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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Is anyone watching the convention stream? :lol someone should give these speakers some teleprompter training, this is sad to watch



"And in the end, after all that’s happened these past 19 months, the Barack Obama I know today is the same man I fell in love with 19 years ago. He’s the same man who drove me and our new baby daughter home from the hospital ten years ago this summer, inching along at a snail’s pace, peering anxiously at us in the rearview mirror, feeling the whole weight of her future in his hands, determined to give her everything he’d struggled so hard for himself, determined to give her what he never had: the affirming embrace of a father’s love."

On Biden . . .
speculawyer said:
Has been a whore for the banks
Can have diarhea of the mouth
From a solid blue-state so no help in a red state like Bayh, Kaine, Clark, seebelius, etc.

I knew this would come up . .. :-/

MBNA paid Biden son at critical time for bill
WASHINGTON - A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.

Barack Obama's presidential campaign said Biden helped forge a bipartisan compromise on the measure, which is now law and makes it harder for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the courts.

MBNA's consulting payments to Hunter Biden, first reported by The New York Times, followed his departure in 2001 from the company, where he had been an executive.

Obama opposed the bankruptcy law, enacted in 2005, while Biden supported it.

David Wade, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said that "after working in the Clinton administration in the Department of Commerce on Internet privacy and online commerce issues, Hunter consulted for five years as an expert on these very same issues at a time of enormous expansion in online banking."

At the time Hunter Biden was receiving consulting payments from MBNA, he also was a Washington lobbyist at a firm he had co-founded.

"He was not a lobbyist for MBNA, and his work had absolutely nothing to do with the bankruptcy bill. Zero. Nothing," said Wade.

Resurrecting Biden's role in the bankruptcy legislation could undercut one of the Obama campaign's lines of attack: That his Republican opponent, John McCain, is insensitive to the financial woes of middle-class Americans.

Consumer and civil rights groups and unions, as well as Democratic opponents, had argued that the bankruptcy legislation was unfair to low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly, and would remove a safety net for those who have lost their jobs or face mounting medical bills.

But at least . . . I can post this:


"I think tonight is going to be kind of an awesome night."

I dig Rachel's style, man. Even though she's literally rocking my Bar Mitzvah haircut from 1989.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
reilo said:

*takes off headphones*


I just see Olbermann and Mathews, what is this madness?!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Olbermann mentioned them in the introduction! They'll be correspondents later on.


testicles on a cold fall morning
friends don't let friends watch the convention on CNN or MSNBC -

please, for the love of god watch PBS, even though Brooks is currently on Newshour. HD to boot!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
reilo said:
Olbermann mentioned them in the introduction! They'll be correspondents later on.
I see...

*tosses headphones back on and turns up Viva la Vida*


scorcho said:
friends don't let friends watch the convention on CNN or MSNBC -

please, for the love of god watch PBS, even though Brooks is currently on Newshour. HD to boot!

Normally I'd agree with you, but watching Matthews and Olbermann behind the same desk riffin' and snarkin' and shootin' the shit in their absolute glory like two pigs in the mud, it's pretty awesome.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mathews = awesome :lol

He's calling the PUMAs crazy, and while over the last week every person was trying to say "which stands for Party Unity My Behind" or something similar, Mathews just flat out says "Party Unity My Ass."



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
HOLY SHIT! Get McCain away from the god damned wheel, he'll kill us all!

Let's not make this boat number 6, Johnny...here...have a lollipop instead.



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Dax01 said:
Whoa. McCain doesn't support Equal Pay for Equal Work? :lol

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) skipped the vote on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which “restores the longstanding interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,” overturned last year by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling. In New Orleans today, McCain explained his opposition to the bill by claiming it “opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems.” Later in Kentucky, he added that instead of legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay, they simply need “education and training“:

John McCain said:
“They need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else, and it’s hard for them to leave their families when they don’t have somebody to take care of them.

It’s a vicious cycle that’s affecting women, particularly in a part of the country like this, where mining is the mainstay; traditionally, women have not gone into that line of work, to say the least.”


Dax01 said:
What about other occupations?

Sorry Dax, but I believe I heard McCain say that anybody who sucks at Civ Rev will immediately be shipped off to the frontlines of Iraq and/or Afghanistan.


RubxQub said:
HOLY SHIT! Get McCain away from the god damned wheel, he'll kill us all!

Let's not make this boat number 6, Johnny...here...have a lollipop instead.


I was just coming here to post that. Per Ben Smith, they're being handed out en masse in Denver. :lol
Oh shit... that was sooooooooooo Awkkkkwwward

Chris : "Are We Done?"
Joe: "Do you want me to be done?"
Chris: "Ummm well i'll see you tomorrow at the convention"
Joe: "Later chris"
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