I'm missing a lot, so any help that cuts down the grinding is worthwhile to me.
My ID is the same as my GAF name (corrosivefrost). Add me and tell me what I need to do to help you (and have you help me).
Okay then, I'll add you in a minute

Even if you don't have any new bounties for me, I'll keep updating for anyone who wants to complete their bounties.
What you need to do would be to check near often, update it (the big near icon on the upper right) and see all the new goods you get. If you get bounties for Uncharted, go to the black market in the live area menu of the game. You'll need to have a certain update to have black market I think. Once you access the black market, let it take you to near, there you need to DL the bounties you've found, then go back to the game. It will then tell you all the bounties you have received. You should quit black market and go back to the main menu of the game (don't quit by closing the live area yet!), you will then receive a message that tells you you can upload your bounties through near. So once you quit the game, go to near and update your ID. You update it through that big near icon on the upper right again. That's how others can receive your bounties. It might work a bit differently with other games, but you update them all through the upper right icon for the most part.
If you're searching for specific bounties, you need to select that certain category before you go back to the main menu of the game. Say if you need one more gold coin, don't forget to highlight that category before you go back to the main menu.
Shinriji said:
Hang in there. Only 4 for the plat (2 Cadiz and 2 Gold). Keep checking Near everyday.
I've been a bit rusty with Near for the last couple of days and missed your bounties

Okay, will do. Thank you.
Yopis said:
Hey im trading still. Add me I will help out psn kincade
I hope you don't mind me adding you as well