of Representatives, Illinois

David Plouffe
Obama Campaign Manager

Ray Rivera
Obama State Director, Colorado

Call to Order
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Permanent Chair, Democratic National Convention
Member and Speaker of the US House of Representatives, California

Rabbi David Saperstein
Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism – Washington, DC

Presentation of Colors
Disabled American Veterans

Pledge of Allegiance
Shawn Johnson
US Olympic Gymnast

National Anthem
Jennifer Hudson
Academy award-winning singer and Broadway performer

Elbra Wedgeworth
President/Chair, Denver Host Committee

Presentation of Resolutions
Democratic National Committee Vice-Chairs
Mark Brewer
The Honorable Linda Chavez-Thompson
The Honorable Mike Honda
The Honorable Lottie Shackelford
Susan Turnbull

Honorable Bill Ritter, Jr.
Governor of Colorado

The Honorable Ed Perlmutter
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado

The Honorable John Salazar
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado

The Honorable Diana DeGette
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (LOCAL)

Video & Remarks
The Honorable Howard Dean
Former Governor of Vermont
Chair of the Democratic Party

Video & Remarks: Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King
The Honorable John Lewis
Member of the US House of Representatives, Georgia
Rev. Bernice King
Daughter of the late Dr. King
Martin Luther King III
Oldest son of the late Dr. King

The Honorable Bill Richardson
Governor, New Mexico

Live Performances
Accompanied by John Legend (piano), Agape Choir, and band

Sheryl Crow

Ray Rivera
Obama State Director, Colorado

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (LOCAL)

The Honorable Jan Schakowsky
Member of the US House of Representatives, Illinois

The Honorable Mark Udall
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado

The Honorable Tim Kaine
Governor of Virginia

Live Performance
Stevie Wonder

The Honorable Al Gore
Former Vice President of the United States

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (LOCAL)

John Kuniholm
Wounded Iraq veteran

Live Performance
Michael McDonald
:D :D :D :D

Susan Eisenhower
Granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Retired Generals Tribute
Air Force Maj. Gen. J. Scott Gration (Ret)
Accompanied by additional generals

American Voices Program
Roy Gross
Monica Early
Wes Moore
Janet Lynn Monacco
Nate Flick
Teresa Asenap
Pamela Cash-Roper
Barney Smith

The Honorable Dick Durbin
US Senator, Illinois

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (LOCAL)


Pastor Joel Hunter
Senior Pastor of Northland in Central Florida

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Permanent Chair, Democratic National Convention


Karma Kramer said:
Found the Matthews video... holy shit.


There is seriously something internally happening at MSNBC.
I think while alot of MSNBC people do lean left they are not Olbermann level and Olbermann is really trying to push them to his levels.

Theres just way too many MSNBC people at each others throats at this convention who dont even care if they go off on air.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
True, but some choices would be far worse than others. A pro choice jew wouldn't sit well with many people - I think we'd see a major backlash not endorsed by the leaders of the religious right, ie something they wouldn't be able to control in time. Dobson for instance would be pissed about the pick but the prospect of Obama choosing SC choices would compel him to hold his nose even more while voting. But what about those evangelicals who hate McCain and feel they've been totally looked over by Bush recently. Them staying home could be the difference between states like Georgia and NC going blue or red.

Yo lately it's like you haven't said nothing wrong. :lol

I was just thinking about GA and NC. And Montana and North Dakota. Those 4 states and it's over. We all know 80% of black people will probably vote this time around.

I remember the Neilson stats you linked to eariler. PD you know as black people we are never into politics like that. Dudes are thinking about shooting ball, watching rap videos, and chilling.

Now you are telling me black people are watching the Democratic Convention in higher % numbers than any race in the country?!?!?! HOLY SHIT! McCain has another thing coming if black people vote in the same high percentages that they are watching the convention.

And you have to remember that it's not even labor day yet. The first debate hasn't even happened and black people are this excited? We will come out in record numbers. And if we do and if McCain picks Liberman......I'm calling DEM wins in VA, NC, and GA.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
I think while alot of MSNBC people do lean left they are not Olbermann level and Olbermann is really trying to push them to his levels.

Theres just way too many MSNBC people at each others throats at this convention who dont even care if they go off on air.

That guy isn't a MSNBC employee, he's just a pundit they invited on the show.


mckmas8808 said:
Yo lately it's like you haven't said nothing wrong. :lol

I was just thinking about GA and NC. And Montana and North Dakota. Those 4 states and it's over. We all know 80% of black people will probably vote this time around.

