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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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*drowns in jizz*
TheGrayGhost said:

Leslie Sanchez, come on, now. This is exactly why many have become so hostile towards the Republican party. Come on, now.

:lol :lol :lol @ Leslie Sanchez. Pathetic. I wonder what kind of speech would not be considered 'the same tired Democratic rhetoric of the past 30 years.' for her. My guess? Absolutely nothing, and she typed that up before the speech. It's sad that some of these people can't get there heads out of their partisan asses for a couple hrs and aknowledge something universally acclaimed as commendable when they see it. How soulless, heartless, petty and dishonest.


Tommie Hu$tle said:

Got anything more than that? Personally I'd prefer if Obama didn't go chasing Bin Laden through multiple countries, souring international opinion further, and I don't think he will. If they have a good idea where he is, take him out as quietly as possible and have a party afterwards. Are you saying I'm wrong when I think Obama was just posturing tough on terrorist talk? Everyone knows Obama's main goal from now until November is to make gains with middle/rural/working class America and that super tough talk was for them. And I'm glad he did it even though I don't like hawkish talk much myself. I hope it worked with them.


reilo said:
Just getting home now and about to watch his acceptance speech. Can anyone post some choice videos from the pundits tonight so that I can watch afterwards?
I just watched Chuck Todd's reaction on msnbc.com (select the video showing him when you launch their video player). He said it's usually an advantage to go second, but in this case he doesn't think the GOP is looking forward to following this. He doesn't think it will be topped next week, or in the next 4 or 8 years.

I said wow.


*drowns in jizz*
GhaleonEB said:
I just watched Chuck Todd's reaction on msnbc.com (select the video showing him when you launch their video player). He said it's usually an advantage to go second, but in this case he doesn't think the GOP is looking forward to following this. He doesn't think it will be topped next week, or in the next 4 or 8 years.

I said wow.

It's definitely an advantage to go 2nd. Many people have short memories, and the republicans are going to be spreading concentrated FUD for the next few days with all the media attention focused towards them. Still, the only good think about it is that I predict that next to to this, their convention is going to look like a fucking joke.


dabbled in the jelly
bill0527 said:
It aired in Indiana. We aren't a swing state as far as I can tell.
I'm on the border of Illinois and I saw it. Sort of funny being aired in between adds slamming Obama on a few spins and a lie. Thus the world of backhanded politics. W. Bush campaign were masters of this and they even made McCain look horrible during the 2000 primaries.


Slurpy said:
It's definitely an advantage to go 2nd. Many people have short memories, and the republicans are going to be spreading concentrated FUD for the next few days with all the media attention focused towards them. Still, the only good think about it is that I predict that next to to this, their convention is going to look like a fucking joke.
I just read they're having a hard time filling the 12,000 seats, whereas Obama could have filled the stadium several times over. The imagery gap alone is going to be amazing.


Proof the party is unified:

No Quarter, the blog that CREATED the "whitey" michelle obama nonsense claimed tonight's speech was amazing and Obama could win a landslide.

Holy shit.


Cheebs said:
Proof the party is unified:

No Quarter, the blog that CREATED the "whitey" michelle obama nonsense claimed tonight's speech was amazing and Obama could win a landslide.

Holy shit.
o_O Holy shit indeed.
holy god damn.

(and yeah, the country music gave me a serious dose of cognitive dissonance)

this was an event.

what the hell is next week going to be?


Door2Dawn said:
o_O Holy shit indeed.
He still mocked hope and change but from the guy who claimed Obama wasn't an american and michelle obama screamed whitey this is a gigantic shift:
Somehow, he and his campaign finally got it. As Dr. Krauthammer observed, Barack Obama finally realized — after the Berlin fiasco (and, might I add, the last couple months of the primaries) — that the “hope and change” messages that had thrilled audiences and made them fall in love with him were not working anymore. Obama realized he had to deliver a TRUE Democrat’s speech to the American people, focusing on workers, on health care, on education, and all the other issues that are so vital to the core constituency of the Democratic party.

Dr. Krauthammer also observed that, if Obama can stay on this NEW theme of core Democratic party values, he can possibly win in a landslide in November.


dabbled in the jelly
From Wiki about the Bush vs McCain smear campaign.
A variety of interest groups that McCain had challenged in the past ran negative ads. Bush borrowed McCain's earlier language of reform, and declined to disassociate himself from a veterans activist who accused McCain (in Bush's presence) of having "abandoned the veterans" on POW/MIA and Agent Orange issues.

Incensed, McCain ran ads accusing Bush of lying and comparing the governor to Bill Clinton, which Bush said was "about as low a blow as you can give in a Republican primary". An anonymous smear campaign began against McCain, delivered by push polls, faxes, e-mails, flyers, and audience plants. The smears claimed that McCain had fathered a black child out of wedlock (the McCains' dark-skinned daughter was adopted from Bangladesh), that his wife Cindy was a drug addict, that he was a homosexual, and that he was a "Manchurian Candidate" who was either a traitor or mentally unstable from his North Vietnam POW days. The Bush campaign strongly denied any involvement with the attacks.

