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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Gold Member
Karma Kramer said:
Sure most of GAF knows how to do it... but it couldn't hurt.

You'd be surprised... Anyways, I encourage everyone to vote Obama, McCain, Nader, Clinton, whomever... so long as they vote. That way they can't complain for the next four years. Either way I'll never forget something President Bush said "soon there will be someone else to dislike and they'll forget about me."

UltimaKilo said:
Exibit A: see what I meant about opinionated, objective things? According to this individual, Ted Kennedy is all holy and McCain is evil. Last I checked it was a Kennedy-McCain bill that limited lobbyists. And obviously they didn't hear the economic news that came out today, at least my stocks in genentech did!
It was very, very poorly worded. First of all, right and wrong really don't have much of a place in political discussion. As a battle of semantics, I would argue more for terms like wise and imprudent, but this is beside the point.

Either way, 'right' for the post part can be equated to "the position I agree with." As Democrats supporting Obama, it's highly likely that such an individual is going to have more inclination to side with Kennedy over McCain. That's not surprising in the least. Still, point taken. It's not really the best idea to look back on Kennedy's record as a whole, and not just from this Convention, and think he's done nothing but good.

But you can understand these kneejerk reactions, surely. Teddy Kennedy made an inspirational appearance three days ago while suffering from brain cancer. John McCain is pushing ads highlighting his Democratic allies painting his as an inexperienced twit unfit to lead. We're in the middle of the Democratic National Convention. It's not surprising that objectivity, in part or in whole, is going to get checked at the door during this giant pep rally.
What I heard about McCain is that he came 984th out of 899 in his graduating class at Annapolis and that he crashed multiple times but was never disciplined because his dad was an Admiral.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Illuminati said:
I'm sure that would go over well with the rest of the international community, much like Iraq.

While I agree with you I'm looking at how the international community is swaying Russia and thinking if they can say FU....
polyh3dron said:
Well he has mentioned that he wants to take care of our soldiers, and I highly doubt Obama doesn't understand the meaning of the song, especially after Springsteen lashed out at Reagan for namechecking it. He wants to change America and stop the bullshit that Springsteen speaks of in the song.

I don't know how you could possibly come to the conclusion that he used it for the same reasons Reagan did.
I think people love to sing the chorus. In college, I remember girls swooning over that beautiful REM "love song," "The One I Love." Maybe I'm wrong. I was just disagreeing with minus that it was a bad choice of song.


RubxQub said:
Exactly my point.

He's not proposing an invasion of Pakistan. If we have actionable intelligence of where bin Laden is...we'll act.


If you think what he is saying is in any way comparable to what happened in Iraq, you're very very dense.

how do you think pakistan's militant parties in government will react to american troops entering without permission? war? they have done dumber stuff in the past.




The context for Baracks remarks in his speech tonight was that he made this quoted statement, then McCain was asked the same question and McCains reply was that he wouldnt put troops into Pakistan (border) to kill/capture OsamaBinLaden due to Pakistan being a sovereign nation. Obama is emphasizing this because he has painted himself as being tougher on terror, ie If we can get OBL I will invade but McCain wont. The comment in his speech tonight was born from this dialog which has taken place and draws a contrast between the two candidates. It's perfectly fair game.

DarienA said:
You really should have just posted exactly what he said right from the article:

"I understand that President Musharraf has his own challenges," Obama said, "but let me make this clear. There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."
UltimaKilo said:
You'd be surprised... Anyways, I encourage everyone to vote Obama, McCain, Nader, Clinton, whomever... so long as they vote. That way they can't complain for the next four years. Either way I'll never forget something President Bush said "soon there will be someone else to dislike and they'll forget about me."


I'm not a citizen so I can't even vote. :lol
minus_273 said:
no but it adds value jsut like obama claims his childhood in indonesia does. in addition lets look at the following after he got back. all of this copied from wikipedia so take it for what you will. It sounds like he knows his shit. Show me something similar from obama other than speeches.


his command of a squadron.
1991–1993 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs
Helped by McCain's efforts, in 1995 the U.S. normalized diplomatic relations with Vietnam

Since January 1993, McCain has been Chairman of the International Republican Institute, an organization partly funded by the U.S. Government that supports the emergence of political democracy worldwide.[97]

In October 2005, McCain introduced the McCain Detainee Amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill for 2005, and the Senate voted 90–9 to support the amendment.[167] It prohibits inhumane treatment of prisoners, including prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, by confining military interrogations to the techniques in the U.S. Army Field Manual on Interrogation.

