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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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reilo said:
Jaw, meet floor.

I agree with Olbermann. This speech was stuff you would only see in fiction, but instead it was the goddamn real thing. Unbelievable.

No Brian Williams was right. That was some Aaron Sorkin, Jed Bartlett shit.




*drowns in jizz*
I just watched the speech again, to see if my opinion would change as the hype has lessened. No, it was more fucking incredible than I remember. You know everyone who says it sucked is lying out of their ass when PAT BUCHANAN praised the hell out of it.

Here's the transcription of what Pat Buchanan said:

I understand it was signed Barack Obama. It was a genuinely outstanding speech. It was magnificent. It is the finest ... I saw Cuomo's speech. I saw Kennedy in 80. I even saw Douglas MacArthur. I even saw Martin Luther King. This is the greatest convention speech. Probably the most important because unlike Cuomo and the others, this is an acceptance speech. This came out of the heart of American and he went right at the heart of America. This wasn't a liberal speech at all. This is a deeply, deeply centrist speech. It had wit. It had humor. And when he used the needle on McCain, he stuck it into McCain, and it was funny as with Kennedy's speech in 80. I laughed with Kennedy when he was needling Ronald Reagan. It was so good. Let me read you the passage, though, because this man is a professional orator and he's a writer of his own speeches.

But let me read it because this is where you get into the roll and the cadence and how a speaker can really pound a point home.

I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America -- they have served the United States of America.
That is how you bring people off their feet, by pulling at their heart and guts. It was beautiful.

When they cut him off, and switched back to Olbermann, Keith said:

Nora, there you have it. We had to stop Pat Buchanan gushing over Obama's speech for the sake of time. Perhaps that will tell you the story better than anything else we can say.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BenjaminBirdie said:
No Brian Williams was right. That was some Aaron Sorkin, Jed Bartlett shit.



Yeah, work of fiction. He channeled Josiah Bartlet to a perfect t.
mckmas8808 said:
Everything was calculated. But who is to say that Obama doesn't like that song? It's time to get pass that racial bias stuff Stoney.

On a completely subjective level I also thought it was just a poor song choice that didn't amplify the moment like a great song selection does and a song that George Bush generally uses so it was annoying on that level also.
Awesome speech. Only problems I had were his calls for "responsible nuclear" energy, and "clean coal" energy. Two of the stupidest oxymorons ever. His state Illinois has a lot of nuclear plants, which have already caused problems in the local environment and people's health.

edit- my mom loved the speech. She was reminded of JFK's speeches, a little after the time she arrived in America. I think she will vote Dem this time after voting for Bush the last two times. :D It doesn't really matter since I live in Jersey, but still awesome.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mr. E. Yis said:
Awesome speech. Only problems I had were his calls for "responsible nuclear" energy, and "clean coal" energy. Two of the stupidest oxymorons ever. His state Illinois has a lot of nuclear plants, which have already caused problems in the local environment and people's health.

He calls for development of safer nuclear energy.

:D at Olbermann calling out the AP for their bullshit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Chosen One said:
What did Keith say about the AP?

Some guy Babbington wrote a completely inane recount of Obama's speech that was so far off radar that he should quit the AP and find a new job. He said everything he could just short of "the AP is a disgrace for publishing this."

EDIT: Here


So Olbermann was outraged that the AP's Babington had written, in his analysis of the speech, just off the wire, that Obama had tried nothing new and that his speech was lacking in specifics. He read the first few paragraphs on the air, lamented that it would be printed in hundred of newspapers on Friday, and concluded, "It is analysis that strikes me as having born no resemblance to the speech you and I just watched. None whatsoever. And for it to be distributed by the lone national news organization in terms of wire copy to newspapers around the country and web sites is a remarkable failure of that news organization.

"Charles Babington, find a new line of work."

Babington said:
Barack Obama, whose campaign theme is "change we can believe in," promised Thursday to "spell out exactly what that change would mean."

But instead of dwelling on specifics, he laced the crowning speech of his long campaign with the type of rhetorical flourishes that Republicans mock and the attacks on John McCain that Democrats cheer. The country saw a candidate confident in his existing campaign formula: tie McCain tightly to President Bush, and remind voters why they are unhappy with the incumbent.

