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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Aahahahaahahahah this lady said "I'm for John McCain, I have a job and when he is president people will loose their jobs and crime will go up so my job will be 100% secure." :lol :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Another Caller:

People already have the opportunites in the world if they take advantage of them.


Tamanon said:

Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of Tropical Storm Gustav, which is on track to hit the Gulf Coast, and possibly New Orleans, as a full-force hurricane early next week.

The threat is serious enough that White House officials are also debating whether President Bush should cancel his scheduled convention appearance on Monday, the first day of the convention, according to administration officials and others familiar with the discussion.

For Bush and Republican presidential candidate John McCain, Gustav threatens to provide an untimely reminder of Hurricane Katrina. A new major storm along the Gulf Coast would renew memories of one of the low points of the Bush administration, while pulling public attention away from McCain's formal coronation as the GOP presidential nominee.


That's gotta be expensive as hell to delay by a few days.

That's not to mention that none of the bloggers and half the media would be able to reschedule short notice. The media exposure would be way weaker, especially without a thursday night acceptance.


Gold Member
WTF is McCain doing spending campaign money on an add congratulating Obama? Something tells me that McCain's V.P. pick will be "leaked" shortly after midnight... Now I have to hear McCain next week deliver another monotone speech... I hope Bob Dole is going to speak! :lol
Shaheed79 said:
Again I ask you. How old are you?
Over 200 years old therefore I have heard every US presidential candidates' speech in existence. Come on you can't seriously believe Obama's speech was so fundamentally different from any other presidential candidate's speech.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
VPhys said:
Aahahahaahahahah this lady said "I'm for John McCain, I have a job and when he is president people will loose their jobs and crime will go up so my job will be 100% secure." :lol :lol

That caller was awesome I was staring at the TV with my mouth wide open.


GhaleonQ said:
Try to think like a swing-voter. Sounding cavalier with no real reputation in that area and trying to "out-badass" McCain, the guy who they think of as a former P.O.W.? Stupid. I'm worried about Biden hitting McCain hard on the campaign trail, but (though obviously I disagree with him, substantively) politically, I'm not worried about Obama at all. He has a tin ear for anything that isn't domestic.

I stand by my earlier assessment of your opinion.


GhaleonQ said:
Try to think like a swing-voter. Sounding cavalier with no real reputation in that area and trying to "out-badass" McCain, the guy who they think of as a former P.O.W.? Stupid. I'm worried about Biden hitting McCain hard on the campaign trail, but (though obviously I disagree with him, substantively) politically, I'm not worried about Obama at all. He has a tin ear for anything that isn't domestic.

I think you're, um, out of your mind. One of the things Obama absolutely HAD to do was look the camera in the eye and appear a credible badass on foreign policy. Mission accomplished.
GhaleonQ said:
Try to think like a swing-voter. Sounding cavalier with no real reputation in that area and trying to "out-badass" McCain, the guy who they think of as a former P.O.W.? Stupid. I'm worried about Biden hitting McCain hard on the campaign trail, but (though obviously I disagree with him, substantively) politically, I'm not worried about Obama at all. He has a tin ear for anything that isn't domestic.

Hitting your opponent where he is (supposedly) strongest and diminishing that strength has been a very effective tool in modern media politics. You don't even have to beat them down that bad, just shake it up a bit so that people have lingering questions about the very qualities they are running on.

It's what McCain's team has been trying very haphazardly to do all summer with very modest success.


VPhys said:
Aahahahaahahahah this lady said "I'm for John McCain, I have a job and when he is president people will loose their jobs and crime will go up so my job will be 100% secure." :lol :lol

McCain supporters can be insane. :lol

I swear some of them think if Obama is elected president, he's going to announce that it is now legal to eat white babies.
Yeah good points considering Hannah and all the lost coverage it's probably not a great idea to reschedule. What can they do though, rock and a hard place.


GhaleonQ said:
Seriously, why would anyone in his campaign let him get CLOSE to being glib against McCain, much less as flippant as he was?

Because McCain's foreign policy record is terrible. He's been wrong about every call he's made for the last eight years at a minimum. It's not hard to fight a record like that. The only card McCain has to play is that he was a POW, which is why he plays it in response to nearly every question.

I can't imagine why anyone would be worried about McCain's foreign policy expertise, because he doesn't have any worth talking about.

The man can't tell the difference between Sunni and Shia, thinks Iraq and Pakistan share a border, and his foreign policy advisers are the same people that have wrecked America's reputation with the world, and spread its forces so thin that all we can do about Russia is shake our finger.

What experience are you talking about exactly?
Okay I lean to the left but as much as Faux News' analysis is bullshit, MSNBC is fucked up the other way. One of their analysts just said: "I had to go to the green room so I could weep alone."


Holy shit @ these callers.

