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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Yaweee said:
Um... Public education? Elected school boards? Government funding?

You must be joking. I find it completely implausible that you'd think that government wasn't already in control of hiring teachers.

Federal government wasn't. Nor the state.


vumpler said:
Now the government is going to control hiring of teachers? WTF

More government more government more government more government!

Is there a special button I can push in this forum to mute whiny libertopians? At least temporarily just for Obama's speech.


testicles on a cold fall morning
JayDubya said:
Flies in the face of all that "brother's keeper" bullshit and "you're not on your own, government is here to help you - bootstraps, lol" moment.

Kitchen sink. :lol
not really. the government's there to influence best practices, but will give you the option to fuck up your life if you so choose to.


scorcho said:
Obama's better in speeches than in debates.

While definitely true, McCain kinda blows in debates, Hillary did better because she found points of policy to grind down on, McCain doesn't deal in details.


Vinzer Deling said:
BUTBUTBUT McStain makes so much money. How does he know what the pleebles like us feel?

But a man who grew up outside of the US. Sells book for money, gets elected to the senate and did nothing for 2 years and got paid for it sure does know what it feels like to be an ordinary american in this decade!
Yes, obviously a man who studied hard, worked hard to get where he is is the same as the one who's born with a silver spoon, cheated with a younger woman after his wife got into an accident, and got all the money from his younger heiress wife.

Yes, obviously both of these are the same American dreams many Americans always dream for and admired upon.
He definitely touched upon some new policy elements so far. I'm glad. Particularly, critiquing the health care industry and it's cherry picking of patients. I'm not a socialized medicine type of guy, and I think Obama's got health care right. It's not "socialized", it's fair, and it's going to whip insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies into shape. And I'm definitely down for that.

And holy shit, Obama is owning. Demolishing McCain.


Why weren't the democrats hitting McCain hard? Because they were saving it for the number one guy.

EDIT: Ami, spoiler tag that shit.


frankthurk said:
Both's actually possible Mr. black and white.

It's called talking out both sides of your mouth, actually.

You can't talk about personal responsibility when you openly mock the very notion of personal responsibility.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
scorcho said:
Obama's better in speeches than in debates.

This, is true.



dabbled in the jelly
Obama: Screw the disgustingly rich 10% of American aristocrats and oil king pins who have the white house in their pockets. Their time is done.


Gaborn said:
Federal government wasn't. Nor the state.

But there are layers upon layers of state and federal regulations concerning appropriation of funding school districts. The federal government isn't in charge of hiring, and it isn't what Obama is proposing either. When he says "hire new teachers", he basically means giving more money to public education.

Elected School boards and government.

The foreign policy part of the speech is very, very meaty and pretty much spot on. I'm mostly a libertarian, so I really don't agree with him much on domestic issues, but his temperament and respect for human rights will be enough for me to not get pissy when he eventually wins (against my vote).


laserbeam said:
Where does he plan to get all this money?

Rebuilding the Military
Universal healthcare

My guess is "emergency supplemental funding" like Bush has been pulling out of his ass with Iraq.


Vinzer Deling said:
Well you have to think in a debate. :lol

I'll put Obama the Harvard Law Professor up against McCain the plane wrecking Daddy's boy any day. McCain couldn't even succeed in the Navy when his dad was an Admiral and he had the cachet of a POW.


laserbeam said:
Where does he plan to get all this money?

Rebuilding the Military
Universal healthcare

By cutting inefficient government bureaucracy. :lol

Except for all the stuff he likes. Which is most of it. And he wants more.
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