Of course, no candidate can outline every initiative in a 35-minute speech -- especially one that also must inspire voters, acknowledge key friends, and toss in some autobiography for the newly-interested. And Obama did touch on nitty-gritty subjects, such as the capital gains tax and biofuel investments.

He said he would "find ways to safely harness nuclear power," a somewhat more receptive phrase than he typically uses for that subject.

But most of his address echoed and amplified the theme that dominated the four-day Democratic nominating convention here: George Bush.
The Chosen One said:
Also, I thought Obama had Big Brassy Balls mentioning abortion, guns, and gay marriage in his speech. Most politicians (especially Dems) tend to shy away from hot social issues like that especially on a big stage like this. Much respect for that.

His framing of these issues was also very well done. Especially in regards to gun control (reaffirmed the 2nd amendment's "right" of gun ownership, recognized the importance) and abortion.
Mr. E. Yis said:
Awesome speech. Only problems I had were his calls for "responsible nuclear" energy, and "clean coal" energy. Two of the stupidest oxymorons ever. His state Illinois has a lot of nuclear plants, which have already caused problems in the local environment and people's health.

I'm not a huge fan of clean coal, primarily due to the nature of how you procure coal in the first place.. But I'm interested in hearing what health problems have sprung up in Illinois due to nuclear plants, also what damages to the environment have occurred?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Chosen One said:
Also, I thought Obama had Big Brassy Balls mentioning abortion, guns, and gay marriage in his speech. Most politicians (especially Dems) tend to shy away from hot social issues like that especially on a big stage like this. Much respect for that.

The man actually mentioned gay civil unions. It's just unbelievable. And nobody was pissed.
reilo said:
He calls for development of safer nuclear energy.

I don't think that's even possible. :/ Nuclear waste is an ecological disaster waiting to happen, and no corporation or goverment can monitor a waste site for a few hundred years until it decays.


Mercury Fred said:
I really have to hand it to the party-- they handled this week masterfully. The slow build up with Michelle to Hillary's dazzling speech to Bill's to Biden's then Obama's tonight was perfect. And the turns from Gore, Kucinich, Kennedy and Kerry were great as well. The Democrats finally feel energized and united :D

I was just thinking a few minutes ago, I'm not sure how this convention could have gone better. Not that it will necessarily win him the election or even translate well in the polls, but I'm pretty thrilled the entire party brought their A-game to Colorado.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mr. E. Yis said:
I don't think that's even possible. :/ Nuclear waste is an ecological disaster waiting to happen, and no corporation or goverment can monitor a waste site for a few hundred years until it decays.

It is possible to have safe nuclear energy. Don't France do it safely now?
Mr. E. Yis said:
I don't think that's even possible. :/ Nuclear waste is an ecological disaster waiting to happen, and no corporation or goverment can monitor a waste site for a few hundred years until it decays.

That's what the moon is for!


mckmas8808 said:
It is possible to have safe nuclear energy. Don't France do it safely now?
French reactors reprocess their spent fuel which reduces the total volume of waste but in doing so creatures plutonium.

It does absolutely shrink the total waste by a huge margin though. Its estimated a family of 4 will generate nuclear waste the size of a cigarette lighter this method every 2 decades.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I read the GOP response tonight and they seem fucking befuddled. His response to the celebrity ads was so perfect. I fucking fist pumped when he did that. Shit was amazing to me.
You just know Obama will get caught in a sex scandal before the end of his terms. So much pussy will be thrown at him it won't even be funny.

Besides, all young charismatic presidents (Kennedy, Clinton, and etc) fooled around. History is not on Obama's side. After all he's already Cyber-sexing Scarlet Johanson!
The Chosen One said:
You just know Obama will get caught in a sex scandal before the end of his terms. So much pussy will be thrown at him it won't even be funny.

Besides, all young charismatic presidents (Kennedy, Clinton, and etc) fooled around. History is not on Obama's side. After all he's already Cyber-sexing Scarlet Johanson!

