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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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adamsappel said:
Nixon won that first debate, according to the radio audience.

Sean Hannity: Make sure and listen to these debates on the radio, because TV is too librul! :lol

Yes, I know, it was about Nixon being a visibly creepy dude while JFK was as photogenic as a supermodel
Riddler said:
It was one of the best speeches I have ever seen. It moves you if you actually listen to what he said.
I wouldn't call a political speech on health care, taxes, war in Iraq, and the economy very moving...

Nabs said:
:lol :lol :lol That was what I was talking about.


more money than God
Man, I hate this country's obsession with speeches. It was a good one, but does anyone actually believe that the corporations that control this country will allow half of these things to happen. And I'm a damn socialist in many ways.

Love Obama, but I know that as President, he is limited in his powers.


dabbled in the jelly
Illuminati said:
I can't believe some of you were actually getting water eyed over this it's a political speech...
We can't believe that anyone would NOT want the America that he envisions. Some people are a glutton for punishment it seems.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Nabs said:

just need the camera shutter and i think we've got something.
:lol :lol :lol


formerly sane
Jenga said:
Great delivery. Maaaaan, McCain must be shitting himself.

Exactly what I was thinking halfway through the speech. Every bullet point they will spit next will come back to haunt them and will only work for those who have made up their mind already. Can't wait to see what the neocons will do now that the obama has called out their smokescreens for what they are.


Did anyone feel kind of ominous when the Armageddon music started? Seriously, it didn't fit the moment at all. I kept thinking something bad was going to happen :lol
Shaheed79 said:
We can't believe that anyone would NOT want the America that he envisions. Some people are a glutton for punishment it seems.
It sounds like every other presidential candidate speech I have watched in my life. Just alot of talk.


They're talking about it on Fox News right now.

Juan Williams: "It's more prose than poetry" "It was not quite satisfying" "The specifics didn't match up"
...and on...and on.....

Bill Kristol: "Well crafted speech" "exceeded expectations"


First tragedy, then farce.

America please elect this man. Go register voters, drive people to the polls, whatever you need to.


Gold Member
DeathNote said:
so, wasnt mccain supposed to release a commercial ?

He did release one. I saw it on CNN awhile ago and it was just John McCain suspending his negative campaigning for presidency until tomorrow and congratulating Obama on his historic moment.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
That is the best speech I've seen. Obama fucking nailed it. I usually am pretty calm when I watch these things, but I had a lot of "America, fuck yeah!!!" moments. We need this guy.


Gold Member
mj1108 said:
They're talking about it on Fox News right now.

Juan Williams: "It's more prose than poetry" "It was not quite satisfying" "The specifics didn't match up"
...and on...and on.....

Bill Kristol: "Well crafted speech" "exceeded expectations"

Hmmm...wonder which quote people will be shocked by.
Chris Matthews: "believe me, this is going to get better".

Beer Monkey translation: This shit is going to get vicious and that is fucking awesome for media pundits and ratings. We want blood.



That was epic win, all over the place. My parents echoed the sentiments of the guy who said his dad felt like watching Kennedy (and MLK) all over again.

And you're not alone, sp0rsk. I got a bit misty towards the end as well. :D


Obama's speech was so incredible. Anyone here or anyone on TV talking about it ruins it.

This is a speech for you as an individual to take in. He spoke to me.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Nabs said:

just need the camera shutter and i think we've got something.

:lol :lol Awesome.


PantherLotus said:
Now that its over, I'll admit that i was afraid for his safety.
Honestly if he intends to go after Big Corporations even 1/5th of what he says he could be the next JFK. JFK went against the corporate machine.
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