They do excellent work *mwuah*

Back then McCain was a cowardly deserter and "Manchurian Candidate" who dabbled in the jelly of black women and invented agent orange. Today he's a war hero fit to lead the country.


Dr. Krauthammer. Sounds like a Venture Brothers villain. Anyway, yeah, I agree with him and said the same thing an hour or two ago. So nice to see the Democratic party come home, so to speak.
The thing about this convention-as James Carville mentioned over at Halperin's blog earlier-was that right now the top of the Democratic party has some very strong orators.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are masters at working a specific audience for maximum effect. Joe Biden's reputation for delivering the most cutting of attacks with wit and dexterity-while keeping that big grin on his face-is amazing. Barak Obama, is, of course, an extremely skilled orator right on par with the Clintons (though traditionally with a different strength than they have, though tonight he showed he's more than just about inspiring ideas and infective optimism-he knows how to convey strength and dedication to purpose equally well).

These orators, along with the remarkable convention planning that maximized their potential effect, are really what put the convention over the top. I thought that in general the rank-and-file Democrats were not very interesting (but hello Brian Schweitzer, you should really start about thinking bigger than just Montana in four years), but they were at least on message and their contributions seemingly led up to the key speeches well.

I really want to re-emphasize the quality of the convention planners. Doing things like bringing on salt-of-the-earth crossover Republicans (from swing states, no less) to tell stories about how Bush failed them and choosing the last night outdoor "celebrity" venue was really brilliant.


Small balls, big fun!
Putting aside whatever he's said about Obama, anyone who chooses to use the "doctor" honorific before Charles Krauthammer's name is not a reliable liberal.
GhaleonEB said:
I just read they're having a hard time filling the 12,000 seats, whereas Obama could have filled the stadium several times over. The imagery gap alone is going to be amazing.

This is why it's so bad. Not only is their convention a comparatively low-budget affair to the DNC one, going second after something like this sort of takes the sails completely out of the people there.

They'll be walking into the convention with (in all likelyhood) some scary polling numbers, a swirling ball of meterological death in the Gulf of Mexico that reminds everyone of the greatest failure of the US government in living memory, and completely outclassed in terms of both the quality of oratory and stagecraft.

If they had a week or two to let things "air out" from the Democratic convention, they'd be in better shape. Unfortunately for them, they start Monday, and every pundit that's at the DNC will be at the RNC and comparing the two, and it's going to get ugly. And not just because of the huge numbers of old white people dancing.

Edit: In all seriousness, they run the risk of the punditry treating them as a joke if their convention is an average to subpar one. Once the pundits and not just Stewart/Colbert start making fun of you, you're in deep trouble.


Fragamemnon said:
(but hello Brian Schweitzer, you should really start about thinking bigger than just Montana in four years)
I have suspected for a while Schweitzer has a big future ahead of him. The next time there is a open primary (lets hope its 8 years, not 4) he'll run. Dude knows how to work a crowd and is insanely likeable. Almost the democratic alternative to Mike Huckabee.


Small balls, big fun!
Frag: Not only do the Dems have some strong speechmakers, but they have several figures who are beloved by the party faithful and fairly famous and well-liked to boot.

Cheney could be William Jennings Bryan on the podium and the Republicans would still be stuck with the same conundrum: how to rally support to your cause with a set of nationally unpopular figures.

The same delicious problem they had in the primaries.
Wow, I may get attacked for this.. but if Obama wins the white houses his speeches are going to be the subject of many educational lectures for years to come. One of my conservative friends was just floored by the speech, and has been for about all of his other speeches.

Obama just seems to have that innate ability to touch into the hearts of people regardless of their political affiliation. Call it soaring rhetoric (it's not), or whatever.. but he truly uses his words to build a resolve from the American spirit to attack and fix our problems with the confidence that this nation can achieve anything.
Fragamemnon said:
The thing about this convention-as James Carville mentioned over at Halperin's blog earlier-was that right now the top of the Democratic party has some very strong orators.

That is why I think the Republicans will have a tough time matching that convention objectively. The top republicans simply can't match that imo unless suddenly a whole bunch of conservative speakers have gotten a lot better at speaking than I remember.

There is definitely a different and lower bar they need to jump and the crowd will be enthusiastic but they just don't have a group of Reagan-esque silver tongued devils in the current crop. Huckabee is. Maybe Romney is polished. But I'm hard pressed to think of a lot more off the top of my head. Certainly Mccain and Pawlenty aren't.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Fragamemnon said:
This is why it's so bad. Not only is their convention a comparatively low-budget affair to the DNC one, going second after something like this sort of takes the sails completely out of the people there.

