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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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GAF's Bob Woodward
quadriplegicjon said:
remember the big stink just a few days ago about obama's long lost brother being ashamed and living in a shack!!???? remember how certain people on here were badmouthing obama because of his supposed treatment of his brother? well... turns out it was crap:


There's a video here too:


It's a pretty weird/amazing situation.

I'm sure there's no small amount of pride involved in the brother saying, basically, that he's happy as he is. In the video, one of the brother's neighbours does say she thinks Obama should come and see how his brother is living and the kind of conditions they deal with there.

I think from a political point of view, what might be interesting to observers is to what degree Barrack reached out to his half-brother and/or tried to help (even if that help was refused). From the video there's the suggestion that there was just one awkward bit of contact between them. I'm not sure how well that reflects on Barrack.

These are very personal issues of course, but it's a very very unusual and interesting situation.


The line of attack I'd love to see the Obama camp explore further is the one Obama recently implied when he said: "The guys that brought you George Bush are now packaging McCain". The implication goes beyond the simple McSame-as-Bush message: in essence it's about McCain delivering himself completely to the Rove set. I'd go so far as to explicitly ask the question "If he's not running his own campaign, why should we let him run the country?" which begs the question "And who would be in charge if we do?" The answer, of course, is the lobbyists, the oil guys, the special interests -- the same old cronies.

This would neatly sidestep the fact that voters seem to personally like McCain and it would be a hard to convince them he's a jackass. Heck, I think most voters still kinda feel Bush, as a person, isn't too unsympathetic, they just feel he let us down and sold us out (it's 'puppetmasters' like Cheney they truly despise). Attacking the surrogates would then suffice; it'd be akin to attacking McCain for not standing up to them, which is actually an extremely harsh character attack on McCain, whilst seeming like an attack directed at others.

There's a lot of stuff that fits into this narrative, among them the meme of the negative ads not really 'sounding like McCain' (so everytime the McCain camp runs one, they would actually reinforce this message), and of course the hilarious story of McCain's curtailed cellphone privileges,.

It would work mainly because it's probably true: I think most people really do believe that when McCain reshuffled his staff, he told them something akin to "I'm at your mercy, do your thing".
GhaleonEB said:
I'm not at all bitter. In fact, this entire time I never thought, "oh no it's not Sebelius". I've been thinking, "oh SHIT it's Biden :("
This choice seems to weaken Obama's sparkle as the change agent. At the same time he is having trouble with the older more change adverse voters. The choice of Biden will connect these voters with a sense of the familiar and proven

This choice greatly weakens McCain celebrity attacks that must have been damaging Obama with these very voters. An Obama Biden ticket feels far more anchored by Biden's experience than Obama 08 standing alone for the risk adverse voter.

For me this is not a choice that excites me as did Clinton's choice of Gore, but my head says yes this may just work even if my heart is not in it.


force push the doodoo rock
GrotesqueBeauty said:

And yet, he is running with Barack. I wonder what normal people's reactions to this will be.

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Oh dear god.
Deus Ex Machina said:
This choice seems to weaken Obama's sparkle as the change agent. At the same time he is having trouble with the older more change adverse voters. The choice of Biden will connect these voters with a sense of the familiar and proven

This choice greatly weakens McCain celebrity attacks that must have been damaging Obama with these very voters. An Obama Biden ticket feels far more anchored by Biden's experience than Obama 08 standing alone for the risk adverse voter.

For me this is not a choice that excites me as did Clinton's choice of Gore, but my head says yes this may just work even if my heart is not in it.

I don't see a problem with it at all. Obi Wan needed a Yoda in Revenge Of The Sith.
Can you imagine what they would be running if Hillary had somehow gotten picked against all odds? It blows my mind that people in this very thread thought she would be a good running mate after the primaries.


I do love that Drudge has "McCain camp slams Biden VP pick, developing......"

No shit, McCain camp slams every single thing that occurs on the trail.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So Biden is on the ticket. Nice, I always liked him in the primaries. Biden seems like the kind of guy who could help Obama fend off attacks from McCain.

Now we just have to wait and see who McCain's pick is.


Ya know, for all the talk about Veeps being attack dogs and whatnot, was Edwards ever anything even approaching something like that?


Grizzlyjin said:
Now we just have to wait and see who McCain's pick is.
When do you think we will see it? I can't wait myself. I always start doing my more indepth research on the candidates when they have their VP's selected. You are voting for 2 men, not one!


sp0rsk said:
And yet, he is running with Barack. I wonder what normal people's reactions to this will be.

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Oh dear god.
That's kinda cute


I think there was a 90% chance of it being Romney until McCain stepped in it and suddenly the world realized he married rich and really doesn't know shit about the economic world most of us live in. Now it'll be a tougher sell to have him matched with a businessman who literally made his living buying companies then stripping them out and shipping them away. :p
Tamanon said:
Ya know, for all the talk about Veeps being attack dogs and whatnot, was Edwards ever anything even approaching something like that?

