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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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1 thing I am getting tired of is Joe spinning Barack's limited time in national office. Using the stipulation of before starting his run for President or using the actual work scheduled days of the senate.

In reality he had worked towards being a National office holder for 1 year before assuming that office in Jan. 2004
It is now 4 and a half years since then.

A Master's degree takes about 5 years. And it's not like this is medical or scientific work. That stuff is like plate tectonics. World affairs are about basic knowledge followed by perpetual shifts. That requires mental horsepower more than the a diesel pickup with 200,000 miles on it.


eznark said:
Doesn't choosing the quintessential insider as his VP make Obama's "change" platform hypocritical?

it's politics, it would be hypocritical to try and be genuine.

Absolutely, as you should know from my criticisms of the Biden pick on that night. I do not like Biden.

I would argue however that the attack on experience was a far more central point in this election.
She seems to be pretty pro-gay rights, for a republican anyway.

Absolutely, as you should know from my criticisms of the Biden pick on that night. I do not like Biden.

So give me another dem more ready to be president if the unthinkable happens? The only other one you could argue is Clinton, but that wasn't going to happen.


Amir0x said:
Absolutely, as you should know from my criticisms of the Biden pick on that night. I do not like Biden.

I would argue however that the attack on experience was a far more central point in this election.

sorry, I've mostly avoided this thread because of the bloat and it moves too fast for me to keep up at work, however today I figure a 1000 eyes scanning the nets will pick up the VP pick faster than I.

There is nothing more central in this election than Obama's "Change" theme, so I dispute your point. (And before you accuse me of fanboyism, I hate both picks)
Amir0x said:

While the true story of how everyone ranked and how the decision was made will come to light as it always does I never truly believed Ridge or Lieberman ever really had a shot because of the base. I'm sure they will say that both men were considered but I would have been stunned with either pick (and secretly delighted as a Democrat).

I think they were always going to pick among a slate of "safe" Republicans.


ViperVisor said:
In reality he had worked towards being a National office holder for 1 year before assuming that office in Jan. 2004
It is now 4 and a half years since then.

Bit of a stretch counting campaigning as experience isn't it? Unless you consider Ralph Nader to have presidential experience as well.
about Palin said:
Highlights of Governor Palin's tenure include a successful push for an ethics bill, and also shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending.

No wonder she's being rumored with McCain... a woman after his own heart!


Stoney Mason said:
While the true story of how everyone ranked and how the decision was made will come to light as it always does I never truly believed Ridge or Lieberman ever really had a shot because of the base. I'm sure they will say that both men were considered but I would have been stunned with either pick (and secretly delighted as a Democrat).

I think they were always going to pick among a slate of "safe" Republicans.

The base already hates McCain. Lieberman would have been interesting because I think it would have made it a race between the Democratic ticket (McCain/Lieberman) and the Radical ticket. McCain could have stopped pretending to be a "conservative" and ran as what he is, an asshole. But that ticket would provide a real moderate ticket and could more easily have painted Obama as the extreme progressive he is.

That shit would have been entertaining!


Tobor said:
Palin is an excellent choice...if you're a Democrat.


She's cute though...
eznark said:
The base already hates McCain.

But I think either of those two picks would have been the slap in the face to potentially not vote. A Republican orthodox candidate while not especially sexy to the media would not have been the proverbial straw to the camel's back of the base.

Palin is a better choice imo because she is orthodox and it will be a bit of a sexy story for the media.
cnn said:
A Republican insider said this month that McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has called several state party chairmen and indicated that Ridge will be the Republican vice presidential pick this cycle.

During his interview with KDKA, McCain praised Ridge, saying, "he's a great American and a great and dear friend, and I rely on him, and I have for many years."

Anyone watching MSNBC? I have no idea what they were just cracking up about but they had to cut to commercial because Morning Joe and his cohost couldn't stop laughing.
Huzah said:
Bit of a stretch counting campaigning as experience isn't it? Unless you consider Ralph Nader to have presidential experience as well.

At least you didn't act a fool when replying.