I remember the Neilson stats you linked to eariler. PD you know as black people we are never into politics like that. Dudes are thinking about shooting ball, watching rap videos, and chilling.

Now you are telling me black people are watching the Democratic Convention in higher % numbers than any race in the country?!?!?! HOLY SHIT! McCain has another thing coming if black people vote in the same high percentages that they are watching the convention.

And you have to remember that it's not even labor day yet. The first debate hasn't even happened and black people are this excited? We will come out in record numbers. And if we do and if McCain picks Liberman......I'm calling DEM wins in VA, NC, and GA.
Crazy thing is we still haven't even counted the number of young voters who can start voting this year or last year who's taken an interest to Obama.

Those things don't get tallied up by the national polls like Gallup.


reilo said:
That guy isn't a MSNBC employee, he's just a pundit they invited on the show.
Yeah but the overall thing is Olbermann is trying to act like he runs the whole damn place. Matthews has attacked Olbermann on the air. Olbermann doesnt run MSNBC but the way he likes to put in comments etc I wouldn't doubt that Olbermann gets shown the door or alot of staff leaves
Karma Kramer said:
Found the Matthews video... holy shit.


There is seriously something internally happening at MSNBC.
That's the asshole I mentioned earlier, although I didn't watch long enough to see the Matthews aftermath. He deserved to be pushed on what he asserted, which was a steaming pile of horseshit. Calling the audience biased and "in the tank" was pretty ridiculous as well. How could someone have the balls to come off a patently absurd statement like he made then call the audience biased?

edit: Olbermann trying to shut the entire conversation down is silly though. Better to let Chris Matthews back him into a corner and beat him with the hardball stick.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Arde5643 said:
Crazy thing is we still haven't even counted the number of young voters who can start voting this year or last year who's taken an interest to Obama.

Those things don't get tallied up by the national polls like Gallup.

Yep. And how on God's Earth is the democratic convention getting similar ratings as the Olympics?!

Wasn't the Olympics the highest rated program in US history? How is the Obama campaign getting ratings so high?
laserbeam said:
I think while alot of MSNBC people do lean left they are not Olbermann level and Olbermann is really trying to push them to his levels.

Theres just way too many MSNBC people at each others throats at this convention who dont even care if they go off on air.

I think MSNBC was extremely balanced during the primaries. However recently, because the media has been tougher on Obama rather then McCain, the more liberal pundits are getting tired of their colleagues regurgitating talking points that are what most would consider dishonest.

Brokaw is trying to balance it by being more pro McCain, but for the most part people now see MSNBC as a liberal media outlet.

Do I think it is the liberal form of Fox News? Absolutely not... because I personally believe that Olbermann and Matthews don't spew bullshit. They may have favorability, but they don't manipulate and misguide their viewing audience.

If a cable news network solely focused on the issues and remained objective... it would be viewed as liberal in my opinion. Just look at PBS.


mckmas8808 said:
Yep. And how on God's Earth is the democratic convention getting similar ratings as the Olympics?!

Wasn't the Olympics the highest rated program in US history? How is the Obama campaign getting ratings so high?

Outside of the Phelps stuff the olympics was doing not so hot. Phelps salvaged the olympics


mckmas8808 said:
Yep. And how on God's Earth is the democratic convention getting similar ratings as the Olympics?!

Wasn't the Olympics the highest rated program in US history? How is the Obama campaign getting ratings so high?
whats the Obama campaign getting?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Has the Politico article on MSNBC been posted?

Edit- has the Scarbough v. Shuster vid been posted yet? :lol :lol :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
Outside of the Phelps stuff the olympics was doing not so hot. Phelps salvaged the olympics

Doesn't matter. Phelps came through everyday and the Democratic Convention is going toe to toe with the Olympics. Amazing feat which shows that the energy is still alive from the Primaries. This is not good news for the republicans.


*drowns in jizz*
GrotesqueBeauty said:
That's the asshole I mentioned earlier, although I didn't watch long enough to see the Matthews aftermath. He deserved to be pushed on what he asserted, which was a steaming pile of horseshit. Calling the audience biased and "in the tank" was pretty ridiculous as well. How could someone have the balls to come off a patently absurd statement like he made then call the audience biased?

edit: Olbermann trying to shut the entire conversation down is silly though. Better to let Chris Matthews back him into a corner and beat him with the hardball stick.

