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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Palin's the governor of (and enjoys her OMG-whoasome popularity in) ALASKA. She'll also be by far the dumbest candidate in a contest that already includes McCain. Biden will rip her fucking uterus out if the VP debate format so allows.
sp0rsk said:
Nah, Obama made the right decision, Biden would actually make a good Vice President.

I think so too. I'm glad Obama went with Biden. And not only to help add to the ticket, but I think he'll do a good job.


Pawlenty and Huckabee have let it be known they are out.

(i'm sure I'm beaten)
Biden will rip her fucking uterus out if the VP debate format so allows.

That will certainly energize the pro abortion crowd


Biden passes the essential "would you want this guy to be woken up in the middle of the night and told he's President?" test.


slidewinder said:
Palin's the governor of (and enjoys her OMG-whoasome popularity in) ALASKA. She'll also be by far the dumbest candidate in a contest that already includes McCain. Biden will rip her fucking uterus out if the VP debate format so allows.

In doing so, McCain would pick up a lot of the woman and sympathy votes.
I hope it's Ronmey cause the jokes about him on the Daily Show/ Colbert Report were hilarious. Though a woman would be a really smart pick to undercut some of the "first black candidate" hoopla.
delirium said:
In doing so, McCain would pick up a lot of the woman and sympathy votes.

The more I hear about her the less likely I think it will be her. She's only 44 years old. She's only been governor for a Year and Half. Before that she was a mayor of a small Alaskan town. She's a total light-weight. It's almost patronizing to women to pick her.

Biden would absolutely destroy her in a debate. Also McCain would have a tough time explaining how Palin has enough experience to be President but Obama doesn't.
It's not just that Palin's a complete nobody in terms of political stature. It's more the fact that she is almost singularly unfit to withstand ANY kind of scrutiny or pressure; she lacks, in every possible respect, what anybody would want from a national candidate. If this is really McCain's pick, then his campaign is in deep, deep, desperation mode, already. That, or terribly mismanaged, which I seriously doubt.


Amir0x said:
Chuck Todd GOD confirms Mitt Romney will not be in VP/Dayton

So aside from Palin, there's Ridge and Lieberman left. Man, I hope he picks Lieberman.
worldrunover said:
Huckabee? It could be Huckabee.
Won't be Huckabee. Someone said so on the previous page.

Can I has?
I think if she is picked it would be for what I would imagine would go down in history as the most short sighted reason in political history: To Steal A News Cycle.

She won't appeal to Indies.
She won't carry a state.
She won't appeal to Hillary supporters.

We'll see.
Synth_floyd said:
Palin is at 78% on Intrade and Drudge is hinting that it's her. Good choice if it's true.

Good choice for Democrats.

She's been in office in a tiny state since 2006, she's a cynical attempt to woo female voters. McCain is trying to sell her as the BEST PERSON to be commander in chief if - and let's face it, there's a larger than normal chance of him ailing due to natural causes while in office - something happens to him.

And she fires up Hillary Clinton, a woman I don't find very likeable but who sure as fuck isn't ceding the possibility of being the first female President to someone who has been govenor of *Alaska* for a year and a half.

Even the media talking heads are smashing this potential selection! It's wonderful. :lol
TheDrowningMan said:
Good choice for Democrats.

She's been in office in a tiny state since 2006, she's a cynical attempt to woo female voters. McCain is trying to sell her as the BEST PERSON to be commander in chief if - and let's face it, there's a larger than normal chance of him ailing due to natural causes while in office - something happens to him.

And she fires up Hillary Clinton, a woman I don't find very likeable but who sure as fuck isn't ceding the possibility of being the first female President to someone who has been govenor of *Alaska* for a year and a half.

Even the media talking heads are smashing this potential selection! It's wonderful. :lol

Man, I think they're calling an audible. No signs printed, flights all over the place. I don't think McCain himself will really know for sure until like 10:30.


BenjaminBirdie said:
In terms of what exactly?