Meanwhile, McCain continued questioning the progress of the war in Iraq. In September 2005, he remarked upon Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers' optimistic outlook on the war's progress: "Things have not gone as well as we had planned or expected, nor as we were told by you, General Myers."[172] In August 2006, he criticized the administration for continually understating the effectiveness of the insurgency: "We [have] not told the American people how tough and difficult this could be."[149] From the beginning, McCain strongly supported the Iraq troop surge of 2007.[173] The strategy's opponents labeled it "McCain's plan"[174]

Of course he was wrong about his judgment in the war in the first place and the intelligence that prompted it to even take place.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DevelopmentArrested said:
I'm all about OBama
but crying at these things is down right creepy

Considering what some of the older generations have lived through and the significance of the speech being on the anniversary of King Jr's speech? I can wholly understand why someone might be moved to tears.


DevelopmentArrested said:
I'm all about OBama
but crying at these things is down right creepy
I'm crying right now

Not really.

But I can understand those that do. This is seriously a powerful moment.


Stoney Mason said:
We are all supposed to pretend that America doesn't do covert ops or missle strikes in other countries in the past or anymore in the future though.

how many operations has the US done covertly in countries with fully weaponized nukes?
Amir0x said:
yes finally in this speech Obama grew the balls I've been waiting for these past few months.

Yup. It was awesome to see. Not only was it a counter-argument to every petty criticism from the McCain campaign, but it really reached into the misconceptions about the Democratic party as a whole over the years.
Mike Huckabee takes to his blog tonight to knock down rumors, which I've apparently missed, that he's en route to Dayton:

I have never been contacted by the McCain campaign at any point about the VP slot. I have never been asked for any information, background, etc., so as I have said repeatedly in interviews, I didn’t consider myself to be under any consideration. I think people thought I was being coy and just not talking, but I have built my political life on trying to shoot straight and tell it as it is and as I see it. I have been honest in telling you that I had no reason to believe I was ever seriously considered or “vetted” for the ticket.



*drowns in jizz*
Has Ben Stein ever said anything with any substance, that isn't intellectually dishonest or complete bullshit? Who decides that these people are fit to give political commentary?

Thanks for informing us that Obama isn't the messiah Ben, and that he's just another tax-and spend liberal, chicago style politican with nothing special about him. Intelligent commentary at its finest.

I feel bad for all Americans forced to watch these self-haters, these cynics, these people devoid of any ambition or vision, whose soul purpose is to cut people who dont serve their interests down, day in and day out. How fucking depressing, and how shameful.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
minus_273 said:
how many operations has the US done covertly in countries with fully weaponized nukes?

NO ONE here knows the answer to that question so its stupid to even ask it here.


Miroku said:

The context for Baracks remarks in his speech tonight was that he made this quoted statement, then McCain was asked the same question and McCains reply was that he wouldnt put troops into Pakistan (border) to kill/capture OsamaBinLaden due to Pakistan being a sovereign nation. Obama is emphasizing this because he has painted himself as being tougher on terror, ie If we can get OBL I will invade but McCain wont. The comment in his speech tonight was born from this dialog which has taken place and draws a contrast between the two candidates. It's perfectly fair game.

is capturing Osama worth nuclear war? think about it. obama is what you get when you have a novice trying to act tough. Dont you think bush would have invaded pakistan a long time ago if there werent severe consequences?
I personally can't make a thread (no thread posting rights)... but if you guys support the notion of simply creating more awareness of the importance of voting in this upcoming election by having mods sticky a registration "awareness" thread... then please voice your support now... and quote this post and respond with the words... "BARNEY/PAM 2008!"
JayDub: why are you shitting on this thread?

Seriously? You're like that guy at the birthday party who goes around saying "You know, you shouldn't eat that cake because it's got a lot of fat in it." Why do you have to shit on other peoples' moments?


Even McCain has some class to let them close the night out.


minus_273 said:
is capturing Osama worth nuclear war? think about it. obama is what you get when you have a novice trying to act tough. Dont you think bush would have invaded pakistan a long time ago if there werent severe consequences?

I dunno, is a missile shield in Poland worth it?


*drowns in jizz*
minus_273 said:
is capturing Osama worth nuclear war? think about it. obama is what you get when you have a novice trying to act tough. Dont you think bush would have invaded pakistan a long time ago if there werent severe consequences?

Yeah, just like how invading Iraq posed no consequences. I'm all for debate, but so far none of your posts seem to have any intellectual merit at all.


DarienA said:
NO ONE here knows the answer to that question so its stupid to even ask it here.