"My priorities are abortion and gay marriage. And if you're a firm believer in God, you don't support either of those."

Are you fucking INSANE?


omg rite said:
Holy shit @ these callers.

"My priorities are abortion and gay marriage. And if you're a firm believer in God, you don't support either of those."

Are you fucking INSANE?
YES, they honestly are.
adamsappel said:
Just like Reagan, you don't understand the song at all.

Though, to be fair, I think it was selected for the same superficial reason as then.
Well he has mentioned that he wants to take care of our soldiers, and I highly doubt Obama doesn't understand the meaning of the song, especially after Springsteen lashed out at Reagan for namechecking it. He wants to change America and stop the bullshit that Springsteen speaks of in the song.

I don't know how you could possibly come to the conclusion that he used it for the same reasons Reagan did.
omg rite said:
Holy shit @ these callers.

"My priorities are abortion and gay marriage. And if you're a firm believer in God, you don't support either of those."

Are you fucking INSANE?
Are you surprised? People like that are why people like Bush win.
UltimaKilo said:
WTF is McCain doing spending campaign money on an add congratulating Obama?

McCain's ad agency is probably coming up with stuff to do to extract as much money as possible from the McCain campaign before he gets locked down due to public financing. I'm convinced that is a motivator for the fact that they've made sooo many videos that were so scattershot over the last month-get in and cash out while they can.
Gary Whitta said:
Okay I lean to the left but as much as Faux News' analysis is bullshit, MSNBC is fucked up the other way. One of their analysts just said: "I had to go to the green room so I could weep alone."

Dude she's black... I think she was being sincere.


Gary Whitta said:
Okay I lean to the left but as much as Faux News' analysis is bullshit, MSNBC is fucked up the other way. One of their analysts just said: "I had to go to the green room so I could weep alone."
She's fucking black. What the hell do you expect?
Hootie said:
Oh shit Colbert :lol

"You may think that Robert Kennedy would support Obama because of their shared liberal values, but no, because Kennedy had eleven children and, unlike Senator Obama, he was always in favor of drilling."

This (not an exact quote, but it's the gist of it) made me laugh so hard.

:lol :lol


Don't know if this was posted before but:

FiveThirtyEight's Twitter

And no, I don't know who it is. Source knows but won't say. Just hearing NOT Pawlenty. 6 minutes ago from txt
We're in a total news hole here, so I don't know if I'm way behind the story, but now hear from pretty good source that its NOT Pawlenty. 11 minutes ago from txt


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tommie Hu$tle said:
DA this is off topic but, you need to put a god damn face on your facebook profile!

I coped out and just uploaded the same pic I have on my myspace page.. better? ;)

Cspan is my new favorite channel.
And with that I think I'll go ahead and un-retire myself formally from Poli-Gaf.

Good speech. Not his most amazing awe inspiring speech but certainly a tougher yet still consistent with his image of being post-partisan speech. It was the speech he needed imo for the climate of 2008 rather than necessarily the speech that hit the most high notes like his 2004 speech with soaring rhethoric.

Trying to be objective but I thought it was pretty much a home run convention. Whether that reflects in a significant bump or not I'm not sure but I thought it was pretty much one of the most consistent conventions I've ever seen. It may not have had the extreme highs of some but I also didn't think it had a real extreme low. Even the Michelle Obama speech which some think was the weak link of the heavy hitters, I disagree about with that line of thinking. I could care less about first ladies and all that business but I thought she did as credible a job as possible stumping for Obama with that speech.


Gary Whitta said:
Okay I lean to the left but as much as Faux News' analysis is bullshit, MSNBC is fucked up the other way. One of their analysts just said: "I had to go to the green room so I could weep alone."

It's Michelle Bernard, she's a conservative, but she's really been emotionally attached to this candidacy being a possibility.


omg rite said:
Holy shit @ these callers.

"My priorities are abortion and gay marriage. And if you're a firm believer in God, you don't support either of those."

Are you fucking INSANE?
Of course they are.

Are you really young? You will learn that this country has a lot of these special people.


Gold Member
omg rite said:
They act like it's Satan/Biden '08.

Yes they do, and the Dems will act like Satan/(insert VP) 08 next week, I guarantee it. I have an idea! Whomever wins puts the other on as VP, like in the old day... That would mean Satan / Satan!


*drowns in jizz*
omg rite said:
Holy shit @ these callers.

"My priorities are abortion and gay marriage. And if you're a firm believer in God, you don't support either of those."

Are you fucking INSANE?

Obama said it best when he said Republicans want elections to be about 'small issues. These are indeed 'small' issues compared to the massive overall issues that need fixing.


"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.


Slurpy said:
Obama said it best when he said Republicans want elections to be about 'small issues. These are indeed 'small' issues compared to the massive overall issues that need fixing.
I think they tend to think 40 million + abortions isnt a small issue
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