I don't know, I'm actually all for journalists cutting off tools who spew bullshit that surpasses a certain threshold. They shouldnt even get the time of day. I mean, how do you debate with these people? It's just idiocy, and I see no problem in a journalist deciding to shut them up and not waste the viewers time or insult their intelligence further.


mckmas8808 said:
Doesn't matter. Phelps came through everyday and the Democratic Convention is going toe to toe with the Olympics. Amazing feat which shows that the energy is still alive from the Primaries. This is not good news for the republicans.

I dont think thats a conclusion to come to. .This convention started with so much controversy on omg what are the clintons gonna do. If anything the Democrats were genius to put both clintons on 2 different nights.

People kept coming back to see what they would say. Lets see the ratings for the whole days of the convention not just Clinton speech times.

Slurpy said:
I don't know, I'm actually all for journalists cutting off tools who spew bullshit that surpasses a certain threshold. They shouldnt even get the time of day. I mean, how do you debate with these people? It's just idiocy, and I see no problem in a journalist deciding to shut them up and not waste the viewers time or insult their intelligence further.

It is not Keith Olbermanns job to decide when another reporter should end their segement. Thats the issue. If Matthews wants to stop it it is his call and if he wants to bull shit with the guy that is his call too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DeathNote said:
whats the Obama campaign getting?

They are averaging 24 million viewers a day. The Olympics averaged 27 million a day. It's just amazing thinking about the fact that people are EQUALLY excited about the democratic party just as much as the freaking Olympics!!!


Setec Astronomer
mckmas8808 said:
They are averaging 24 million viewers a day. The Olympics averaged 27 million a day. It's just amazing thinking about the fact that people are EQUALLY excited about the democratic party just as much as the freaking Olympics!!!
120 million people voted in 2004.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hitokage said:
120 million people voted in 2004.

Okay and about 60 million voted democrat in 2004. So that's 1 in every 3 of those voters watching right now.

So to me that's great for being 2 and a half months out.


force push the doodoo rock
mckmas8808 said:
Okay and about 60 million voted democrat in 2004. So that's 1 in every 3 of those voters watching right now.

So to me that's great for being 2 and a half months out.

Isn't that figure for 20 million homes?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
sp0rsk said:
Isn't that figure for 20 million homes?

Actually I'm not sure. If it was that would be even better. There's probably what....at least 2 people living in every home?

50 million people watched last night?! :lol
What's strange is that Mike Murphy is usually a fairly level-headed Republican. He's been on Meet the Press numerous times and he's been fairly pragmatic.

For some reason tonight he felt like playing the Evil Repug or maybe he was drunk. Clearly the crowd was getting to him. Proclaiming the by-standers were "in the tank" for Obama? NO SHIT! It's the Democratic Convention! What was he expecting?

As for the the rift at MSNBC, they're clearly going through an identity crises post-Tim Russert. Olberman brings in the ratings but he's clearly not fit to anchor their special coverages. A year or so ago when he first started anchoring the special coverages he was more restrained with his personal views and editorializing, but nowadays he doesn't even try. It's basically just a special edition of Countdown.

Chris Matthews editorializes and likes the sound of us own voice too but he's a little more introspective and less predictable. He's not afraid to rip into an Obama supporter if necessary either (ie. When Matthews ripped into the Obama supporter who couldn't name a single legislative accomplishment in the primary).

To be honest I think Joe Scarbs and Chris Matthews would make a better anchor team for their special coverage. For all the flack Scarbs gets, he knows how to be neutral when necessary. He can also give the Republican viewpoint without spouting BS like Pat Buchanan. It just gets bad when the two of them are in the same room.

I really think giving Rachael Maddow her own show was a bad idea at this point. Liberals love her but MSNBC needs more balance to afternoon/evening programming. I know, I know a conservative as a 3 hour show on the morning, but let's be honest, a conservative agenda isn't being pushed for 3 hours straight. It's hodge-podge of stuff with the slant usually determined by what guests they have. I'd say Morning Joe is more of a centrist show overall and swings right or left depending on the day. The same can't be said about the afternoon/evening programming, it almost always swings left. Now they're adding Rachael Maddow?!

I'm not a big fan of the echo chamber. I like to hear differing opinions. As long as they're based on sound reasoning and not overt partisan talking points and slogans. Joe Scarbs is now literally the last conservative host on MSNBC. Colmes says hi.


Unconfirmed Member
I caught a quick excerpt of someone speaking at around 645. I really liked it and thought it was biden until I got back in the car at 7:45 and then I heard the real biden :lol

Anybody know who I was listening to? (NPR West Coast)
Morning Joe is hilarious right now. Both Pat Buchanan and Scarbs are literally handing the Dems talking points for how to destroy the Republicans. :lol

As I said, Morning Joe swings left or right depending on the day.
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