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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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As long as she can hold her own in the public spotlight, this is a fantastic pick. The pick of Palin will get people excited much more so than Biden.
The Chosen One said:
Either way this is McCain's first big executive decision and he's flunking with flying colors. He's making a extremely reactive decision. It really doesn't seem this was well thought out at all.

If you were McCain who would you have picked?
Huzah said:
Well I think Dan Quayle's downfall was his public gaffe problems, the potato potatoe, the kennedy smackdown etc.

People, VP selection probably only has effect on voters on the fence, and most voters on the fence are people who don't pay much attention to politics or think deeply about it.

Ultimately much like Biden I don't think this pick moves the dial very much. In hindsight it's the safe strategy pick because he doesn't lose anything and this is his bid to gain more women and soften his image. Whether that works will be TBD.

People will spin it both ways but unless she is an unusually good speaker this is still coming down to Obama and Mccain.

While I think it's a good pick, I'm not overly worried about it.
VanMardigan said:
Kiss the DNC buzz goodbye, cause this weekend's going to be all about Palin.

Have you watched the news lately? This weekend's not going to be about anything political. This is why this is such a disastrously terrible pick. Its primary reasoning seems to be generating attention and stealing it from Obama. What they failed to notice is that a gigantic hurricaine is bearing down on New Orleans. AGAIN. They could have easily made a competent pick that might make waves with their base but ultimately they'd be able to sneak it under the radar because of providence.

This is McCain's first executive decision and it is a pretty significantly poor one.
VanMardigan said:
Kiss the DNC buzz goodbye, cause this weekend's going to be all about Palin. And really, there was no other viable pick that would have the kind of short term positive impact and buzz that Palin will have. The only question is, how will she help the ticket beyond the short term buzz. If it's Palin, it's the perfect pick for McCain right now. I'm not so sure about a month from now, though.
You're getting a little carried away here. Some things grow over time, but things like 'buzz' are extremely overrated. I'm not saying that Palin is bad pick, or that he won't get some much needed attention in a weekend that was supposed to be about talking about Obama's speech ad nauseum, but I think you're getting a little carried away here that this is some sort of brilliant, masterful stroke here by McCain, and that it completely undermines the entire DNC.


God forbid but McCain is old as dirt and could drop dead during office. Then Palin becomes prez? Good luck selling that..


Azrael said:
She doesn't, but I think the Republicans know they aren't going to close the gap on the economy this election. They're relying on a mix of identity politics (people who won't vote for Obama because he's black + voters who will vote for McCain because Palin has a vagina) and foreign policy, which is laughable because eight years of neocon foreign policy has been disastrous and McCain is even more neocon than Bush, but the average American is more ignorant/uninformed about foreign policy than any other issue, and they gravitate to who talks toughest every time.

I have to disagree with your view that McCain is a neocon. It seems to me, neocon is being pushed as an buzzword to call any Republican candidate evil and tie them to the dismal presidency of Bush.


when is my burrito
pxleyes said:
I wasn't alive then...is that a good thing?

Picking a woman who generally isn't very qualified just for the sake of picking a woman. Good or bad? Depends on what side you're on.

I'm gonna say it may have been the 2nd best choice for McCain but still isn't a very good one.
Under investigation for firing

But Palin’s seemingly bright future was clouded in late July when the state legislature voted to hire an independent investigator to find out whether she tried to have a state official fire her ex-brother-in-law from his job as a state trooper.

The allegation was made by former Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, whom Palin fired in mid-July.

Oh, John.
Hahahahaha, Palin? :lol :lol

Couldn't be more transparent, but hey, there were a lot of uninformed and stupid people voting during the primaries that I bet McCain is happy to scoop up.


I think this is the best choice McCain could have made, even if that means a giant among midgets.

Still essentially meaningless after today, however, unless she's a tremendously charismatic speaker or something.


