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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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GhaleonEB said:
I wonder how much of the back and forth was planned. At least two the interjections from the little one were clearly unexpected. If anything, they should have kept the mic out of her range. :lol
Ghal! You changed your avatar back! :D Yay!


Michelle's speech was titled "An Obligation to Fight For the Way the World Should Be".

Jesus, even the speech's title is perfect.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Speech was better than anything Hillary gave during the campaign and waaay better than anything Kerry did in 04.


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Trakdown said:
Michelle's speech was titled "An Obligation to Fight For the Way the World Should Be".

Jesus, even the speech's title is perfect.
Dude...if there is a Halo 4, that needs to be the title of the last level :lol


Aww, that was awesome.

Michelle is really an inspiring woman, and her speech was great, and really showed off what a remarkable person she is. The kids were cute as well.
Byakuya769 said:
TDG has been complaining for the last few pages..


Dax01 said:
Holy fucking shit.

Holy fucking shit.

Holy fucking shit.

That went so perfectly. Throughout that speech, you could see that Obama made the right decision with Joe Biden - I saw him nodding at one point, standing to clap, nearly crying at another. Michelle did EXCELLENT with this speech, holy shit. And then at the end, with the kids, that was just icing on the already perfect cake.

I'm more than satisfied. If Michelle's speech was this good, think about how good Obama's speech will be on Thursday.


Agreed. 100%.

Michelle was awesome tonight. Not to mention she looked HAWT.

Hillary best come correct tomorrow. We need to keep this momentum going.
Dax01 said:
I'm more than satisfied. If Michelle's speech was this good, think about how good Obama's speech will be on Thursday.


Obama will accept the nomination of the Democratic party in a stadium housing, what, 70,000 people? It will be the first time a black man has ever had the chance to become President, and it will be on the 45th anniversary of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. If he can't pull epic out of that, well I don't know who could.


Chris Wallace on Fox News is saying it was a "wasted night" and saying there's only "4 precious nights" for things to get done and it was wasted.

Translation: The Dems did great but we can't admit it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Trakdown said:
Michelle's speech was titled "An Obligation to Fight For the Way the World Should Be".

Jesus, even the speech's title is perfect.

"An Obligation To Tell People What They Want To Hear" would be more apt ;)

The British newspapers would tear something like that apart as empty, sentimental fluff. Especially with the whole stunt with the kids. The contrast is massive, it's just really odd to see all this slickly done sentimental nonsense being eaten up by everyone and seen as important to the candidate's chances.


APF said:
I agree with the historians on PBS, the kids were the best (only?) vote getters of the night.
While most online probably wont relate, I guarantee that whole speech and then exchange with the kids grabbed a ton of middle American moms' votes.
Well delivered, well paced, passionate but not over the top. You could tell she was cracking a few times but it never got sappy. Overall good job; if her intent was to paint the Obamas as just another American family, mission accomplished.

I also think this was a very important speech (intentional, I'm sure) for all those embittered Clinton PUMAs (cougars?) to show that hey, there is a very strong and capable woman in this campaign, and maybe she's not running for president, but she'll still be a part of his presidency.
August 25, 2008
Carville: Dems wasting first night
Posted: 11:00 PM ET
(CNN) — Have the Democrats wasted the first night of the convention?

Yes, says Democratic Strategist and CNN contributor James Carville.

Speaking on CNN, Carville said the party was too soft in its attacks on John McCain Monday night — the same mistake, Carville says, Democrats made at the 2004 convention.

"The way they planned it was tonight was supposed to be sort of the personal — Michelle Obama will talk about Barack Obama personally, Ted Kennedy was a very personal, emotional speech," Carville said. "But I guarantee on the first night of the Republican Convention, you're going to hear talk about Barack Obama, commander-in-chief, tax cuts, et cetera, et cetera."

"You haven't heard about Iraq or John McCain or George W. Bush — I haven't heard any of this. We are a country that is in a borderline recession, we are an 80 percent wrong-track country. Health care, energy — I haven't heard anything about gas prices," Carville also says. "Maybe we are going to look better Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. But right now, we're playing hide the message."

methinks dems are saving this for Biden's speech


This fox news strategy room (live web feed) is really strange. Its the first time I've watched it so maybe its normal, but the "host" guy was complaining about being neither democrat or republican and saying none of this interests him and that he wishes he was at home. ... what?

This is so odd, I'm guessing this isn't the same as what's on actual TV right now?


monchi-kun said:
methinks dems are saving this for Biden's speech
They didn't want to go negative on day one. Today was the introduction of the Obama family and their biography. Tomorrow is going to be a whole different ball game.


Nash said:
"An Obligation To Tell People What They Want To Hear" would be more apt ;)

The British newspapers would tear something like that apart as empty, sentimental fluff. Especially with the whole stunt with the kids. The contrast is massive, it's just really odd to see all this slickly done sentimental nonsense being eaten up by everyone and seen as important to the candidate's chances.
You don't understand. People need to know he has children, so they'll know he might have second thoughts before surrendering to the terrorists.


