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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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King_Slender said:
From the people crying, you'd think this is the White Guilt Convention.
Yep, those black women have a shitload of white guilt.. fuck outta here with that bs

And yeah, there's no way anyone would cry due to the emotional power the speech had, that would be impossible.. the only answer is white guilt.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Obama totally was like "...baby PLEASE be quiet!" with his reactions. :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
polyh3dron said:
Yep, those black women have a shitload of white guilt.. fuck outta here with that bs
nono. the sheer thought of a white person having emotion for a black candidate equates to white guilt.

again - egad.
Cloudy said:
Yeah, I can get how folks from other countries think it's retarded that the speeches hold so much weight :lol

Well theres that, but its his fucking wife. In the UK you might MIGHT get an interview with the candidates wife in some minor thing. Kids wouldn't be thrown into the spin. The whole thing just seems very choreographed and cheesy.

But *shrug* whatever works I guess.


PantherLotus said:
"hi daddy!" worked but "what city are you in, daddy?" was too much.
It was obvious it was something from the DNC since Obama himself didn't even know about it.

Goddamnit, Obama's camp really need to take over DNC fully.


PantherLotus said:
"hi daddy!" worked but "what city are you in, daddy?" was too much.
She's what, six? You can't script six year olds. I have one, and a three year old. Anyone with kids just saw kids being....kids.
Arde5643 said:
OMG, the kids are so cute - they're gonna grow up so fine. Figuratively and literally. :D



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Brokaw you ass... after that epic speech you bring up Hillary Clinton and the question of "Are the Obama's black enough"

Fucking shit man...go away.
MrPing1000 said:
Well theres that, but its his fucking wife. In the UK you might MIGHT get an interview with the candidates wife in some minor thing. Kids wouldn't be thrown into the spin. The whole thing just seems very choreographed and cheesy.

But *shrug* whatever works I guess.

yeah but this is the only thing that'll abrogate assertions of the obamas as these scary unpatriotic people


GhaleonEB said:
She's what, six? You can't script six year olds. I have one, and a three year old. Anyone with kids just saw kids being....kids.
I dunno man, with how contrived and corny some of the stuffs in the 1st day have been, I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC thought that lil family segment without even letting Barack know will be cute.


Professional Schmuck
GhaleonEB said:
She's what, six? You can't script six year olds. I have one, and a three year old. Anyone with kids just saw kids being....kids.

Oh, no doubt. I'm not saying it was scripted, I'm saying that we got perilously close to exploiting their cuteness. I had a jon-jon moment there (and it was almost ruined).


It's also foreign to the UK viewers becasue they really don't have negative campaigning there, so they don't need some of the ancillary stuff we have here.
Holy fucking shit.

Holy fucking shit.

Holy fucking shit.

That went so perfectly. Throughout that speech, you could see that Obama made the right decision with Joe Biden - I saw him nodding at one point, standing to clap, nearly crying at another. Michelle did EXCELLENT with this speech, holy shit. And then at the end, with the kids, that was just icing on the already perfect cake.

I'm more than satisfied. If Michelle's speech was this good, think about how good Obama's speech will be on Thursday.



Michelle's speech was something else. It really was an extraordinary. I didn't know she had that in her but it really came off as genuine. I can just see Fox right now watching the speech, then saying alright lets find what part we can use to attack them.
Amir0x said:
even Fox News pundits pontificating positively on the speech
pretty good result for Michelle

Except for Bill Kristol. He thought it was a generic speech.

Fox woman is spinning it as a very liberal speech and other guy, "it wasn't a great speech".

Right on point. :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tyrone Slothrop said:
russert's absence is glaring.
yes, what i need right now is a clip of Obama from a year ago directly disproving that he would never be in Kansas City, with Russert then intoning - 'why has he switched?'


Arde5643 said:
I dunno man, with how contrived and corny some of the stuffs in the 1st day have been, I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC thought that lil family segment without even letting Barack know will be cute.
I wonder how much of the back and forth was planned. At least two the interjections from the little one were clearly unexpected. If anything, they should have kept the mic out of her range. :lol
Amazing, amazing, amazing speech. The kids stuff felt forced but damn what a great overall presentation. They understand image

Overall I thought the second half really saved this opening day. Teddy's speech plus Michelle's stole the show


Professional Schmuck
Tyrone Slothrop said:
russert's absence is glaring.

Agreed. I don't think Chris is a strong enough (or credible) enough of a presence to keep Olberman & Co. in check.

maybe the kids hadn't seen him in a minute? i bet they miss him. now i kinda feel bad.
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