Hail to the KING baby
KingGondo said:
As long as she can hold her own in the public spotlight, this is a fantastic pick. The pick of Palin will get people excited much more so than Biden.

too bad after announcements no one gives a shit about vps.

well, except when the presidential nominee is really old and people start thinking about the one heartbeat away thing.



Palin hunts and ice fishes.

McCain just won Wisconsin

Alaska. Are you kidding me? Nobody cares about Alaska and it isn't even connected to the U.S., LULZ.

huh? He didn't pick Alaska, he picked Palin. And uh, Delaware?


Seems smart to me, though I don't know much about her. A woman to pick up female votes, including disaffected Clinton supporters. And someone fiercely pro-life to hold the conservative vote.

Now if she's as dumb as some of you say, that's another matter. I'd bang her, though.


shooting blanks
Fuck picking a woman, slimy bastards. I knew it couldnt be Romney, it wouldve been too easy. I am rocking the obama gamer pic on xbox live though, lol
AstroLad said:
too bad after announcements no one gives a shit about vps.

well, except when the presidential nominee is really old and people start thinking about the one heartbeat away thing.



They were better off picking MICHAEL Palin. Dear lord.


TheKingsCrown said:

The Clintons will destroy Mccain over this.

And I also have a feeling that men will vote overwhelmingly for Obama in this election now.
I can only hope. It would be great if this pick is what got the Clintons most excited about campaigning for Obama.


AstroLad said:
too bad after announcements no one gives a shit about vps.

well, except when the presidential nominee is really old and people start thinking about the one heartbeat away thing.


As stated before, she still has more executive experience than Obama or Biden.

I'm honestly not sure this changes much. No one voted for Bush because of how awesome Cheney is. FDR didn't get elected because Truman was the bees knees. This gets McCain a few extra votes, maybe.


One of the first talking points: Before being elected governor of Alaska in 2006, she was mayor of Wasilla.

Population: 5,400

Via Politico
pxleyes said:
I wasn't alive then...is that a good thing?

:lol :lol



But this isn't a bad pick. It's a really smart and safe pick. Good luck explaining how she's ready to be president, but overall a good pick for McCain.

By the way, I don't know where sources are getting this "barely over a year as being gov" stuff. From what I've read, she was sworn in January of '06 putting her at 2 1/2 years.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Fuck picking a woman, slimy bastards. I knew it couldnt be Romney, it wouldve been too easy. I am rocking the obama gamer pic on xbox live though, lol

Because no one wanted Obama to pick Sebelius.


Gabriel Knight
she must be a good pick if she is getting GAF all bitter

wow to all the attacks on her already

reading her bio - she appears to be a great candidate and her being a milf is also a plus.

this race just got a whole lot interesting.


LOL, Hutchinson on CNN "I really don't know that much about her."

That's not a good sign.:lol

Gash: I'm pretty sure some of us have given actual reasons why the pick makes no sense:p


pxleyes said:
I can only hope. It would be great if this pick is what got the Clintons most excited about campaigning for Obama.

I don't think the Clintons will ever be excited about campaigning for Obama. You think they give a shit about Palin? If people look beyond the female thing (and many here obviously aren't), she is the perfect ideological fit for McCain.


Hail to the KING baby
KingGondo said:
As stated before, she still has more executive experience than Obama or Biden.


well, pre-owned by post above so i won't even bother

oh ho ho

also way to defend your assertion that the pick getting people excited means shit. nice that you already gave that up.

is this your first election? welcome!
If this pick doesn't PROVE how scared the Republicans are, nothing will.

And doesn't this essentially kill McCain's experience argument, since she's so new? Easily the most transparent and tactical decision I've ever seen in politics.



testicles on a cold fall morning
he's going hard after the low-hanging PUMA fruit. i don't know much about Palin to say anything otherwise.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
I have a feeling that McCain was waiting to see how the convention would go before making his pick, had he seen more discord between Clinton and Obama supporters, he would have gone with someone like Romney, but since they seem to have made up he is going to have another go at picking up PUMAs.
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