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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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ratcliffja said:
Anyone watching MSNBC? I have no idea what they were just cracking up about but they had to cut to commercial because Morning Joe and his cohost couldn't stop laughing.

Peggy was hilarious. She said something about telling a sob story for a two-headed baby that doesn't have health insurance and ends up being used as a bowling ball or something like that. It was hilarious.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Bulla564 said:

She's cute though...

At least she doesn't cake the makeup on like a trollop.
GashPrex said:
you know, none of you have any clue how these VP picks will play out. Strong arguments can be made on both sides for any of them. I personally would like to see liberman or just somebody not based on a perceived weakness or amount of delegates they can get, but the most qualified, best person for the job. I realize that generally gets lost in the idea of WE MUST WIN!! but its far more important.

The competency of a VP pick is a separate debate from the politics of a VP Pick. These threads are almost always about politics and not policy debates.


A while ago when we had a debate about who we thought would best serve McCain as a VP pick, and I said Lieberman much to the consternation of PoliGAF. I still believe this. IF - and it's a big IF - he could get past the brigade of Republican whiners, McCain would emerge with two new big benefits... he would put a HUGE dent in the criticism that he is "Bush's third term", and he would effectively resurrect his maverick image.
Amir0x said:
A while ago when we had a debate about who we thought would best serve McCain as a VP pick, and I said Lieberman much to the consternation of PoliGAF. I still believe this. IF - and it's a big IF - he could get past the brigade of Republican whiners, McCain would emerge with two new big benefits... he would put a HUGE dent in the criticism that he is "Bush's third term", and he would effectively resurrect his maverick image.

Don't you think that's too much of a risk? Putting a socially liberal pro-choice Jew on the ticket? I can't see how the benefits would outweigh the detriment to his base. He could swear he's not Bush's third term, the only problem is Lieberman has been LOCK-STEP with him on all foreign policy issues, and wouldn't be much help on economic issues. The only thing Lieberman would give McCain is a comfort level.
On MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski just said that the press was being played with regard to McCain's VP. Joe Scarborough, unsurprisingly, said "it's news" and actually made them come back to the VP topic.

Apparently the GOP is "leaking" conflicting information about Romney or Pawlenty. They are trying to get the coverage of the speech off the news cycle by tonight.


Yaweee said:
The Clintons weren't a challenge?

You mean two people who basically have the same views and policies and the only argueing was about who would be more popular in the general election? I'm sorry but winning a popularity contest within your own party is not what I consider a political challange.


devildog820 said:
On MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski just said that the press was being played with regard to McCain's VP. Joe Scarborough, unsurprisingly, said "it's news" and actually made them come back to the VP topic.

Apparently the GOP is "leaking" conflicting information about Romney or Pawlenty. They are trying to get the coverage of the speech off the news cycle by tonight.

no way!
Amir0x said:
A while ago when we had a debate about who we thought would best serve McCain as a VP pick, and I said Lieberman much to the consternation of PoliGAF. I still believe this. IF - and it's a big IF - he could get past the brigade of Republican whiners, McCain would emerge with two new big benefits... he would put a HUGE dent in the criticism that he is "Bush's third term", and he would effectively resurrect his maverick image.

He would help the image on the foreign policy front imo where they are lock-step together but he would be a decimation on the domestic front as he presents everything the republicans are against (except crusading for a vague notion of family rights). I just don't believe lieberman is addition by numbers as the revolt against that ticket among Republicans would be massive. Mccain has eliminated nearly all the real flourishes of being a true Maverick on the way to the white house so it doesn't make sense to me to suddenly veer in the direction. Better to play the maverick card and history than risk blowing up the whole thing.


devildog820 said:
yah totally! :D

Now Mika B is hammering a McCain representative about the "leaks."

it's all part of the plan (and like I said earlier, it's smart...just like McCain starting that war in Georgia)

I like that some media are pissed about it, as though McCain's people are forcing them to report this nonsense.
I've always been worried that McCain would pick a woman. It puts a lot of female voters back into play. I think even my crazy hippie feminist aunt might vote for McCain, as gender is her primary incentive for support.

Huzah said:
I really wish Obama will take McCain's town hall challange, as I want to see him react in a neutral non scripted envrionment where he can't use his superior oratory skills to woo the crowd with rhetoric.
You do know that McCain's first town-hall invitation was not on neutral ground, right? Honestly, all the YouTube debates and average-joe questions are kind of stupid to me. And that's even before you find out they're rigged.


Tamanon said:
If it's Palin, that'd be the biggest panic move ever.

maybe on it's face, but the is the most Republican of the bunch he is looking at. She gets a gold star next to each bullet point.
Biden would chew her up in about 5 seconds.

Win the debate but lose lots and lots of female votes in the process?


vitaflo said:
Palin?! Lol. Even less experience than Obama. Biden would chew her up in about 5 seconds. :lol

and then everybody would be "Wow, Biden was bullying a woman!!!"

Not fair, but it would be part of the subtext.


All the VP speculation is playing exactly into the McCain campaign's hands. Right now, they're doing nothing but spreading misinformation to keep the media guessing. He probably won't make the announcement until the afternoon.


BotoxAgent said:
anyone know the ratings from last night's speech?

I want to know this as well.

On topic: As a democrat, Palin scares the hell out of me - she offers McCain so much. As a woman she attracts those Hillary supporters who just wanted to see a woman in the White House, no matter who she is. She helps soften the GOP's image at a time when they're viewed as cold, uncaring, out of touch. And she'll neutralize Biden's aggressiveness in debates.
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