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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
CNN is interviewing some crying hilary delegate, going on how that was a presidential speech, that she won't endorse Obama yet and plans to do vote for hilary and that Obama has "2 months" to convince her


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sp0rsk said:
I'm actually with APF with Michelle being distracting during her speech. I thought Hillary nailed it.

Also, we need an anigif of Bill mouthing "I love you" just before Hillary's speech.

I also agreed with APF's review. I cannot clean it off me. Hillary is just more practiced. Michelle's was awesome for a "beginner."
laserbeam said:
Hillary had to give the speech for her career. The Speech was good but it was apparent when you view the whole speech that it was halfhearted. Her best attack was the twin cities and bush/mccain line and that is shown to not be very reliable in polls.
Right now? No. However, this has clearly been the challenge for Obama. This could be a very effective line in the classic "new challenger who is up against the incumbent" story of many, many political races. However, up until this point, McCain has been successful in framing the race around Barack Obama. McCain is bullet-proof simply because nobody really cares about him right now. Obama's challenge is to get people to actually pay attention to his opponent, and it will be a much easier race for him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This fucking stupid woman on CNN is saying the opposite of what she wants to. Are people THAT mental? She's also talking about civil rights!!!




That delegate is a moron. Hilary lost. Stop being so frikken bitter, you clown!

You can just tell she's ignorant. A fan of Hilary and nothing else...


has calmed down a bit.
FlightOfHeaven said:
That's because it's not. Most everyone there has had campaign experience before.

If I'm not mistaken, they weren't all on the same campaign together, so for all intents and purposes, this is their first national campaign together. Unlike Hillary's team. They all had experience, but to come together and be so cohesive is very impressive to me.


Gold Member
Zoe said:
OMG, this lady in tears on CNN :lol

I bet she's a Hillaryis44 idiot. Seriously, all that drama, tears, and inner turmoil because she hates McCain but can't vote for a candidate that isn't Clinton.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
laserbeam said:
Fox News Online stream said it was very good speech. I swear the net feed is like the opposite of usual Fox News.

Murdoch is turning like a ship. Slow, purposefully. He did it for Labor in the UK. Soon he will have to lock horns with Ailes. I am serious too. His lip service to Obama will become actual support. You will see it in the newspapers first. Fox News TV will be last. And there may be a fight.
Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?

Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have that chart showing Joe Biden's net worth in the senate?


Sorry really important having a debate right now.


*drowns in jizz*
God, that Hillary delegate pissed me off (the black woman). What the fuck? It sounded like I was in the fucking republican convention. And of course, they kept the camera on her for 10 minutes. Didn't you just hear Clinton's speech, you dipshit?

'' I won't vote McCain.. but I dont know..... WAAAAAAAAAAA..... Experience..WAAAAAAAAA.. Hillary...WAAAAAAAAA...I don't know about Obama.... *incoherent bullshit for 10 minutes"


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Atrus said:
I bet she's a Hillaryis44 idiot. Seriously, all that drama, tears, and inner turmoil because she hates McCain but can't vote for a candidate that isn't Clinton.

Her actual stated argument, in spite of the perfect alignment on policy, is that experience counts. Like it's a magic hat.

No magic hat, no vote.


RubxQub said:
Playing us like a fiddle...how? What exactly is she tricking us into or leading us to believe that is false?

hillary says this at night while during the day bill says you need to decide if you want someone who you agree with 100% but cant do anything and someone who you agree with 50% but can get stuff done. wink wink. then leaks that hes not going to obamas speech.


force push the doodoo rock
minus_273 said:
hillary says this at night while during the day bill says you need to decide if you want someone who you agree with 100% but cant do anything and someone who you agree with 50% but can get stuff done. wink wink. then leaks that hes not going to obamas speech.

Please, for the love of god, proper punctuation is your friend.


minus_273 said:
hillary says this at night while during the day bill says you need to decide if you want someone who you agree with 100% but cant do anything and someone who you agree with 50% but can get stuff done. wink wink. then leaks that hes not going to obamas speech.

Seriously I think people are in a dream world if they dont see the speech for what it was. A Forced must do to keep political career move.

Clintons has been having "leaks" for awhile now that are consistent in bashing Obama etc


Holy shit Colbert's voice is SEXY tonight. I want to do things to him that were illegal in multiple state prior to Lawrence


laserbeam said:
Seriously I think people are in a dream world if they dont see the speech for what it was. A Forced must do to keep political career move.

Clintons has been having "leaks" for awhile now that are consistent in bashing Obama etc

look at the other posters around you thinking this won the election. i know this was forced, you know it was forced and the media is telling people it was forced.

let's keep in mind the clintons were painted as racists during the primary. that's not your usual political attack and Bill is still mad
the GOP responds:
The McCain campaign responded, seizing on Clinton not explicitly saying Obama was ready to be Commander-in-Chief: “Senator Clinton ran her presidential campaign making clear that Barack Obama is not prepared to lead as commander in chief," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said. "Nowhere tonight did she alter that assessment. Nowhere tonight did she say that Barack Obama is ready to lead. Millions of Hillary Clinton supporters and millions of Americans remain concerned about whether Barack Obama is ready to be President.”

really? REALLY? thats their response?
laserbeam said:
Seriously I think people are in a dream world if they dont see the speech for what it was. A Forced must do to keep political career move.

Clintons has been having "leaks" for awhile now that are consistent in bashing Obama etc
Well, as fun as it was to debate the drama on these forums as the primaries unfolded, what difference does it make now? She made the speech that she needed to make. Whether it was disingenuous or not is just a venture into tabloid style nonsense.


force push the doodoo rock
minus_273 said:
and with that you refute my point that the clintons are sending opposite signals to different audiences.
Even if I wanted to refute you, I can't because I don't know what you're trying to say.
Hillary was way too vague, didn't address her previous remarks that the McCain campaign is using in their ads, and she padded the shit out of that speech talking about superfluous shit that she has beaten to death like stories of Americans who are struggling.

She half assed it. She could have gone hard on McCain, she could have gone into specifics on Obama and for FUCK'S SAKE stop that "Getting a Democrat in the office" shit. This is about getting OBAMA in the office, not "a Democrat".

Like the dude on CNN is saying right now, Hillary said NOTHING about the whole "experience" angle.
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