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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Y2Kev said:
What a joke he is :lol

I love when he goes on Bill Maher and the audience laughs at him.

I always set my barometer to the audience on Bill Maher. I find his barely veiled disgust of them to be quite the vote of confidence.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I always set my barometer to the audience on Bill Maher. I find his barely veiled disgust of them to be quite the vote of confidence.

His network is like Real Time now. Which is awesome. Scarbs came out of his safe place that is Morning Joe and got verbally slapped by Keith just yesterday. And Maddow will pwn at a moments notice.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
PPP has McCain leading Obama by only three in North Carolina. Poll is of likely voters. Obama gets 84% of the black vote; I think that might be understating his support here a touch.

They also have Hagen beating Dole by three now.


NC and blacks giving Obama only 84% of the vote? :lol

John Kerry received 85% of the black vote in NC in 2004! Are they freaking telling Obama can't get more of the black vote in NC than Kerry?!

Amazing these polls are. :O
ViperVisor said:
His network is like Real Time now. Which is awesome. Scarbs came out of his safe place that is Morning Joe and got verbally slapped by Keith just yesterday. And Maddow will pwn at a moments notice.

He has a network?

Olbermann embarrassed himself last night by the way. You can tell by the way Matthews can barely contain his aghastedness sitting next to him. Dude is so insecure in is left wing bubble that he can't even for a moment allow that the Obama camp might be in a slightly more delicate position. I'm a hugley staunch Obama supporter but Olbs is just as embarrassing in his left wing maniacism as O'Reilly is in his right.

And I'm always up for a good pwning by Maddow.


testicles on a cold fall morning
speculawyer said:
That's what you get for linking to 'Newsbusters'. What's next? Worldnetdaily? NewsMax?
hey, we need GOP talking points and false outrage from somewhere. i would prefer NRO since JLo's missives are so cute.
siamesedreamer said:
FWIW, I honestly had never heard of Newsbusters before I read that article this weekend.

Carry on though...

No excuse. Whenever I post a link my first thought is "Is this site credible?"

There's no point in posting links from every and anything you find on the internet, since most of it is bullshit cooked up for hits.


Break out the POW images folks...

NBC’s First Read reported yesterday that the McCain campaign “will be prepared to show McCain's ‘home’ in Hanoi by using images of his cell. They claim they have not overused the POW element and insist they have ‘underused it.’"


PhoenixDark said:
Carville is wrong. The first night was for definition and re-introduction. Yesterday APF said he thought the Obama kids were the only vote getters of the night, and that mindset is similar to what Carville was saying.
I think your attempt to equate what Carville and I were saying in those instances is more than a bit of a stretch and actually kind of bizarre. In fact, the rest of your post supports the idea that these speeches in themselves are not prime vote getters--they're "introductions" and "warmups." Further, I don't know how many conventions you've been attentive to, but like debates and other political spectacles the way they shape popular opinion has an enormous amount to do with snapshots, soundbytes, and the post-event narrative. This is why they have the kids come out, why the nominee gives his wife a labored awkward kiss, etc.


Heh. McCain just pulled ahead in Gallup's tracking by two, first time since Obama won the nomination. Rasmussen dropped from Obama +3 to tied again. It's too early for any bounce effect, but it should make for an interesting news cycle.


Funny thing is that the people that blame Obama's lead on "White guilt" are the same people that are like "Of course I'm voting for Mccain he was a POW. Doesn't that make you feel HORRIBLE?!"



Crooks&Liars said:
As seen on the I-94 greeting motorists arriving from the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport, home to the Republican National Convention


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
I think your attempt to equate what Carville and I were saying in those instances is more than a bit of a stretch and actually kind of bizarre. In fact, the rest of your post supports the idea that these speeches in themselves are not prime vote getters--they're "introductions" and "warmups." Further, I don't know how many conventions you've been attentive to, but like debates and other political spectacles the way they shape popular opinion has an enormous amount to do with snapshots, soundbytes, and the post-event narrative. This is why they have the kids come out, why the nominee gives his wife a labored awkward kiss, etc.

So when is Obama ever suppose to answer the dumbest fucing question in American History? Which is who is Barack Obama?

All these ignorant people act like they might not vote for him because they don't know him. So now people are going to bitc because they know him?