Well there are two we know of. Of course, they were only covert operations on the first half of the flight.


dabbled in the jelly
Illuminati said:
Over 200 years old therefore I have heard every US presidential candidates' speech in existence. Come on you can't seriously believe Obama's speech was so fundamentally different from any other presidential candidate's speech.
Just answer the question.


Gold Member
Stoney Mason said:
Of course he was wrong about his judgment in the war in the first place and the intelligence that prompted it to even take place.

Yes but then again, so was everyone else! :D

I wanted to add something about politics. I have stated it here in the past that when I was working for a local congressman, I would make many trips to D.C. There it would always be McCain, the guy who got along with everyone. He would eat lunch with Kennedy and Kerry and then you'd see him joking with John Warner. So it's strange to see how these guys are all really friends but they understand that they are competing for their political futures. To be honest, when I heard McCain was running again, I figured that Kennedy would endorse him before Lieberman.
kevm3 said:
It's a bit painful watching some of the repubs here try and find some negative way to spin this event.
I'm a democrat and think people are building up the importance of presidential candidate's speech way more then it actually is.


Tamanon said:
I dunno, is a missile shield in Poland worth it?

what does poland have to do with capturing OBL? or are you trying to change the subject because you know sending ground troops into pakistan would make iraq look like a cake walk and feel uncomfortable defending the fact that obama proposed that stupid idea.
CharlieDigital said:
JayDub: why are you shitting on this thread?

Seriously? You're like that guy at the birthday party who goes around saying "You know, you shouldn't eat that cake because it's got a lot of fat in it." Why do you have to shit on other peoples' moments?


Even McCain has some class to let them close the night out.
JayDubya and Gaborn are to Libertarianism what Greatness Gone (RIP) was to Homosexuality.


CharlieDigital said:
Even McCain has some class to let them close the night out.

Yes, I'm sure that next week "McSame" and "Mittens" will get a free ride with dignity so the few conservatives on the board can have a polite conversation.

Or, PoliGAF will continue to be somewhere where people can call politicians on their shit.
minus_273 said:
how many operations has the US done covertly in countries with fully weaponized nukes?

In the predawn hours of Jan. 29, a CIA Predator aircraft flew in a slow arc above the Pakistani town of Mir Ali. The drone's operator, relying on information secretly passed to the CIA by local informants, clicked a computer mouse and sent the first of two Hellfire missiles hurtling toward a cluster of mud-brick buildings a few miles from the town center.
The missiles killed Abu Laith al-Libi, a senior al-Qaeda commander and a man who had repeatedly eluded the CIA's dragnet. It was the first successful strike against al-Qaeda's core leadership in two years, and it involved, U.S. officials say, an unusual degree of autonomy by the CIA inside Pakistan.

Having requested the Pakistani government's official permission for such strikes on previous occasions, only to be put off or turned down, this time the U.S. spy agency did not seek approval.

minus_273 said:
Dont you think bush would have invaded pakistan a long time ago if there werent severe consequences?
Yeah hard to imagine Bush ever invading a country without properly taking the possible consequences into account.
minus_273 said:
is capturing Osama worth nuclear war? think about it. obama is what you get when you have a novice trying to act tough. Dont you think bush would have invaded pakistan a long time ago if there werent severe consequences?

Moving in with small operation to retrieve or kill Osama Bin Laden wouldn't go over that bad. I think the international community would understand the circumstances with this outstanding international criminal, and I'm sure an Obama administration would make necessary and swift collaboration with the Pakistanis.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
kevm3 said:
It's a bit painful watching some of the repubs here try and find some negative way to spin this event.

After tonight they are shitting their pants which is why McCain is going to to do his best to scare the living shit out of the American people next week. It's really all he can do.
UltimaKilo said:
Yes but then again, so was everyone else! :D

Not everyone although a lot. You can't say you have exceptional judgment when it comes to war without answering the criticism of whether we should even be in the war.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Or, PoliGAF will continue to be somewhere where people can call politicians on their shit.
You think anything that isn't in your own extreme world is "shit". Not really helping.


minus_273 said:
what does poland have to do with capturing OBL? or are you trying to change the subject because you know sending ground troops into pakistan would make iraq look like a cake walk and feel uncomfortable defending the fact that obama proposed that stupid idea.

No, you're trying to say that nuclear war will occur if we go into Pakistan. You're saying that a VAST overreaction will occur if we go after OBL. I'm just pointing out how absolutely stupid your argument is. Push comes to shove, Pakistan could give a fuck about OBL, especially since they're already having enough trouble keeping their country in one piece.
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