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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
PhoenixDark said:

So let me guess, Obama should sit by and let McCain slam him 24/7. You don't know what you're talking about. Attacking or denigrating McCain's service in any way=major losses for Obama. But you conservatives go a step further by suggesting Obama is in no position to challenge McCain in any way on foreign policy, and when he follows your advice you call him weak. Whatever

McCain being a POW has nothing to do with him being wrong on Iraq, wrong on Afghanistan, wrong on Russia, and wrong on Pakistan

You're wasting your time.


pxleyes said:
"you're going to put a black socialist in the white house" :lol :lol :lol Oh god I hate some Americans so much.

For you Stern fans when that guy said "wake up people" it immediately made me think of


"Wake up White people"

The guy even had the same accent as Carver.


*drowns in jizz*
eclipze said:
Great convention. Time to hit the bars and drink to the awesomeness. Can't wait to read hillaryis44 tomorrow. :lol

Here's a preview

The corpse that labels itself as the Obama Democratic Party must be defeated in NOvember. The Obama Democratic Party must not be rewarded for sexisim, misogyny, and voter disenfranchisemen with electoral successt. The Obama Democratic Party must be punished with devastating, wakeful, DEFEAT.

We will not go away into the good night. We fight on.

We live to continue the struggles for justice but the Democratic Party is dead.

Nothing new.


Gold Member
GhaleonQ said:
*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.

I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:

Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?

Like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just asking.

GAF is so Obama skewed that most can't have an objective conversation without throwing out personal opinions or EVER criticizing Obama. And yeah, I worked for the McCain campaign as a junior finance director (before he beat out Romney) and I was an intern for the Obama campaign in Florida.
Gary Whitta said:

No VP leaking from McSame camp tonight "out of deference to Obama."

Announcement noon tomorrow.

Lol. He's been fake annoucing the VP pick for weeks to generate buzz so that's pretty fun.


GhaleonQ said:
*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.

So you don't actually have any facts to back up your argument. Unsurprising. You're not speaking objectively, you're parroting what you've been told about McCain in apparent ignorance.

I don't need to convince you, but when you say something that stupid, I do feel obliged to point it out.

Oh, and I've been involved in politics, from the grass roots organizing level to campaign staff for more than twenty years. You?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Chiggs said:
Mitt Romney to be in Dayton tomorrow. Oh Jesus, the south is just going to looooooove that. :lol

Wow if McCain really picks Romney.... the shit is gonna hit the fan right in his own party IMO.


Pat Buchanan actually saying this is the best convention speech he's ever heard.:lol :D

And Huckabee says he wasn't even vetted.


GhaleonQ said:
I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:

Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?

Oh damn, I didn't know I was dealing with a genuine professional. Let me guess - Mark Penn?

The perspective I was speaking from, which is outside my own, is that Obama needed to demonstrate credible "commander in chief" toughness. Deferring security to McCain does not a president make.

But you're the pro!


minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.
minus_273 said:
mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?

I've been to Iraq 4 times should I be President? McCain has been in Washington for 25 years and was still wrong on Iraq.


force push the doodoo rock
minus_273 said:
mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?

What you are arguing is totally irrelevant now. If McCain is such a war hero, who will follow Osama to hell, then let's see him put his money where his mouth is. His policy sure doesn't show that he would.

It's like they say in Hollywood, it's not what you've done, it's what you've done lately.


GhaleonQ said:
*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.

I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:

Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?

Like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just asking.

So you honestly think it's a good idea for Obama to ignore foreign policy and pretend he doesn't know what he's talking about, instead of showing the American people he has an excellent grasp on it? You naysayers have yet to raise a valid point on this.


UltimaKilo said:
GAF is so Obama skewed that most can't have an objective conversation without thro

besada said:
So you don't actually have any facts to back up your argument. Unsurprising. You're not speaking objectively, you're parroting what you've been told about McCain in apparent ignorance.

I don't need to convince you, but when you say something that stupid, I do feel obliged to point it out.
wing out personal opinions or EVER criticizing Obama. And yeah, I worked for the McCain campaign as a junior finance director (before he beat out Romney) and I was an intern for the Obama campaign in Florida.

Ah. So, do I just show up next Thursday posting, "WOOOOO! SUCK ON THAT OBAMANATIONS!" or what? Before I start scanning the pages, should I bother sticking around or will it be too hostile and annoyingly sychophantic?

(Aside: whoa, a true nonpartisan? I've heard about you guys! Can you P.M. me your reasons?)


Gold Member
So did anyone notice that he says McCain was part of the problem of old Washington but Ted Kennedy who's career is longer than McCain's got nothing buy praise? :lol He's repeating it again, listen closely.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I've been to Iraq 4 times should I be President? McCain has been in Washington for 25 years and was still wrong on Iraq.

But you were not a P.O.W.!!!!!

Don't you get it? You have to be a P.O.W. to be president!
Tamanon said:
Pat Buchanan actually saying this is the best convention speech he's ever heard.:lol :D

People like to hate on Buchanan and often for his legit crazy opinions in real life but I've always found his political analysis in general to be pretty good.

I think you also have to remember that an Obama speech is always a game of expectations sort of like Bill Clinton. While I don't think this speech is the best he is capable of you also have to remember this follows Al Gore and John Kerry so it's at least 20 times as good as their speeches. A good Obama speech is pretty much the equivalent of the best ever from most politicans.
JayDubya said:
Yes I did. It's just that as I listened, my bullshit meter started reading off the chart.

He's either lying about his tax policy, or he's lying about fiscal responsibility, because based on his issue stances and his statement's as recent as tonight, he's certainly not going to cut any of the wasteful or inefficient big government things Democrats adore - if anything he intends to expand them, expand foreign aid, and even when he talked about cutting something, somewhere (NASA), he immediately recanted.

Maybe he'll trim back some of that contractor money in the defense budget.

Vinzer Deling said:
BUTBUTBUT McStain makes so much money. How does he know what the pleebles like us feel?

But a man who grew up outside of the US. Sells book for money, gets elected to the senate and did nothing for 2 years and got paid for it sure does know what it feels like to be an ordinary american in this decade!

Hawaii is part of the US.


minus_273 said:
mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?

Formed a coherent strategy for returning this country to greatness. I wonder which one is more important for a future President.


I couldn't be happier that Obama and the Democrats in general seem to be going back to their roots as the working class party. Probably 90% of Obama's speech tonight was targeted at the middle and lower class quite directly. This is the best chance the party has now and in the future -- make people realize how THEY will be better off financially with Dems in the White House rather than the GOP. Excellent speech tonight. I have a lot of confidence in his presidency should he make it there.
minus_273 said:
didnt obaba do the EXACT same tease last weekend?

I didn't say he didn't. I'm saying he wasn't doing it to "deference" to the Obama speech. When Obama went on his European trip weeks back, Mccain was teasing the pick to detract attention at that time through people like Novak.
How can they just "delay" the convention? The amount of logistics required for these things is IMMENSE. Granted, the setup for the RNC looks like it was done by complete amatuers, but stuff like parties, security details, transportation, flights, lodging, etc.-that stuff can't be changed.
I am sorry... but I don't understand how ANYONE can spin Obama's speech tonight.

I was just taken away with that speech and I cried at the beginning for the first time in a very very long time.
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