I think it's intelligent. Obviously this election is about sizzle and not steak. McCain has no sizzle. Jimmy Carter isn't going to be there to make an ass of himself every week.

Pawlenty would have been strategically smart, giving him a chance in Minnesota and also solidifying western/northern Wisconsin. However, McCain must feel like he is further behind than a few battleground states, so he is going for a big boom and hoping the "getting to know you swoon" can last as long as it has for Obama.


BenjaminBirdie said:
In terms of what exactly?

Conservative nutters have been blandishing "McCain / Palin BALANCE THE TICKET" images on the interwebs since winter. This will make part of the base quite happy.
I think its a good pick if true. Better than the Pawlenty's of the world and such. It balances his ticket in a way that picking a lot of other Republicans wouldn't and it generates some history and ink for them.

It does undermine his experience attacks somewhat since he is putting someone in there with very little experience a heartbeat away from the presidency but it also nullifies a lot of the most simplistic gender card attacks the democrats would have been tempted to use otherwise.

Ultimately I think the Romney Mccain relationship may have proved too unworkable I guess.


She's a good choice if he desperately needs attention and quick votes (which he does). As for the position, eh...

As stated before, he doesn't really have many decent choices for VP picks.
gkrykewy said:
Conservative nutters have been blandishing "McCain / Palin BALANCE THE TICKET" images on the interwebs since winter. This will make part of the base quite happy.

He can't win by appealing to the base this year. The numbers are like 60/40 in terms of Dem/Rep registration.


I'm reading her wiki and she seems like a good choice to me. Pro-life, NRA member, opposed corruption in her own party, opposed unnecessary spending, killed the bridge to nowhere. The dairy farm thing seems like a bad decision though.

LOL at you guys criticizing her experience.


listen to the mad man
BenjaminBirdie said:
In terms of what exactly?

in terms of making me fat sacks of cash because i shorted 150 bucks worth of mitt romney :D

Branduil said:
I'm reading her wiki...

the whole problem with the internet is that the preceding statement makes people feel qualified enough to think they can make the following statement:

LOL at you guys criticizing her experience.


Branduil said:
I'm reading her wiki and she seems like a good choice to me. Pro-life, NRA member, opposed corruption in her own party, opposed unnecessary spending, killed the bridge to nowhere. The dairy farm thing seems like a bad decision though.

LOL at you guys criticizing her experience.

I don't think anyone here is criticizing her experience. They're mocking the fact that McCain's most prominent line of attack would be completely undermined by that hypocritical pick.

I think you are intelligent enough to know the difference, so we don't need the act.


Branduil said:
I'm reading her wiki and she seems like a good choice to me. Pro-life, NRA member, opposed corruption in her own party, opposed unnecessary spending, killed the bridge to nowhere. The dairy farm thing seems like a bad decision though.

LOL at you guys criticizing her experience.

Also, Biden will probably kick himself in the nuts by attacking her in the debates. He really can't help himself from proving how smart he is. Hopefully she just sits there and lets him berate her.

They're mocking the fact that McCain's most prominent line of attack would be completely undermined by that hypocritical pick.

Doesn't choosing the quintessential insider as his VP make Obama's "change" platform hypocritical?

it's politics, it would be hypocritical to try and be genuine.
Branduil said:
I'm reading her wiki and she seems like a good choice to me. Pro-life, NRA member, opposed corruption in her own party, opposed unnecessary spending, killed the bridge to nowhere. The dairy farm thing seems like a bad decision though.

LOL at you guys criticizing her experience.

Sounds to me like the political version of "You're In The Movies". Just because it worked for someone else, doesn't mean it has a chance of working for a completely different situation.


TheDrowningMan said:
And she fires up Hillary Clinton, a woman I don't find very likeable but who sure as fuck isn't ceding the possibility of being the first female President to someone who has been govenor of *Alaska* for a year and a half.

Very good point.


force push the doodoo rock
worldrunover said:
Has anyone heard her speak? Is she an interesting speaker?

Being in a beauty pageant we at least know she knows hot to say what judges want to hear.
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