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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
worldrunover said:
"Can someone with a funny sounding name win on a ticket?" (referring to Pawlenty)

LOL Matthews is lost sometimes.
could just be the true Matthews coming out


testicles on a cold fall morning
David Brooks (on the current mini-town hall at the convention): Democrats are making the world safe for panelled discussions.

i'll admit, i :lol
Ok, so Clinton people are unhappy about her losing... even though it was done so within the rules of the party and Obama basically runs on the same exact issue.

It makes no fucking sense to me.


Tamanon said:

Ben Smith's got a good point, I don't recall any time I've ever seen the RNC just not even mention their Presidential candidate on the website.

T...time until Joe Biden's next GAFFE? And the clock is not even counting down, it's counting up!

i mean i guess that sort of thing made a young intern with big web design aspirations very happy when his crotchety point of contact applauded him in a showing of classical out-of-touch web mentality, but it's sort of sad too

Also there is ONE mention of McCain:

08.25.08 - They Said It! Clinton Supporter Lanny Davis On McCain And Obama


Dax01 said:
Bill Clinton doesn't really like Obama, does he? Hopefully his speech at the convention shows all of his support for Obama, though.

Reports are Bill feels Obama pretty much shit all over his Presidency. I tend to believe that Bill is pissed off it seems pretty damn apparent. Of course the Obama camp says everything is perfect.

I think thats why they are trying to steer Bills speech so much and not let him go the route he wants. He may not be anti-Obama in his speech but he may go into a protective stance
Dax01 said:
Bill Clinton doesn't really like Obama, does he? Hopefully his speech at the convention shows all of his support for Obama, though.

He's still mad they painted him as a racist after South Carolina... even though Bill basically said the only reason he won was because he was black and they have a lot of black people in SC.


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Where the hell did this Chuck Todd lisp come from? :lol

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
worldrunover said:
Ok, so Clinton people are unhappy about her losing... even though it was done so within the rules of the party and Obama basically runs on the same exact issue.

It makes no fucking sense to me.

I'm sure that at the start of her campaign, when it looked like smooth sailing, she was promising a lot of cozy gigs for people and they were counting their chickens before they hatched. They can't have those jobs now since Barack is the nominee. People like Patti Solis Doyle got lucky.
Bill is also supposedly pissed that he has to speak on the national security theme night. He would rather talk about the economy. I think I heard that correctly while at work today.


That's really odd about the gop page. Almost like they have no candidate, or are ashamed of theirs (which they might possibly be)
worldrunover said:
Ok, so Clinton people are unhappy about her losing... even though it was done so within the rules of the party and Obama basically runs on the same exact issue.

It makes no fucking sense to me.
You just don't get it, do you? The DNC unfairly destroyed her chance at the nomination through their decisions to not count Florida and Michigan, and by having caucus elections. Sure, these rules were known in advance, and there were no complaints until after the fact, but everyone can see in hindsight that Dean and Pelosi fixed this election!


siamesedreamer said:
Bill is also supposedly pissed that he has to speak on the national security theme night. He would rather talk about the economy. I think I heard that correctly while at work today.

Bill can speak about whatever he wants. Not all speeches on that day are along that theme only.
siamesedreamer said:
Bill is also supposedly pissed that he has to speak on the national security theme night. He would rather talk about the economy. I think I heard that correctly while at work today.

I don't think they'll hold him too strictly to that theme.


testicles on a cold fall morning
worldrunover said:
So MSNBC is the only one showing Pelosi... and their sound doesn't work. Awesome.

EDIT: there we go. Aaaand the Clinton love begins.

on another note, Pelosi's cadence, arching neck and 1,000 watt smile is somewhat disturbing. i'm kinda dreading watching this in HD.
i'm a big admirer of the clintons *dodges thrown bricks* but i think something's wrong with bill mentally. i don't know if it has to do with that heart surgery or whatever, but he's just a bit wonky in the head. unfortunately i think it'll get worse with age unless its diagnosed


I once stumbled into Nancy Pelosi in the Capitol Building. Kanjorski's staff were giving us a tour and it was his first time, and he brought us down the wrong hallway. We were stopped and turned around by security, but not before Nancy Pelosi streamed out of the side door flanked by four bodyguards. It was pretty amusing but she marched through the Rotunda and everbody just got sort of quiet and hushed and a room with hundreds said nothing.


VALIS said:
Pelosi is much more GILF-y than Sebelius. RAWR.
I think he's mostly pissed because he presidency is such a sharp contrast to Republican control that having Obama not recognize that and embrace it is somewhat a slap in the face. At the same time, Hillary was essentially running on his legacy so it'd be a pretty fine needle for him to thread to praise Bill but not boost her.


Karma Kramer said:
They shouldn't of had her speak in my opinion.

I'm not entirely sure how they could have a convention without the speaker of the house...er....speaking. It would be good though.

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