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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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minus_273 said:
"John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won’t even go to the cave where he lives."

Says the lawyer/politician to the POW military veteran. This one is going to come back to haunt him. damn. who thought THAT was a good idea. You dont talk tough and bring a knife to a gun fight.






MercuryLS said:
Is there a link to the whole thing yet?
That is the whole thing - if you're referring to Obama's speech. If you're talking about all of the stuff from the past week with Michelle, etc., I'm sure that's up somewhere, but I don't know where. Anyone know? I missed all of that and would love to read it.


UltimaKilo said:
So did anyone notice that he says McCain was part of the problem of old Washington but Ted Kennedy who's career is longer than McCain's got nothing buy praise? :lol He's repeating it again, listen closely.

How dare you! He's a liberal lion who's dying of brain cancer!
But not from a jail cell (see last name).


Hillaryis44.com said:
HillaryforTexas Says:
August 28th, 2008 at 11:25 pm
No one is going to care if McCain’s speech is better or not. Because no one EXPECTS McCain to move them to orgasms with his speeches.

Obama set that expectation on himself, when he chose to base his whole campaign on his orations.


Gold Member
GhaleonQ said:
Ah. So, do I just show up next Thursday posting, "WOOOOO! SUCK ON THAT OBAMANATIONS!" or what? Before I start scanning the pages, should I bother sticking around or will it be too hostile and annoyingly sychophantic?

(Aside: whoa, a true nonpartisan? I've heard about you guys! Can you P.M. me your reasons?)

Oh you can bet I'll be slamming McCain's base pandering B.S. next Thursday. I'm a student and fan of politics, but it's difficult to play devil's advocate here because one valid criticism on Sen. Obama will usually end in personal insults.


Fragamemnon said:
How can they just "delay" the convention? The amount of logistics required for these things is IMMENSE. Granted, the setup for the RNC looks like it was done by complete amatuers, but stuff like parties, security details, transportation, flights, lodging, etc.-that stuff can't be changed.

Not everyone wants to hire Britney Spears set designer :p(true story Democrats did)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
minus_273 said:
its a spiritual moment for some. look at the caps locks posts on GAF. its the same thing.
Spiritual? Is that a veiled "Messiah" reference you love touting in these threads?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
UltimaKilo said:
Oh you can bet I'll be slamming McCain's base pandering B.S. next Thursday. I'm a student and fan of politics, but it's difficult to play devil's advocate here because one valid criticism on Sen. Obama will usually end in personal insults.

...hmm maybe we are a nation of whiners...


UltimaKilo said:
So did anyone notice that he says McCain was part of the problem of old Washington but Ted Kennedy who's career is longer than McCain's got nothing buy praise? :lol He's repeating it again, listen closely.
You are right. Teddy and McCain have identical voting records.

Flawless victory.


Fragamemnon said:
How can they just "delay" the convention? The amount of logistics required for these things is IMMENSE. Granted, the setup for the RNC looks like it was done by complete amatuers, but stuff like parties, security details, transportation, flights, lodging, etc.-that stuff can't be changed.

So are they amateur nazis or nazi amateurs? It's hard to keep up with you.


RubxQub said:
Spiritual? Is that a veiled "Messiah" reference you love touting in these threads?

see the black anchor who cried on msnbc and the people who defended her to understand what i am saying. it is also the anniversary of the MLK speech. still dont get it?


UltimaKilo said:
Oh you can bet I'll be slamming McCain's base pandering B.S. next Thursday. I'm a student and fan of politics, but it's difficult to play devil's advocate here because one valid criticism on Sen. Obama will usually end in personal insults.

Cool. Thanks for not being openly hostile.

gkrykewy said:
Oh damn, I didn't know I was dealing with a genuine professional. Let me guess - Mark Penn?

The perspective I was speaking from, which is outside my own, is that Obama needed to demonstrate credible "commander in chief" toughness. Deferring security to McCain does not a president make.

But you're the pro!

Did I really need to add more deference to that post? *groan* This is going to be intolerable. Back to Gaming Discussion.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
minus_273 said:
see the black anchor who cried on msnbc and the people who defended her to understand what i am saying. it is also the anniversary of the MLK speech. still dont get it?
Spiritual isn't the right word. Don't you get it?
Great speech. I wish I could agree with him on the issues and didn't get a little nauseated when he said giving Social Security money to the government was less of a gamble then being able to put it in a retirement fund. Why can't we get a nominee like Barack?
minus_273 said:
mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country. what has obama done?

mccain didn't "go to the gates of hell". He got his ass shot out from under him by a SAM.

I can't help but think that maybe he wouldn't have been a POW if he had been a better pilot. It's not like the USN didn't train its airmen. Obviously, no politician is going to bring it up because it's a huge minefield, but when you are as low in your graduating class as he was I think a certain amount of pilot error in the matter can't be overlooked.


laserbeam said:
Not everyone wants to hire Britney Spears set designer :p(true story Democrats did)
Britney Spears is one hell of a set designer then. Maybe the Republicans will eat there own bullshit and hire her,they do have a tendency to be hypocrits.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
gray_fox224 said:
Jill Biden is very attractive.