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Dax01 said:
I also that it was perfect the way she managed to mention Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in the speech.
Her addition of Hillary Clinton was a good one, and she mentioned Hillary's 18 million votes for her in a positive way, which was an incredible feat on it's on.

18 million cracks in the glass ceiling.

Good stuff.


monchi-kun said:
methinks dems are saving this for Biden's speech

Funny that Carville's complains that tonight was to be "personal" about Obama and Michelle.....then he'd probably sit back and say "but nobody knows Obama!".


monchi-kun said:
methinks dems are saving this for Biden's speech

Methinks Carville is about as unbiased an observer as Bill is. And, like Bill, his antics during the primary have pretty much ruined his credibility.


Professional Schmuck
I agree in a weird way with Carville. They need to turn the attacks up, but perhaps that can be saved for Tuesday and Wednesday. Her speech was perfect and I don't think she should be the attack dog.

That would be Biden's and Clinton's role.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's day 1. You can't have a brutal attack on McCain by Ted Kennedy and you obviously can't have Michelle do it. It just doesn't fit the message.

If Hillary isn't on the offensive tomorrow I'd be surprised.
RubxQub said:
Her addition of Hillary Clinton was a good one, and she mentioned Hillary's 18 million votes for her in a positive way, which was an incredible feat on it's on.

18 million cracks in the glass ceiling.

Good stuff.

To be fair I think Clinton coined that phrase first, Michelle borrowed it.


Y2Kev said:
It's day 1. You can't have a brutal attack on McCain by Ted Kennedy and you obviously can't have Michelle do it. It just doesn't fit the message.

If Hillary isn't on the offensive tomorrow I'd be surprised.
Exactly. This was a feel good night for everyone to go to bed feeling "together." Tomorrow will be about beating the shit out of Republicans...together.
Y2Kev said:
It's day 1. You can't have a brutal attack on McCain by Ted Kennedy and you obviously can't have Michelle do it. It just doesn't fit the message.

If Hillary isn't on the offensive tomorrow I'd be surprised.

Seriously... if Michelle would have gotten negative, wow, it would have been horrible.


Frank the Great said:
How can I find out when each speech is taking place the following days?

I really want to see Biden but I'm going out tomorrow night.

Biden is Wednesday night, probably around 9 or 10.


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worldrunover said:
To be fair I think Clinton coined that phrase first, Michelle borrowed it.
Ah...plagiarism...taking one out of Biden's book AMIRITE?!

Ha! Hooo... boy.


Professional Schmuck
^ clearly. And let us also acknowledge that he's the Clinton attack dog, but negative attacks will ultimately win this election, unfortunately. They really just need to paint McCain as old. Just one tottering picture of him and he's done. Just one.

Frank the Great said:
How can I find out when each speech is taking place the following days?

I really want to see Biden but I'm going out tomorrow night.

every night from 7-11 eastern
monchi-kun said:
methinks dems are saving this for Biden's speech

The GOP will do this because they don't like their candidate and can find a lot of common ground on bashing Barack. Obama's message of hope and change should not be diluted on the first night by attacks. Tonight was uplifting, with Kennedy and Michelle, and it really was a calcifying of the party that should (hopefully) be completed tomorrow and Wednesday. And with that, you will see the attacks begin and the allegations fly. But tonight was a branding moment for Obama and the dems, one that didn't need to be dragged through the mud-slinging.


So there were at least four people in on the Obama assassination plot. And that's just what has been determined.

Security at Invesco Field will be crazy. Still, he's gonna be in front of a LOT of people, not just delegates.


Two things: Ben Smith's reaction:

Michelle could hardly have done better in the biggest speech of her career. She's been on the trail for more than a year, but still gives the impression of being a little realer than the seasoned pols.

Her voice was richly emotional from the start, and she battled tears at the end.

The speech may or may not reshape her image, but it's hard to imagine her having done better.
I thought for sure he's find a way to pan it.

Second, on going after McCain:

As dozens of Democrats prepare to address their convention in Denver over the next four days, three themes have become clear: hope, change, and John McCain's seven houses.

Barack Obama's convention is shaping up to be the toughest — and most negative — in the Democratic Party's recent history, a gathering modeled more on the Republican Party's attack-themed conventions than, in particular, on the determinedly high-minded Democratic National Convention in Boston four years ago.

"You'll see folks in no uncertain terms lay down exactly the differences between Barack Obama and John McCain," said Obama's press secretary, Bill Burton, who said that contrast would be one of the convention's two core messages. The convention's goal, he said, will be to "make sure the American people know who Barack Obama is and where he's going to take this country. And let people know the crystal-clear choice between Obama, who wants to fundamentally change business as usual in Washington, and John McCain, who is just more of the same."
The McCain hits are coming, starting tomorrow. Today wasn't the day.
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