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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

You're part of the problem.


laserbeam said:
If its not Pawlenty it has to be Romney or its a total from left field selection.

I heard that it wasn't going to be Romney and that him "on a plane" to ohio was a head fake. Leiberman? :D
mj1108 said:
McCain says Obama's speech was "misleading".
Yep, and then goes on to REITERATE his FLAT OUT LIE that Obama will raise taxes of those who like something like 48,000/year and up.

He is now called Marty McLie.




What the FUCK is this woman caller on CSPAN talking abo...

Oh, she ends it by saying she's a Hillary supporter.

Never mind.


eclipze said:
I heard that it wasn't going to be Romney and that him "on a plane" to ohio was a head fake. Leiberman? :D

Romney is confirmed to make appearances with this 3 day thing same with huckabee etc so Romney is heading there but they announced he would be there a few days ago


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

I'm trying to figure out how that has anything to do with what he said... I'm failing... help me please.


Hey Cspan caller Obama writes many of his speeches by himself. Nice try.


*drowns in jizz*
Gary Whitta said:
Okay I lean to the left but as much as Faux News' analysis is bullshit, MSNBC is fucked up the other way. One of their analysts just said: "I had to go to the green room so I could weep alone."

God forbid African-Americans are feeling a high degree of emotion today. Na, that can't be plausible. Wake up. There is some real emotion here, it's real, it's justified, and its absolutely appropriate and understandable. If you can't see that, then there's a problem with you. I mean, *I* can hardly believe it, and I've gotten emotional several times in the past few days. I can't imagine how a black person must feel.
Stoney Mason said:
And with that I think I'll go ahead and un-retire myself formally from Poli-Gaf.

Good speech. Not his most amazing awe inspiring speech but certainly a tougher yet still consistent with his image of being post-partisan speech. It was the speech he needed imo for the climate of 2008 rather than necessarily the speech that hit the most high notes like his 2004 speech with soaring rhethoric.

Trying to be objective but I thought it was pretty much a home run convention. Whether that reflects in a significant bump or not I'm not sure but I thought it was pretty much one of the most consistent conventions I've ever seen. It may not have had the extreme highs of some but I also didn't think it had a real extreme low. Even the Michelle Obama speech which some think was the weak link of the heavy hitters, I disagree about with that line of thinking. I could care less about first ladies and all that business but I thought she did as credible a job as possible stumping for Obama with that speech.

Agreed not his best speech but, he didn't need a great speech he need to attack specific points and I think he started that conversation. To speak to the convention it when the way it should have been. I think the best speeches were from B. Clinton and A. Gore. I think they made some strong cases for unity and the future of at least America and the world.
minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

It's a reference that talking tough about following Bin Laden to the gates of Hell is simply tough talk without any real muscle or meat to it. Simply saying you will follow him to the gates of hell is the rough equivalent of Bush's tough talk on bin Laden with that Dead or Alive business that has so dissipated he doesn't even mention his name anymore.
laserbeam said:
I think they tend to think 40 million + abortions isnt a small issue

God is really weird. Most fertilized eggs never implant. I guess when you go to heaven you hang around mostly with people who never had the opportunity to be aborted or born.


WTF @ that caller from Oregon.... rode around in a submarine for 26 years with his wife :lol ....called Obama a "black socialist"
minus_273 said:
Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

"Muddle through Afghanistan." Quotes are a bitch!





"The American public is stupid. And you're going to put one of these guys, a BLACK SOCIALIST, in the white house?"

:lol :lol :lol

He even said that this speech was just another "written by random people" when it was reported Obama wrote a lot of it.
Gary Whitta said:
CSPAN is great but anybody's who's watched it before knows that the time to tune out is when they start taking viewer calls.

If there were two good comedians on the other end of those calls it would be finest programming on television, period.


DarienA said:
I'm trying to figure out how that has anything to do with what he said... I'm failing... help me please.

It only makes sense if you think being shot down and tortured makes you more qualified to be President.


besada said:
Because McCain's foreign policy record is terrible. blahblah
What experience are you talking about exactly?

*sigh* Stop being silly. Neither of us is going to convince the other. I'm talking OBJECTIVELY that it's a bad idea for people who haven't decided yet. The only people for whom that part of the speech was a good idea was for the pissed-off Clinton people.

gkrykewy said:
I think you're, um, out of your mind. One of the things Obama absolutely HAD to do was look the camera in the eye and appear a credible badass on foreign policy. Mission accomplished.

I'm new to poli-GAF, so I'm just honestly asking:

Do any of you work in politics (not that it's an "I'm right!" card)?
Is this just point-of-view bludgeoning, or are we trying to take a step back and view this from outside our personal opinions?

Like I said, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just asking.


Gold Member
I love the argument that guy just made... The country would be in terrible shape if McCain was near the WH... John Kerry wanted him as his V.P. :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tobor said:
It only makes sense if you think being shot down and tortured makes you more qualified to be President.


Tonight Obama really went in to attack mode during his speech and folks had been slamming him for not being more aggressive... tonight he was aggressive... be careful what you wish for....
minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

He's said things like this before.


I was watching this on Fox News just to see their reaction. Well, right after the speech, Brit Hume was at a loss for words and didn't know what negative spin to drop immediately so he says this:

"A great spectacle of a speech by Barack Oba...I mean, Barack Hussein Obama"

Can you believe these guys? :lol


Kills Photobucket
Juice said:
That's gotta be expensive as hell to delay by a few days.

That's not to mention that none of the bloggers and half the media would be able to reschedule short notice. The media exposure would be way weaker, especially without a thursday night acceptance.

Well the Republicans (I think rightfully) think the media would pretty much abandon the Republicon anyways to get those awesome shots of families crying in front of their ruined homes and reporters falling down in 70MPH winds. Delay would at least give them some nice PR spin. They would have ditched the Demicon to get the crying family shots too.
minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.

So let me guess, Obama should sit by and let McCain slam him 24/7. You don't know what you're talking about. Attacking or denigrating McCain's service in any way=major losses for Obama. But you conservatives go a step further by suggesting Obama is in no position to challenge McCain in any way on foreign policy, and when he follows your advice you call him weak. Whatever

McCain being a POW has nothing to do with him being wrong on Iraq, wrong on Afghanistan, wrong on Russia, and wrong on Pakistan
thekad said:
Dude rode in a submarine for 26 years killing communists :lol

I seriously can't stop laughing at that call. There are way too many things pointing to it being fake. That's like grade A SomethingAwful shit.
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