They'll be walking into the convention with (in all likelyhood) some scary polling numbers, a swirling ball of meterological death in the Gulf of Mexico that reminds everyone of the greatest failure of the US government in living memory, and completely outclassed in terms of both the quality of oratory and stagecraft.

If they had a week or two to let things "air out" from the Democratic convention, they'd be in better shape. Unfortunately for them, they start Monday, and every pundit that's at the DNC will be at the RNC and comparing the two, and it's going to get ugly. And not just because of the huge numbers of old white people dancing.

Edit: In all seriousness, they run the risk of the punditry treating them as a joke if their convention is an average to subpar one. Once the pundits and not just Stewart/Colbert start making fun of you, you're in deep trouble.

Obama's campaign needs to set up a rapid response team on site to respond immediately to every piece of bullshit that McCain's campaign will be spreading.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives




Nice pics.
I really like seeing the reactions to this speech on video. Can some of you with perhaps a bank of this kind of footage post some links? Any reactions from other countries?
I just realized how absolutely idiotic it was to have the RNC this monday.

First of all... I can admit that after watching 4 days of CONSTANT political coverage of the DNC... I definitely feel like I need a break from this stuff... and I have a feeling the American public will have the same feeling especially since there isn't really anyone interesting speaking at the RNC... (Michelle, Hillary, Bill, and of course Obama).

Not to mention... the big question mark surrounding all the Ron Paul rallies that will be happening. Could add fuel to the fire that the Republicans are really the ones that aren't enthusiastic or unified behind their candidate.
Stoney Mason said:
I think he works better in presentation/professor mode/setting.

Haha. I definitely agree with you there. I watched a few of his smaller speeches after he dropped out of the limelight - they were all boring as hell, but he had a lot of great things to say.

Yet another Democrat that really started the straight talking after they had lost an election.
Slurpy said:
:lol :lol :lol @ Leslie Sanchez. Pathetic. I wonder what kind of speech would not be considered 'the same tired Democratic rhetoric of the past 30 years.' for her. My guess? Absolutely nothing, and she typed that up before the speech. It's sad that some of these people can't get there heads out of their partisan asses for a couple hrs and aknowledge something universally acclaimed as commendable when they see it. How soulless, heartless, petty and dishonest.
It was pretty interesting to see even Alex Castellanos praise the hell out of it

I was really looking forward to seeing Ed Rollins' thoughts though.

Or that Clinton supporter from day 2... they even said they were going to talk to her again, but I never saw it (I assume because it seemed they were getting crazy static with those first few floor interviews).


ViperVisor said:
He was distracted by the sad thought of Shawn Johnson being under water when the see level rises just 1.5 meters.
You gotta admit. Global Warming is doing wonders for his figure. Looked like he lost 50 pounds at least.

Kerry was really impressive. If he was half that passionate during his election.
I'm glad a tuned away to CSPAN before the speech. What was Olberman doing? Was he actually reading parts of the speech??? If so, they need to get him off the special coverage, regardless of the ratings he gets on Countdown.

Anyway, great all-around speech. It was definitely his most versatile speech. He was inspirational but also specific and cutting at times. Very few people were expecting him to go after McCain like that. Everybody assumed McCain only would get hit Monday - Wednesday and Obama would be a softy on Thursday. But out of all the speakers I'd say Obama hit McCain the hardest (along with John Kerry).

Overall excellent convention. They did a great job building the momentum from night to night.


Setec Astronomer
Kerry is probably impressive now because he doesn't have much to lose anymore. He's not running for president, his senate seat is reasonably secure, and he had a microphone to tell the world just how he felt for the past four years.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jaw, meet floor.

I agree with Olbermann. This speech was stuff you would only see in fiction, but instead it was the goddamn real thing. Unbelievable.
Also, I thought Obama had Big Brassy Balls mentioning abortion, guns, and gay marriage in his speech. Most politicians (especially Dems) tend to shy away from hot social issues like that especially on a big stage like this. Much respect for that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
I have nothing against country music. (At least the Johnny Cash variety) but that was the only bummer to the speech. His intro music was great. The outro music felt calculated and I wish they hadn't picked it. But you can't have everything I guess.

Everything was calculated. But who is to say that Obama doesn't like that song? It's time to get pass that racial bias stuff Stoney.
Got my "please volunteer" text earlier tonight... I think I am going to take the plunge. Gotta do anything I can to get this guy in office (I'm in florida).
I really have to hand it to the party-- they handled this week masterfully. The slow build up with Michelle to Hillary's dazzling speech to Bill's to Biden's then Obama's tonight was perfect. And the turns from Gore, Kucinich, Kennedy and Kerry were great as well. The Democrats finally feel energized and united :D
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