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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
so what happened? i left work hearing Romney was the likely VP choice, get some drinks, come back home a few hours later and now it's Pawlenty?


Were people really that shocked by the speech? His MLK speech and his religion speech were both far better, in my opinion.


Gold Member
Spectral Glider said:
Invesco hasn't looked this cool since the Steelers won the Championship game!


And the Broncos have been owning your goddamn cheerleaderless Steelers in the regular season. :D


"You know....I've been criticized for saying I'm inspired by him, but to hell with my critics"

Chris Matthews in full leg-thrill mode!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
aparisi2274 said:
What a great speech....

Now if he can actually deliver on most of those ideals, I will be a very happy American

It's just not possible, but hopefully we can get things back on track.
Obama - FUCK YEAH. Great speech; one of the only times I've listened to an entire hour long political speech. I talked to my father after and he honestly said it felt like when he was my age and saw Kennedy give his speech. I'm really excited about the election.
Jenga said:
Great delivery. Maaaaan, McCain must be shitting himself.

To be fair, McCain probably shits himself all the time.

I know


Vinzer Deling said:
Oh there's the argument about how is he going to pay for everything. His speech must have caused money trees to spring out of the ground to pay for everything now.
:lol Go away.


dabbled in the jelly
Gaborn said:
You do realize that every dollar of the Iraq money is deficit spending because 1. the budget is already a deficit, and 2. a very significant portion of the costs are supplemental (non budgetted) funding?, right? So you're saying Obama's going to run a bigger deficit.

Maybe you missed the part where I said taxing the hell out of the mega-rich and the big oil-conglomerates. In fact he can practically force the oil companies to fund the majority of the new energy bill. But when you are not spending 10s of billions on a war in Iraq it's amazing what you can do to help the economy with just a fraction of that amount. The alternative is going to drive us even further into debt. Instead of using the money to inadvertently screw the economy and the american working class along with it why not use it to heal the economy where WE the working class get to benefit? Makes sense to me.


Vinzer Deling said:
Oh there's the argument about how is he going to pay for everything. His speech must have caused money trees to spring out of the ground to pay for everything now.

You know your party would have a better chance of pulling off this stupid smear if you hadn't just spent $6 trillion of our dollars.


scorcho said:
so what happened? i left work hearing Romney was the likely VP choice, get some drinks, come back home a few hours later and now it's Pawlenty?

Pawlenty canceled all media appearances for the weekend with no stated justification.


Illuminati said:
I can't believe some of you were actually getting water eyed over this...

It was one of the best speeches I have ever seen. It moves you if you actually listen to what he said and did not put up a little note on your T.V. saying " He doesnt know what he's talking about"


Shaheed79 said:

Maybe you missed the part where I said taxing the hell out of the mega-rich and the big oil-conglomerates. In fact he can practically force the oil companies to fund the majority of the new energy bill. But when you are not spending 10s of billions on a war in Iraq it's amazing what you can do to help the economy with just a fraction of that amount. The alternative is going to drive us even further into debt. Instead of using the money to inadvertently screw the economy and the american working class along with it why not use it to heal the economy where WE the working class get to benefit? Makes sense to me.

Yeah... no he can't. Good luck with that if you think he can do that without nationalizing exxon.
HOW IS OBAMA GOING TO PAY FOR ALL THAT? Um, let's see maybe you should ask Bush and McCain and GOP the same question. Oh wait, instead of collecting taxes to pay for their stuff, they CUT taxes and then increase spending ten fold and blow a surplus. Whoops.


Suikoguy said:
It's just not possible, but hopefully we can get things back on track.

It's not probable, but it is possible. The changes are smaller than both the New Deal and Johnson's Great Society, and both of those passed and became ingrained in American culture.


Suikoguy said:
It's just not possible, but hopefully we can get things back on track.

Look I will be happy if we can cut the deficit in half or even get it close to being back to a surplus...

I would love if we lessen our dependence on Foreign Oil!!!

I am looking for simple things... things that can actually happen...
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