So is Michelle Obama, both look to have great legs to boot.

Ventrue said:
McCain pledges that he will follow Obama to the gates of hell.

And as Obama is stepping through the gate the plane McCain is following him in will be shot down.


Shit minus, calm down. You're barely coherent. Serving in the military doesn't earn you the qualifications to be the "end all" on complicated matters of foreign policy.
JayDubya said:
So are they amateur nazis or nazi amateurs? It's hard to keep up with you.

Duh, nazi amatuers. Real Nazis would have stopped this whole "democracy" thing long ago.

btw from your comments it appears that you got the "closed captioned for the politically impaired" version of the speech.
Multi National Corps - Iraq which would be Camp Victory, Iraq and in the West Camp Fallujah. I'm not part of any service but, I've supported operations for the Marines, Army, and the Department of State.


So how is it people are comfortable with the fact Obama has said he would invade Pakistan to get Osama and yes we would have to invade because Pakistan has already told us to fuck off on forces going in.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Multi National Corps - Iraq which would be Camp Victory, Iraq and in the West Camp Fallujah. I'm not part of any service but, I've supported operations for the Marines, Army, and the Department of State.

I can vouch for Tommie on these, he harassed me constantly while over there. ;)


Gold Member
thekad said:
You are right. Teddy and McCain have identical voting records.

Flawless victory.

A case McCain has to disprove to the base next week. All this talk about party unity of the dems, and no talk of the friction between the Bush people, evangelicals, the far right, and John McCain. Which is why you will see McCain pander to the base next week.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
laserbeam said:
So how is it people are comfortable with the fact Obama has said he would invade Pakistan to get Osama and yes we would have to invade because Pakistan has already told us to fuck off on forces going in.
Tell me where the fuck Barack said that we would invade Pakistan in some hopes of finding and killing Osama bin Laden?

What the fuck are you talking about?
minus_273 said:
mccain has physically gone to the gates of hell for his country

So has John Kerry. That didn't get him elected either. What does the "gates of hell" comment mean? He never generally says actually what he would do differently than Bush. It's an applause line for Republicans. Obama has his share also but it belongs in the same vague category of being tough on crime or values education. It's meaningless in practical terms unless he actually explains what it means.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
laserbeam said:
So how is it people are comfortable with the fact Obama has said he would invade Pakistan to get Osama and yes we would have to invade because Pakistan has already told us to fuck off on forces going in.

Oh lets not use the word invade there have already been quite a few articles on what he said:


I understand that President Musharraf has his own challenges," Obama said last Wednesday , "but let me make this clear. There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf will not act, we will.

We can probably argue this til the election. Personally I'd have no problems with a covert unit going in and hitting the leadership. Yeah Pakistan would be pissed... but they'd get over it.

That's just my opinion.
Guys minus is possibly a mccain viral marketer. Get over it. Mccain's being a POW doesn't give him the right to be president of my country. Get over it minus.


Not everyone wants to hire Britney Spears set designer :p(true story Democrats did)

Like there's so many companies who design sets for these big venues. Anyone who reads anything into that is a moron..


RubxQub said:
Tell me where the fuck Barack said that we would invade Pakistan in some hopes of finding and killing Osama bin Laden?

What the fuck are you talking about?

He has flat out said Military forces would go into Pakistan to apprehend Osama if Intel locke din his location.


laserbeam said:
So how is it people are comfortable with the fact Obama has said he would invade Pakistan to get Osama and yes we would have to invade because Pakistan has already told us to fuck off on forces going in.

Um, where did he say that? He said targeted airstrikes against known targets, you know the same thing we did a couple months ago.


Gold Member
laserbeam said:
Actually during the Primaries he flat out said we would go into Pakistan if we had the intel to confirm he is there. he basically said it again tonight going direct to his cave to get him.

99% of the Intel community believes he is hiding in pakistan

Yes, he did say this.


RubxQub said:
Tell me where the fuck Barack said that we would invade Pakistan in some hopes of finding and killing Osama bin Laden?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Obama has said if we have actional intelligence of a high ranking terrorist,and pakistan chooses not to act,we should strike.
laserbeam said:
Actually during the Primaries he flat out said we would go into Pakistan if we had the intel to confirm he is there. he basically said it again tonight going direct to his cave to get him.

99% of the Intel community believes he is hiding in pakistan

Do you disagree?
UltimaKilo said:
So did anyone notice that he says McCain was part of the problem of old Washington but Ted Kennedy who's career is longer than McCain's got nothing buy praise? :lol He's repeating it again, listen closely.
McCain votes for bad things and nearly destroyed the American economy at the behest of a lobbyist.

Ted Kennedy votes the right way pretty much every time. He has never been in the pockets of lobbyists.
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