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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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scorcho said:
friends don't let friends watch the convention on CNN or MSNBC -

please, for the love of god watch PBS, even though Brooks is currently on Newshour. HD to boot!

I knew the cable news coverage of this event was going to be filled with bullshit pundit commentary and PUMA drama, so I stuck with C-SPAN. You get to see the whole event, uninterrupted with commentary.


Dax01 said:
I'll own you when Gears 2 comes out!

Or we can team up and own Locust in Horde mode!

Damn that was wierd seeing Olbie fighting with Scarborough. It's so rare seeing that because 99.9% of the guests on Countdown agree with Keith :lol


Wow there are quite a lot of old white women at the convention

Also some weird old white guys dancing and making fools of themselves :lol

Dax01 said:
So when are the speeches starting?

Jimmy Carter at 8:35 EST I believe


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Dax01 said:
So when are the speeches starting?
Uh...Michelle Obama is almost done dude.

She started about a half hour ago. Aren't you watching the stream!?

Edit: In case you're freaking out, I'm messing with you again.
I'm sorry!


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Dennis Kucinich: ...and if you like my speech tomorrow, make sure you text "FTW" to 9928355
RubxQub said:
Uh...Michelle Obama is almost done dude.

She started about a half hour ago. Aren't you watching the stream!?

Edit: In case you're freaking out, I'm messing with you again.
I'm sorry!
Holy shit dude, you suck. :lol

Fool me one shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.


Oh, I must've missed the shovel bit. Apparently Olbermann mumbled "get a shovel" while Joe was going on about the McCain camp being super confident and the Obama camp being fearful, that's why he threw out that random poll.:lol


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Dax01 said:
Holy shit dude, you suck. :lol

Fool me one shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Sorry dude, promise that's the last one :D
Tyrone Slothrop said:
so bizarre seeing olberman talking with anybody he disagrees with

If there's one thing I don't like about his show, it's that. Finding republicans that don't spout talking points is a feat but there are a few out there. That's not to say there aren't democrats that do that too (but they're terrible at it most of the times).


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PhoenixDark said:
Is the msnbc stream back up yet, and are they commenting or something? I'm watching the CNN one. Great quality but no commentary
Godd is talking to Olbermann right now on MSNBC (on TV).
speculawyer said:
On Biden . . .


His son is paid ~$500k over a five year period for "consulting". He provides the political cover for the DEMs to finally pass the bill. After it passes, his son's "consulting" gig with MBNA isn't renewed. Nice coincidence.

Bubububububu...TRAIN TO DELAWARE


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siamesedreamer said:
His son is paid ~$500k over a five year period for "consulting". He provides the political cover for the DEMs to finally pass the bill. After it passes, his son's "consulting" gig with MBNA isn't renewed. Nice coincidence.

Bubububububu...TRAIN TO DELAWARE
...why is Biden's son's adult decisions reflective of Biden himself again?


pxleyes said:
How are young voters polling for McCain. Honestly that makes no sense to me.

Both percentages added up to like 51% or something on that poll so I wouldn't think too much of it.


RubxQub said:
...why is Biden's son's adult decisions reflective of Biden himself again?

Think he refers to the fact MBNA exployees make up his largest contributors to his campaign and the fact Biden was one of the only Democrats to support the Bill so it kinda raises some flags
pxleyes said:
How are young voters polling for McCain. Honestly that makes no sense to me.
A new Harvard Institute of Politics poll of young voters shows Sen. Barack Obama with a huge 23 point lead over Sen. John McCain, 55% to 32% with 13% undecided.

This lead is virtually unchanged since the last poll in the spring before the Democratic nomination was settled.

Key finding: "Overall, 62% of young voters report that they are excited (23% very excited, 39% somewhat excited) about the upcoming election, including 69% of 18 to 24 year olds currently in college."


pxleyes said:
How are young voters polling for McCain. Honestly that makes no sense to me.

wait you mean to say you dont understand how someone can disagree with you? could it be because they dont like obama? i dont see how being young means you have to vote for obama.


laserbeam said:
Think he refers to the fact MBNA exployees make up his largest contributors to his campaign and the fact Biden was one of the only Democrats to support the Bill so it kinda raises some flags

Yeah, I think it's a pretty valid point.
laserbeam said:
Think he refers to the fact MBNA exployees make up his largest contributors to his campaign and the fact Biden was one of the only Democrats to support the Bill so it kinda raises some flags.

aka "distractions"


minus_273 said:
wait you mean to say you dont understand how someone can disagree with you? could it be because they dont like obama? i dont see how being young means you have to vote for obama.


minus_273 said:
wait you mean to say you dont understand how someone can disagree with you? could it be because they dont like obama? i dont see how being young means you have to vote for obama.
:lol That was hardly my point you jackass.
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