The baby holding part of campaigning is not what I am talking about. You have to school yourself on things the people will ask you about and if you don't have a clue about something your opponent with rip you.

And the Obama campaign is big business. Ten's of millions of dollars and countless hours of work.

Then again Alex Smith managed to get himself drafted #1.


Junior Member
ViperVisor said:
At least you didn't act a fool when replying.

The baby holding part of campaigning is not what I am talking about. You have to school yourself on things the people will ask you about and if you don't have a clue about something your opponent with rip you.

you don't have the mental horsepower to argue politics
MSNBC is saying it's not Palin either, as she's still in AK. They're saying it's likely Lieberman now. That's just... probably the worst possible pick, if true.


ratcliffja said:
MSNBC is saying it's not Palin either, as she's still in AK. They're saying it's likely Lieberman now. That's just... probably the worst possible pick, if true.
The truth is, the cable news shows know jack shit. But they need tof fill up the time :D


Chili Con Carnage!
I only have to read Wikipedia to think of 1 major problem having Ridge as vice-president, god knows what the Democrats could dig up.


She has a strong record of reform, going all the way back to her time in local politics.. She ruffled a lot of feathers in Alaska.

She's awfully inexperienced, but I think she's a stong choice. If it's her, I would be satisfied.

I'm mostly glad to hear that it's not Romney or Pawlenty.
I can't help but imagine all these blackberry messages they're checking are a littany of "ZOMG DO YOU KNOW WHO?!?!?" and Mika just shakes her head again and again.



drawer by drawer
BenjaminBirdie said:
I can't help but imagine all these blackberry messages they're checking are a littany of "ZOMG DO YOU KNOW WHO?!?!?" and Mika just shakes her head again and again.




Oh man, I am totally listening to Limbaugh today if it's Lieberman.

shit is going to be as much fun as air america in 04


CNN: Someone who works at the airport says a woman and two children got off the plane and into white vans, calling it a very “secretive” flight. Palin has two teenage sons among her five children.

But Palin's spokeperson said she going to Alaska's state fair.



Lieberman or Ridge would be a terrible choice. He'd basically be conceding the election.
delirium said:
CNN: Someone who works at the airport says a woman and two children got off the plane and into white vans, calling it a very “secretive” flight. Palin has two teenage sons among her five children.

But Palin's spokeperson said she going to Alaska's state fair.

This would fit with the earlier reports. I think the Ridge thing is a smokescreen.
eznark said:
This IS brilliant politically from McCain. Obama's chosen one speech has been relegated to second fiddle this morning.
If you watched the speech you can't relegate it in your mind. And I bet most people did.
delirium said:
CNN: Someone who works at the airport says a woman and two children got off the plane and into white vans, calling it a very “secretive” flight. Palin has two teenage sons among her five children.

But Palin's spokeperson said she going to Alaska's state fair.


They said the same thing about Romney yesterday.


ViperVisor said:
At least you didn't act a fool when replying.

The baby holding part of campaigning is not what I am talking about. You have to school yourself on things the people will ask you about and if you don't have a clue about something your opponent with rip you.

Well when your oppenant was Alan Keyes I don't know how much preparing you are going to need. Now if he defeated the original canidate Jack Ryan, that might be something. Obama's lack of experience is a cocern more so in the angle that he hasn't been really challanged politically. What were the controversial legislation he has voted on, how does he respond when he fails or he's wrong and how does he recover, how does he react when he has to face a hostile crowd, will he break party lines to work with the opposition and so on. We can only take his word that he will do these things, but that's all it is, a promise, and people should not treat it as a fact.

I really wish Obama will take McCain's town hall challange, as I want to see him react in a neutral non scripted envrionment where he can't use his superior oratory skills to woo the crowd with rhetoric.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
you know, none of you have any clue how these VP picks will play out. Strong arguments can be made on both sides for any of them. I personally would like to see liberman or just somebody not based on a perceived weakness or amount of delegates they can get, but the most qualified, best person for the job. I realize that generally gets lost in the idea of WE MUST WIN!! but its far more important.
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