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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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TheGrayGhost said:
One thing that people aren't analyzing about his speech was how he really laid bare why he thinks the fundamentals of the Republican platform are wrong, how thinking that prosperity comes from the top-down and that you're generally left alone, and how that platform has failed. He's calling on Republicans to own up to their failures.

It was a really transcendent speech, went beyond his own circumstances.

Too bad the Republicans only talked the talk, but when it came down to it could never get up the balls to walk the walk. The Republican platform hasn't failed, it was just never executed. Fair is fair though the party did fail and needs to go.
minus_273 said:
is it a preemptive war or just finishing a war that dragged on at a low level for 10 years unnecessarily.

Let's not pretend that is what that war was about or try to re-write history which is the problem with the Bush administration.

I at least intellectually understand the "you broke it, you bought it" rationalization for continuing the war for as long as we did. But let's not pretend that original sin was anything but original sin just because it's convenient morally for people to do it.
Amir0x said:
*dusts off hands*


Total Gandalf moment for me. For some reason, it reminded me when he knocked Denethor on the noggin after he goes crazy upon seeing the armies of Mordor.

I was like, "Oh! Shit! Lay down the pimp-hand!"

EDIT: You banned someone? I thought you were talking about when Obama said "ENOUGH!"
Just got back from a drunken night with friends.

Any links for me to catch up on tonight's shenanigans? How'd it go?

Edit: Looks like I got home just in time for the repeat of Obama's speech on MSNBC. Cheers all.


EviLore said:
Thanks. I checked there too but only saw clips, must have missed the "Part 1" link on the FRONT PAGE.

Off to watch it. Missed out on it live so I'm trying to watch it fresh, not reading much in advance.
TheGrayGhost said:
EDIT: You banned someone? I thought you were talking about when Obama said "ENOUGH!"

I'm not sure why minus got banned. His argument was all over the place but I don't see where he crossed any lines. I wasn't following the other discussion.
NullPointer said:
It was a good run.

But seriously, most agree that it was a great speech by Obama, and a fine cap to a great convention. However, only the true pros can say for sure, so let's wait for the pundits to analyze this to death and for the all-important polling numbers to roll in before we celebrate prematurely.


Stoney Mason said:
I'm not sure why minus got banned. I don't see where he crossed any lines. I wasn't following the other discussion.

I was keeping tabs on the posters through the night, minus had flung some insults earlier in the thread. "War IS hell moron" etc etc
Stoney Mason said:
I'm not sure why minus got banned. I don't see where he crossed any lines. I wasn't following the other discussion.
Have you followed him in the past? I don't want to sound like I favor the circle-jerk of non-stop Obama praising over any and all dissent, and in fact, I welcome a spirited debate. However, surely we can do better than minus.
VALIS said:
Obama is not going into Pakistan and probably not even into Afghanistan. You don't win elections in a post-9/11 country by downplaying terrorism. Said what needed to be said so as not to look like a pussy to independents, who generally lean right anyway and want the impression of an ass kicking America.


Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Agent Icebeezy said:
what was the name of that country song that played immediately after obama spoke?

I think it was "Only In America" by Brooks and Dunn who are very big Republicans. My brother and I were shocked that they(Brooks and Dunn) allowed it to be played.


Pat needs to go to sleep...he forgets Goldwaters speech so easly...

As for the speech. Honestly? It was so-so. I didnt cry as my brotha's did, but yeah... Modern Consertivism if not dead is going to die. Kinda sad but this shit happens. And those CSPAN callers need to call a Undertaker and start plotting there wills because it would be much better for them to commit suicide than to here there nasty ass dead motherfucking usless eaters such as them.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
So were there any possible sayings that could be used as slogans for the rest of the campaign?

I thought "Eight is enough" was pretty good.


Curses. I'm on crappy hotel wi-fi and the cnn and msnbc (got it working) videos stutter like hell. Loading ever two seconds. I'll wait until tomorrow for the youtube versions to go up. Looks like it went over well, the shitbag at the AP writing their article in avance of the speech aside.


So it appears that Pawlenty will be McCain's pick.

What exactly does he bring to the table?

All I really know that he comes from a working class background,so he will really help McCain that rural areas.
Something I didn't get to discuss was how effective and well made that video was before his speech.

That video right there pretty much destroyed the concept that Obama isn't a patriot.
omg rite said:
"Generic Country Song" by Guy with Cowboy Hat

I have nothing against country music. (At least the Johnny Cash variety) but that was the only bummer to the speech. His intro music was great. The outro music felt calculated and I wish they hadn't picked it. But you can't have everything I guess.
Can't wait to see Saturday and Sunday's polling. Based on the bounce we've seen already, I think we're looking at something quite startling.
Stoney Mason said:
I have nothing against country music. (At least the Johnny Cash variety) but that was the only bummer to the speech. His intro music was great. The outro music felt calculated and I wish they hadn't picked it. But you can't have everything I guess.

Yeah it didn't feel authentic at all.


Stoney Mason said:
I have nothing against country music. (At least the Johnny Cash variety) but that was the only bummer to the speech. His intro music was great. The outro music felt calculated and I wish they hadn't picked it. But you can't have everything I guess.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Just getting home now and about to watch his acceptance speech. Can anyone post some choice videos from the pundits tonight so that I can watch afterwards?


Am I the only one who thinks of this during the "This is our time" parts of Obama's speeches?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, hold the presses! We have the perfect story in which to launch our satellite news network tonight. It seems a small crisis is brewing in the South China Sea! I want books, I want magazines, I want newspapers, I want us on the air 24 hours a day, this is our moment! And millions of people around the world are going to hear about, read about it, and learn about it from the Carver Media Group!"

From Tomorrow Never Dies.


Anyone know where the full video of Obama's speech is? CNN.com has a part 1, but I don't see the rest of it. MSNBC isn't working for me... it keeps loading the wrong video.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
And with that I think I'll go ahead and un-retire myself formally from Poli-Gaf.

Good speech. Not his most amazing awe inspiring speech but certainly a tougher yet still consistent with his image of being post-partisan speech. It was the speech he needed imo for the climate of 2008 rather than necessarily the speech that hit the most high notes like his 2004 speech with soaring rhethoric.

Trying to be objective but I thought it was pretty much a home run convention. Whether that reflects in a significant bump or not I'm not sure but I thought it was pretty much one of the most consistent conventions I've ever seen. It may not have had the extreme highs of some but I also didn't think it had a real extreme low. Even the Michelle Obama speech which some think was the weak link of the heavy hitters, I disagree about with that line of thinking. I could care less about first ladies and all that business but I thought she did as credible a job as possible stumping for Obama with that speech.

I'm soooo glad you are back Stoney. Your intelligence is needed here.


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