aww shit it's the pat & rachel show on MSNBC starting now
PhoenixDark said::lol
So let me guess, Obama should sit by and let McCain slam him 24/7. You don't know what you're talking about. Attacking or denigrating McCain's service in any way=major losses for Obama. But you conservatives go a step further by suggesting Obama is in no position to challenge McCain in any way on foreign policy, and when he follows your advice you call him weak. Whatever
McCain being a POW has nothing to do with him being wrong on Iraq, wrong on Afghanistan, wrong on Russia, and wrong on Pakistan
StopMakingSense said:He's said things like this before.
pxleyes said:"you're going to put a black socialist in the white house" :lol :lol :lol Oh god I hate some Americans so much.
eclipze said:Great convention. Time to hit the bars and drink to the awesomeness. Can't wait to read hillaryis44 tomorrow. :lol
The corpse that labels itself as the Obama Democratic Party must be defeated in NOvember. The Obama Democratic Party must not be rewarded for sexisim, misogyny, and voter disenfranchisemen with electoral successt. The Obama Democratic Party must be punished with devastating, wakeful, DEFEAT.
We will not go away into the good night. We fight on.
We live to continue the struggles for justice but the Democratic Party is dead.
GhaleonQ said:*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.
I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:
Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?
Like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just asking.
Gary Whitta said:FOX NEWS:
No VP leaking from McSame camp tonight "out of deference to Obama."
Announcement noon tomorrow.
GhaleonQ said:*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.
Did he get Bin Laden while he was there?minus_273 said:mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?
Chiggs said:Mitt Romney to be in Dayton tomorrow. Oh Jesus, the south is just going to looooooove that. :lol
Gary Whitta said:CSPAN is great but anybody's who's watched it before knows that the time to tune out is when they start taking viewer calls.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/28/obama.transcript/index.htmlMercuryLS said:Aw man I missed the speech, is it up anywhere yet?
GhaleonQ said:I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:
Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?
MercuryLS said:Aw man I missed the speech, is it up anywhere yet?
Hootie said:Buchanan....liked the speech? Holy sheeit.
POWminus_273 said:"John McCain likes to say that hell follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he wont even go to the cave where he lives."
Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.
Amir0x said:"Greatest convention speech of all time."
That is some hefty praise goddamn
Stoney Mason said:Lol. He's been fake annoucing the VP pick for weeks to generate buzz so that's pretty fun.
POW POW POWerwheels!Gattsu25 said:
From...Pat...ok now I'm speechless.Amir0x said:"Greatest convention speech of all time."
That is some hefty praise goddamn
minus_273 said:mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?
Shiggie said:Rachel looks stunned:lol
Keith Olbermann said:We had to stop Pat Buchanan from gushing over Barack Obama's speech for the sake of time.
minus_273 said:mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?
GhaleonQ said:*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.
I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:
Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?
Like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just asking.
UltimaKilo said:GAF is so Obama skewed that most can't have an objective conversation without thro
wing out personal opinions or EVER criticizing Obama. And yeah, I worked for the McCain campaign as a junior finance director (before he beat out Romney) and I was an intern for the Obama campaign in Florida.besada said:So you don't actually have any facts to back up your argument. Unsurprising. You're not speaking objectively, you're parroting what you've been told about McCain in apparent ignorance.
I don't need to convince you, but when you say something that stupid, I do feel obliged to point it out.
Tommie Hu$tle said:I've been to Iraq 4 times should I be President? McCain has been in Washington for 25 years and was still wrong on Iraq.
DaBargainHunta said:
Tamanon said:Pat Buchanan actually saying this is the best convention speech he's ever heard.:lol![]()
Tommie Hu$tle said:I've been to Iraq 4 times should I be President? McCain has been in Washington for 25 years and was still wrong on Iraq.
When did we go to war with Hell? Seems like that would have been awesome and on the news.minus_273 said:mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?
JayDubya said:Yes I did. It's just that as I listened, my bullshit meter started reading off the chart.
He's either lying about his tax policy, or he's lying about fiscal responsibility, because based on his issue stances and his statement's as recent as tonight, he's certainly not going to cut any of the wasteful or inefficient big government things Democrats adore - if anything he intends to expand them, expand foreign aid, and even when he talked about cutting something, somewhere (NASA), he immediately recanted.
Vinzer Deling said:BUTBUTBUT McStain makes so much money. How does he know what the pleebles like us feel?
But a man who grew up outside of the US. Sells book for money, gets elected to the senate and did nothing for 2 years and got paid for it sure does know what it feels like to be an ordinary american in this decade!
MercuryLS said:Is there a link to the whole thing yet?
minus_273 said:mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?
Guts Of Thor said:But you were not a P.O.W.!!!!!
Don't you get it? You have to be a P.O.W. to be president!
minus_273 said:didnt obaba do the EXACT same tease last weekend?