OK, so i've been following every single one of the PoliGAF threads religiously for months on end, but I've never posted in any of them...
I'm posting now because I'm at the point where the pure stupidity of Americans(no offfence to you guys) is starting to scare me. I just can't fathom why after 8 years of the shit we just went through why McCain is still even an option for this country.
Granted I only became a citizen about 2 years ago, but ive lived 1/2 my life in the states.
This is the 1st time i'll be voting, and i never thought I'd be voting for a black man ever, not in this country(i'm black btw, just the way things are made that thought unfathomable to me a couple years ago). In some ways im very surprised by the fact that Barack made it as far as the Dem nominee.
I threatened to pack up and GTFO of America if Bush won a 2nd term, I'm still here <.<
But god damn i dont think i could sit by and watch the repubs steal a 3rd.
WTF is wrong w/ this country.
Im constantly watching the news and by god its just unbearable, babbling heads left right and center and no one talking about the real issues we need to discuss. All im hearing is:
Obama -do we really know him, when will we really know him...his wife is angry, what are his policies blah blah blah...
I understand why the media is doing what they are doing, corporate sponsors and all, but at what point as a nation will people demand truth and policy coverage instead of all the trivial bullshit.
The rest of the world is looking on, every other f'n country in the world knows what we have/need to do, but here we are as a country totally stumbling....again.
It makes no diff to any of you guys, but seriously I think i will need to leave and revoke my citizenship if the repubs take it again. As a country we cant be this fucking stupid... we just can't.
My money doesnt go nearly as far as it used to, we are making no real strides to any form of energy independence, we love blowing shit up and starting wars, treat the vets like shit,
purposefully dumb down the kids, the state of healthcare sucks.....etc etc....
......sorry for my rant, but this is what happens when i cant wrap my head around something(in this case, the stupidity of americans ::again no offense to you guys: