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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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mckmas8808 said:
Probably, but who the hell will McCain choose? Romney?! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

There's 1,000 hours worth of stuff Romney said against McCain.
The only known veep pick for McCain that worries me is Huckabee. I find his politics rather scary, but he's charming. And people fall for that.

Romney would be a godsend.
mckmas8808 said:
Probably, but who the hell will McCain choose? Romney?! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

There's 1,000 hours worth of stuff Romney said against McCain.

Romney vs. McCain would be a gold mine. They're already trying to push that Biden was dead set against Obama already so they better not go there....or actually I hope they do.

The McMittens ticket will be mega-lulz-worthy.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
there's still a chance mccain won't pick romney

remember just yesterday it was lieberman lieberman lieberman

Biden would absolutely destroy that turncoat in a debate. I can't wait.


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Byakuya769 said:
.. Yea, disrespecting the religions of other people is the best way to sail into the white house!
Byakuya769 said:
.. Yea, disrespecting the religions of other people is the best way to sail into the white house!

Relax. We all know that would not be something Biden would say (or would he?). It was still funny though.


Byakuya769 said:
.. Yea, disrespecting the religions of other people is the best way to sail into the white house!
Biden can put foot in mouth pretty bad but he wouldnt go there thats removed from ticket territory
maximum360 said:
Romney vs. McCain would be a gold mine. They're already trying to push that Biden was dead set against Obama already so they better not go there....or actually I hope they do.
The fact that they are going there tells me that Romney is a no go. My money's on Ridge or Lieberman, but the lulz-miner in me longs for Giuliani.
laserbeam said:
Biden can put foot in mouth pretty bad but he wouldnt go there thats removed from ticket territory

I dont think he would either, but I just found that joke a bit disrespectful to mormons..


Romney? Moar liek BOMBNEY amirite

I think me and a couple of other people used that term way back during the Iowa and NH primaries actually :lol


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Byakuya769 said:
I dont think he would either, but I just found that joke a bit disrespectful to mormons..
We're working with a candidate who is a secret Muslim terrorist. A little polygamy is small potatoes comparatively, yeah?
polyh3dron said:
The fact that they are going there tells me that Romney is a no go. My money's on Ridge or Lieberman, but the lulz-miner in me longs for Giuliani.

Ok, so we'll just leave out the verb. Thus, a noun, 911, and a POW is their strategy? Good luck.

Romney looks like a car salesman. Giuliani looks like that car salesman's crooked manager.
if i were biden i would keep saying "of course i meant what i said during the primaries. this is why we're running together - i will help senator obama with my experience." or something to that effect.
woeds said:
So, what about this clip of Biden saying back in June
'If asked, I will say yes. But I do NOT want to be asked'
I'm guessing that'll end up in a McCain ad, together with Biden saying he doesn't think Obama is ready.

I don't think that will really be much of an issue. Almost everyone says it's a job they're not interested in when prodded. I mean the long running joke is that it's a job that no one wants and no one turns down. If anything, the only notable thing about that is that he actually said he would say yes. You can find endless clips of people saying they aren't interested in the job, but there probably aren't many that actually admit they would definitely take it.
polyh3dron said:
The fact that they are going there tells me that Romney is a no go. My money's on Ridge or Lieberman, but the lulz-miner in me longs for Giuliani.

First thing I thought of when I saw their response. Romney's off the short list and I'd say smart money's on Ridge.


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Tyrone Slothrop said:
if i were biden i would keep saying "of course i meant what i said during the primaries. this is why we're running together - i will help senator obama with my experience." or something to that effect.
Hellllllllllllllllllllllll no.

Worst fucking idea ever. Like ever.
reilo said:
Lieberman, Romney, or Giuliani would be :lol epic.

If by epic, you mean "epically bad" then yes, they would be.

if i were biden i would keep saying "of course i meant what i said during the primaries. this is why we're running together - i will help senator obama with my experience." or something to that effect.

Saying you hate your running mate is the equivalent of political suicide.
maynerd said:
I'm down with Biden if this is true. But I'm really disappointed that we didn't get the text first.

According to Lynn Sweet you should throw a hissy fit and demand that the Obama camp never mislead Obama's supporters by allowing the 'unauthorized' leaking of the VP choice ahead of schedule.


MSNBC is running a loop showing Obama and Biden together.

When Biden is talking to Obama in the House Obama looks so engaged in what Biden is saying, and he has the perfect body language, leaning forward ever so slightly.
VPhys said:
MSNBC is running a loop showing Obama and Biden together.

When Biden is talking to Obama in the House Obama looks so engaged in what Biden is saying, and he has the perfect body language, leaning forward ever so slightly.

Obama even had Biden drinking the Kool-Aid. Now it's Obama-Aid 24/7.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Wasn't the media tipped off with the arrival of Secret Service to Biden's home?
Pretty much then sources came forward to confirm it. All that kick ass work to keep it top secret but they kept the game going too long. Night before the reveal especially with a planned appearance in another state was bound to leak the person


polyh3dron said:
Mitt Romney once said that his favorite book was L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
maximum360 said:
According to Lynn Sweet you should throw a hissy fit and demand that the Obama camp never mislead Obama's supporters by allowing the 'unauthorized' leaking of the VP choice ahead of schedule.

She's trying to get more popular on the national circuit.


Biden kinda sounds like Bidan, like Kamille Bidan. Gundam is cool, therefore Biden must be cool.

Vote +1 for Obama.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Poor MSNBC, having a GQ reporter on to talk about the VP choice. Everyone else is sleeping.


Junior Member
here's a quote from my dad:

"i think he chose biden as a gift to hillary, because in eight years he will be too old to run for president and she will be able to take the spot. i really think this pick was done to appease hillary."

Though I don't agree with some of Biden's opinions and voting record, I think he will help get more votes for Obama. I mean that's about all any VP is used for. :lol I'm hoping Clark will be picked for a more useful role in the Cabinet, like Secretary of Defense.

I don't think McCain will pick Romney, since he will only hurt his chances. I really REALLY don't want McCain to pick Huckabee, because then he might actually win the election, and Huckabee scares me. We've had enough years of a religious fundy in the White House.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
It is amazing to see that the media doesn't get the picture of that Obama wanted to run with the housing stuff this week. That is why the VP pick was late.


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WalkMan said:
Finally! We can now make Obama Bin Biden jokes.
That website I linked can suit all of your needs.

It's got Obama Bin Biden shirts, buttons, stickers and hats! Make sure to place the bumper stickers right next to your truck nuts!



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Biden, this is fucking great. i've loved the guy ever since he called bull shit (literally) on Bush's Obama comments.
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