GhaleonEB said:
Heh. McCain just pulled ahead in Gallup's tracking by two, first time since Obama won the nomination. Rasmussen dropped from Obama +3 to tied again. It's too early for any bounce effect, but it should make for an interesting news cycle.

I'm losing faith in America every day. This means that HouseGate didn't cause an Obama bounce and was actually detrimental to him.

I just don't get it. Here's to hoping for a bad sample on Friday.
GhaleonEB said:
Heh. McCain just pulled ahead in Gallup's tracking by two, first time since Obama won the nomination. Rasmussen dropped from Obama +3 to tied again. It's too early for any bounce effect, but it should make for an interesting news cycle.

This is MEGATON! for cable news. This will be the narrative for the next two weeks (even if Obama gets a bounce of +10 afterwards).

What's also interesting is the pundits and reporters have resigned themselves to believing that anything negative that John McCain does, he is somehow not being himself and he is somehow forced to behave that way by his campaign staff. This guy is being handled with kid gloves by the media. They have yet to go after him in any substantial way at all while papers are writing about Obama and Ayers.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
GhaleonEB said:
Heh. McCain just pulled ahead in Gallup's tracking by two, first time since Obama won the nomination. Rasmussen dropped from Obama +3 to tied again. It's too early for any bounce effect, but it should make for an interesting news cycle.

Honest to goodness, who are these people calling to poll? I do know that a lot of younger people only use cell phones to communicate. However, this shit seems weird.
McCain moves into 2 point lead 46-44



The official Gallup records will show that support for Obama declined by two percentage points in Gallup Poll Daily tracking (from 46% to 44%) conducted immediately before and after the Aug. 23 Biden announcement. (Because the announcement was made at 3 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 23, all Gallup interviewing conducted that day can be considered post announcement.)

Today's Gallup Poll Daily tracking result includes interviewing on the first night of the Democratic National Convention (Aug. 25). However, much of this interviewing, particularly in the East and Midwest, was conducted before the prime time convention speeches by Sen. Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama. The Gallup Poll Daily tracking results reported tomorrow may start to indicate whether voters are impressed enough by what they are seeing at the convention to give Obama the bounce that typically occurs as a result of a party's convention. -- Lydia Saad


Deus Ex Machina said:
(que requiem for a dream music and a montage of various people puking)

Honestly though, this poll is fucked up. No sign of change for the change to offense and the VP pick?


Agent Icebeezy said:
This is the hope.
Remember Gore/Bush? Expectations were set with Gore being a great debater. The media concluded Bush won because of mannerisms, make-up and head shaking.

Obama will not "win" the debates in the media. It's like how people expected McCain to get scrutiny after Hillary dropped out - and they are literally covering for him. They will do the same in the debates. And for the record, I'm not expecting any convention bounce for Obama in the national polling - maybe a point or two, at best.

I still think he'll win by a huge electoral margin. But people looking to national polls or the media for comfort are going to be increasingly upset.
Can anybody tell me the difference between civil unions and the ability to "enter into a legal contract and exchange powers of attorney" - the former of which McCain has explicitly stated he is against, but is in support of the latter? In my vague understanding, marriage > civil unions > legal contracts when it comes to domestic partner benefits and stuff. If anybody can provide me with a chart or list comparing the legal benefits granted under each circumstance, that would be a nice bonus.
GhaleonEB said:
Remember Gore/Bush? Expectations were set with Gore being a great debater. The media concluded Bush won because of mannerisms, make-up and head shaking.

Obama will not "win" the debates in the media. It's like how people expected McCain to get scrutiny after Hillary dropped out - and they are literally covering for him. They will do the same in the debates. And for the record, I'm not expecting any convention bounce for Obama in the national polling - maybe a point or two, at best.

I still think he'll win by a huge electoral margin. But people looking to national polls or the media for comfort are going to be increasingly upset.

Absolutely. On all counts.


Karma Kramer said:
This is not good that Obama didn't get a bounce from Biden... its going to drive a bad narrative on the media.

I'm pretty much done with the Media after watching them flip the script from "People Need To Know Obama" to "Why's He Spending All This Time Informing People About Himself". I'll watch Morning Joe and the post-speech commentary but I'm done with this Boss Tweed bullshit.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Does anyone here still go to Hillary is 44? It's still good for a few laughs :lol
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