Michelle Obama ain't going for that
Hell, Bush is at a 28% approval and he probably could have had a three-some with Misty May and Walsh at the Olympics last week. When they won the gold medal, they did say they wanted to quit Volleyball for some baby-making fun... and then they mentioned Bush in the next sentence...


The Chosen One said:
Hell, Bush is at a 28% approval and he probably could have had a three-some with Misty May and Walsh at the Olympics last week. When they won the gold medal, they did say they wanted to quit Volleyball for some baby-making fun... and then they mentioned Bush in the next sentence...

Bush approval rating jumping 40% before he leaves office confirmed.


dabbled in the jelly
You just know Obama will get caught in a sex scandal before the end of his terms. So much pussy will be thrown at him it won't even be funny.

Besides, all young charismatic presidents (Kennedy, Clinton, and etc) fooled around. History is not on Obama's side. After all he's already Cyber-sexing Scarlet Johanson!
It would have already happened by now. Half of congress were screwing their interns when the Clinton scandal went down. *urge.....to use tag...........too great*


formerly sane
The Chosen One said:
She may not but it's not like Hilary was some wall-flower either.

True, but one could easily mention Hilary has her own agendas for staying in that marriage vs why michelle chooses to be in hers.
Slurpy said:
A nice little Romney clip that will surely become popular soon..


It's hard to differentiate between the politics and the personal but there was always an extra level of animosity between those two. You really can sort of imagine that these two don't like each other which is the only reason I give the Pawlenty rumours any credibility when Romney seems like the obvious correct choice.
Mr. E. Yis said:

Alright, no offense man, but reading those make me think that it's more a fear of simply the word nuclear than anything else. There were no studies that suggested health issues, just inquiries.. furthermore the leaks into the water were below federal standards.

Just doesn't sound as dangerous as people oft to try and make it seem.
Wow, the cover image on CNN is epic:

it was a pretty good convention but the GOP is going to completely blow it away next week.

ann coulter was right. the democrats are in their dying throes. they're just going to fragment into irrelevance.


reilo said:
Some guy Babbington wrote a completely inane recount of Obama's speech that was so far off radar that he should quit the AP and find a new job. He said everything he could just short of "the AP is a disgrace for publishing this."

EDIT: Here


Apparently, this guy is just another covert republican mouthpiece:


Tyrone Slothrop said:
it was a pretty good convention but the GOP is going to completely blow it away next week.

ann coulter was right. the democrats are in their dying throes. they're just going to fragment into irrelevance.

:lol :lol :lol What?

Even as a McCain supporter, Obama's speech was fucking brilliant. I might not like some of his platforms, but you can't deny that his orating skill and the presentation they did at the DNC was awe-inspiring.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Tyrone Slothrop said:
it was a pretty good convention but the GOP is going to completely blow it away next week.

ann coulter was right. the democrats are in their dying throes. they're just going to fragment into irrelevance.

If McCain somehow wins, the dems will be at each others throats trying to figure out what happened, who's to blame et al.

No. Obama has done everything perfectly or near perfectly. If he loses... then it simply signifies that America is no longer desiring real change.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
it was a pretty good convention but the GOP is going to completely blow it away next week.

ann coulter was right. the democrats are in their dying throes. they're just going to fragment into irrelevance.
Whatever you wrote is wrong. I don't know why, but it's like some alarm went off in my head detecting bullshit, like it was triggered by something...
delirium said:
:lol :lol :lol What?

Even as a McCain supporter, Obama's speech was fucking brilliant. I might not like some of his platforms, but you can't deny that his orating skill and the presentation they did at the DNC was awe-inspiring.
*cough* sarcasm! *cough*


Well that was some night. Got together with my folks and sister and sat down to first watch Bill Clinton's speech. Then my dad asked to see Joe Biden's speech. And then Obama's was just starting.

I know my mom was a supporter of Obama back in the primaries. My dad's a Republican, and I didn't ask who he voted for, but I'm sure it was for McCain. He wanted McCain in 2000. Back in May I asked him who he thought he'd be voting for, and he joked that he was wondering who the libertarian candidate was. I think now, he's pretty much won over.
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