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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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laserbeam said:
Where does he plan to get all this money?

Rebuilding the Military
Universal healthcare
He already explained that... he's ending the idiotic Bush tax cuts for the rich, he's going to work to close tax loopholes, and he's going to go through the budget and kill government programs that don't work (and I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot of those.)
laserbeam said:
Where does he plan to get all this money?

Rebuilding the Military
Universal healthcare

It's not "universal healthcare" like you are thinking. And you can start by ending the 10 billion dollars a month spending on the War in Iraq.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Vinzer Deling said:
Well you have to think in a debate. :lol

considering Obama's background i'm sure that isn't a problem for him. for some reason i think that Chicago U, home of the late, great Milt Friedman, is pretty strict on who they let teach/lecture in its halls.

your rejoinders would be better if they were grounded in reality.


Vinzer Deling said:
Well you have to think in a debate. :lol

You are out of what's left of your mind if you think McCain can gain anything from a debate. It's going to be the JFK-Nixon debates all over again.


dabbled in the jelly
laserbeam said:
Where does he plan to get all this money?

Rebuilding the Military
Universal healthcare
Taxing the hell out of the mega-rich and oil companies and reallocating the tens of billions spent on the "war on iraq". .


He does the "Good/Bad can't we all just get along" damn near perfectly. His point about AK's are stupid though, as assault weapons are an insignificant contribution to gun violence.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
JayDubya said:
He'll be promising the kitchen sink, next. How'll you pay for all this without extending the debt as bad as Bush, precious?

if the debt goes up, at least it will go towards shit that benefits us.. not warmongering bullshit.
Illuminati said:
Like NASA? oh wait...


Illuminati said:
Like NASA?

Nope, he's funding the shit out of that. Course, so was McCain.

Manmademan said:
so...you're a criminal then? because Obama said nothing about keeping AK's out of the hands of the law abiding. :lol

I'm confused, can you keep your own guns in jail? Because when you've served your time, you're not a criminal anymore.


dave is ok said:
lol @ someone asking where the president gets money after 1 trillion spent on this stupid war

Well it sounds like Obama wants to continue the war just shift it to Afghanistan instead of Iraq based on this speech. So I dont know how much money that will save.


more money than God
DeathNote said:
he said he is going to cut useless crap that's proving to do nothing
Like what? Don't tell me he's gonna go the "ear mark" route that McCain is on, there isn't much there. Even without the Iraq War, how is he gonna pay for an intensified Afghan War, universal healthcare, rebuilt military, etc.

And I'm an Obama guy in this election.


I'm glad that the libertarians chose this exact moment to educate all of us on their idealistic, unrealistic political views. Geez, could this wait until after the speech?


SoulPlaya said:
Like what? Don't tell me he's gonna go the "ear mark" route that McCain is on, there isn't much there. Even without the Iraq War, how is he gonna pay for an intensified Afghan War, universal healthcare, rebuilt military, etc.
go read this whole page buddy


SoulPlaya said:
Like what? Don't tell me he's gonna go the "ear mark" route that McCain is on, there isn't much there. Even without the Iraq War, how is he gonna pay for an intensified Afghan War, universal healthcare, rebuilt military, etc.

And I'm an Obama guy in this election.

The Drug War?:p




Gold Member
Manmademan said:
so...you're a criminal then? because Obama said nothing about keeping AK's out of the hands of the law abiding. :lol

That son of a bitch tricked me!

I own an AR


testicles on a cold fall morning
TDG said:
I'm glad that the libertarians chose this exact moment to educate all of us on their idealistic, unrealistic political views. Geez, could this wait until after the speech?
hey, it's better to allow them to give their (abstract) verbal lashings to keep us on our toes than actually give them power.


SoulPlaya said:
Like what? Don't tell me he's gonna go the "ear mark" route that McCain is on, there isn't much there. Even without the Iraq War, how is he gonna pay for an intensified Afghan War, universal healthcare, rebuilt military, etc.

And I'm an Obama guy in this election.

A McCain administration wouldn't be worrying about paying for a universal healthcare system.


Illuminati said:
Last I heard he wanted to cut billions from NASA's funding.

Once 2 Senators from Florida and Texas Called him saying it would cost thousands of jobs in a battleground state Obama suddenly had a speech about how important NASA is to the future.


Gaborn said:
Tamanon - Obama supports Marijuana remaining criminal.

He's waffled on that issue a bit, but he doesn't think the federal government should supersede all state's rights with determining drug policies.
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