I don't think Edwards really had the demeanor. He passive-aggressively took digs at Cheney in the debate, but that's about it. Biden knows McCain very well, knows his ins and outs.

By the way, it is worth bringing up this now hilarious article from 4 years ago:

Biden endorses a Kerry-McCain ticket
So I got the text at 2:40 AM this morning. If they had just waited 20 more minutes, it could have pissed off Clinton supporters even more.
Got mine at 3:24am; I actually woke up at 4, checked my phone and saw it, kinda contemplated coming downstairs to post...then went back to bed.

It was perhaps the safest choice Obama could have made. He gets an attack dog who also has foreign policy experience - two birds with one stone. But Mandark brings up some good points in opposition:

Mandark said:
Not too thrilled personally. Biden seems to be solidly in the middle of the Democratic Party and has done some good on things like college tuition and violence against women. But he was a sponsor of and driving force behind the godawful bankruptcy bill a couple years ago.

In any case he's not as energized by domestic stuff as he is by foreign policy. He tends to be pretty accurate and insightful when he summarizes a geopolitical brouhaha (unlike Lieberman et al who are describing fictional worlds) but he always seems to follow it up with a solution that overestimates America's ability to shape events outside of its borders.

Like with the current Bush admin the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Advisor will all have to compete with the Office of the Vice President for influence. Biden doesn't strike me as a guy who would be content with attending state funerals and waiting for Obama's death or the odd tiebreaking vote in the Senate.

He'll probably be giving Susan Rice and the rest of Obama's fp team a good workout every day


Setec Astronomer
Two things that people should read anyway, but are even more pertinent with the Biden pick.

(Mentions how Obama hasn't really acted as a true insurgent in he political scene but has come to work the system as it is. Employing a washington insider to help enact his mandate of change is consistent with this.)

(Describes the attitude also mentioned in the oft-repeated interview clip about his upcoming VP choice--that Obama doesn't really want everyone in his cabinet to entirely agree with him.)

Oh, and while we're talking motivations, I recently went over parts of The Audacity of Hope again and noticed how in chapter four Obama outlined his main complaints with the modern practice of fundraising and found it made his eventual decision to opt out of public financing much more understandable.


Besides, Biden seems a good casting choice for LBJ The Second.
So if things go well for Joebama, is it safe to assume Biden is another VP who wouldn't try for the big chair afterward? In 2016 he'd be nearly two years older than McCain is now.
PhoenixDark said:
He'll probably be giving Susan Rice and the rest of Obama's fp team a good workout every day
Good chance of that.

But who knows. He might realize that what he's doing is fairly important and not fuck up too badly.
I wonder if that ad subtly hints that Romney won't be the pick. Biden has criticized Obama a couple times but never harshly; even the "not ready" jive would be easy to wiggle out of ("I didn't think he was ready at the time, but as I watched him campaign with such wit and grace blah blah blah"). On the other hand Romney and McCain went at each other harder than Obama and Hillary went at each other. Running a hypocritical ad campaign would certainly be nothing new for the McCain camp, but I can imagine some RNC folks are hoping those Romney rumors aren't true


BenjaminBirdie said:
Man if McCain really picks Romney, Biden's gonna make him look like Dan fucking Qualyle in the debates.

Romney is pretty sharp and is an alot better speaker then Dan Quayle.
An interesting pick to be sure. But the Republicans are nuts if they think that pointing out that he attacked Obama is going to do anything but get Obama more votes.

They are essentially saying: "OMG he attacked Obama.", but then immediately the person realizes: "Biden said yes to be his vp slot.". It essentially leads them to support Obama, because either they agree with Biden or they agree with Obama, both of which are found on the same ticket.
Thunder Monkey said:
But who knows. He might realize that what he's doing is fairly important and not fuck up too badly.

I'd say he is learning, he managed to keep quiet during all this anticipation and act really nice to the reporters. Knowing him, he could've made some inappropriate jokes here and there that would get blown up.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Vgamer said:
Romney is pretty sharp and is an alot better speaker then Dan Quayle.

I'll agree, Romney's issues lay elsewhere.
Vgamer said:
Romney is pretty sharp and is an alot better speaker then Dan Quayle.

I think he was saying Biden is so much better at speaking that he will make it seem like there is the same gap between him and Romeny the way there is one between the average person and Quayle.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Man if McCain really picks Romney, Biden's gonna make him look like Dan fucking Qualyle in the debates.

Seriously. The man probably has more foreign policy experience than both McCain and whoever he picks as VP combined. :lol
RubxQub said:
McCain spokesman:

"There has been no harsher critic of Obama's readiness to lead this country than Joe Biden."

Actually, wouldn't Hillary Clinton be a harsher critic?

Anyways, Biden's cool. I'm just happy that it wasn't Hillary Clinton. That would have been a shoot-in-the-foot choice right there.
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